ROH on Honor Club Results – 8/1/2024

We open with a video package running down the events of Death Before Dishonor, narrated by new ROH board member Paul Wight. We run down the card, and afterward we take a look at Dustin Rhodes and The Von Erichs winning the ROH World Six Man Titles at Battle of the Belts last Saturday.

And after our opening sequence, we’re going to the title match first!

MATCH 1 – Iron Savages & Jacked Jameson vs. Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs – ROH Six Man Title Match
I have issues with the only title match on your show being the opener, not the main event. But here we are. Jacked Jameson and Ross start a push-up contest. Bronson tries to participate from the ring apron, but falls off. Ian mentions the brothers taking on the Briscoes at the Ric Flair’s Last Match show. As Dustin tags in, Ian points out that this trio is 2-0 in ROH action, with wins at Death Before Dishonor (Dark Order), and Battle of the Belts (Undisputed Kingdom). The trio also beat an enhancement trio on an episode of Rampage back in February. Dustin plays in peril as Ian and Caprice discuss the variety of teams in the Six Man Division–The Righteous, Shane Taylor Promotions, Top Flight, etc. Marshall gets the hot tag and goes wild. Aubrey stops Shattered Dreams, but as she ushers Dustin away from the corner, the Von Erichs oblige. Marshall applies the Iron Claw, and Ross picks up Jameson in a back suplex for the win.
Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs def. Iron Savages & Jacked Jameson (Marshall pins Jameson) after an iron claw/backdrop suplex combo in 12:17.

We head backstage with Mark and Baby Jay Briscoe for some comments after the main event of Death Before Dishonor. Mark says the more things change, the more they stay the same. Says after even 20 years, Roderick can still go. He thanks The Conglomeration for having his back

MATCH 2 – Top Flight vs. Ace of Space Academy (LSG/The Phoenix GKM)
And Leila Grey is now packaged with Top Flight as (and I swear I’m not making this up) a flight attendant. LSG has a long history in ROH, making his ROH TV debut all the way back in 2015. He also notched a spot in the 2016 Top Prospect Tournament, where he lost in the first round. He also teamed with Shaheem Ali as Coast 2 Coast.
Top Flight def. Ace of Space Academy (Darius Martin pins GKM) in 4:20.

Backstage The Infantry is trying to figure out that despite their popularity, and despite their wins, they’re not getting the same opportunities as other teams. Carlie Bravo is a little aggravated at Top Flight being on every show. Shawn Dean concludes: “we’re putting everyone on notice that we’re coming for everything we deserve.”

We also have a video package of the Texas Death Match between Leyla Hirsch and Diamante. Ian reports that Leyla dislocated her elbow on the moonsault off the ladder.

MATCH 3 – Robyn Renegade vs. Maya World
Maya’s last appearance on Honor Club was two weeks ago in a loss to Red Velvet. She’s also coming off a loss to Thunder Rosa on the July 27 Collision. Robyn’s last appearance was three weeks ago, taking the loss in a three-way with Taya Valkyrie and Marina Shafir.
Robyn Renegade pins Maya World with a pumphandle facebuster in 1:54.

Backstage, Melissa Santos is with Anthony Henry. Just as she asks about JD Drake, Henry is interrupted by BEEF. They’re second cousins (by marriage, Henry stipulates). Henry will be in action later tonight against Wheeler Yuta.

MATCH 4 – The Beast Mortos vs. AR Fox
Mortos is coming off a pinfall victory over Mark Briscoe last night on Dynamite, easily his biggest singles win to date in ROH. Fox’s last appearance on Honor Club was a loss in a three way to Mortos, which also included Blake Christian, back on April 25. Fox runs around the ring on the outside for a strike on a seated Mortos, but gets cut off. Likewise, Mortos goes to circle the ring, and Fox squares the circle and cuts him off with a suicide dive on the other side. Fox hits a dive over the corner to the outside, and follows it with a 450 splash for a near fall. Fox goes for a headscissors, but gets caught in a torture rack, and dropped into a backbreaker. Then a powerbomb backbreaker. Then a discus lariat for two. Fox escapes the scoop piledriver, but after a few counters, Mortos drills him with it for the win.
The Beast Mortos pins AR Fox with a scoop piledriver in 10:39.

Backstage it’s MXM Collection. Whether you come at them from the left, the right, or straight at them, the MXM Collection always comes out on top.

MATCH 5 – Anthony Henry vs. Wheeler Yuta
BEEF is seated ringside. Caprice Coleman goes for a Where’s The Beef joke. By the way, that ad campaign for Wendy’s is 40 years old. Additional wrestling tie in for that joke: Clara Peller, the woman involved in making that joke for the ad campaign was a special guest at WrestleMania 2 in Chicago. Anyway, this is a step closer to my Anthony Henry for Pure Division agenda. Interestingly, BEEF has also appeared twice on ROH TV to date, in a losing effort against Cage of Agony on Ep. 61, and in a loss to Lee Moriarty and (yes) The Workhorsemen way back on Ep. 27. Henry is focusing on the neck of Wheeler Yuta, given Yuta’s history of concussions. But Yuta is able to counter out, as these two are putting on a clinic. Henry gets a long two count on a straitjacket German suplex. The two both grab wrist control and trade upkicks (Henry) and stomps (Yuta). Yuta gets the upper hand, and rolls up Henry with the seat belt for the win.
Wheeler Yuta pins Anthony Henry with a seat belt in 10:05.

Post match, Henry catches some flak from his cousin BEEF, while Yuta celebrates with the fan whose sign got destroyed in the opener (oopsie in the match order there).

From last Friday, Lee Moriarty offers comments after winning the Pure Title, defeating arguably the greatest Pure Champions in ROH history. When I say I’m one the best young technical wrestlers in he world, now I have the hardware to back it up. This is the Renaissance Era of the pure division.

MATCH 6 – The Premier Athletes vs. Supastarz
The Supastarz are giving big Ring Crew Express vibes, from early ROH, and it gives Ian and Caprice license to rattle off as many 80’s hair metal staples as they can. The Supastarz are Nikki Eight and Tommy Mars, as we’re just going all in with the Motley Crue references. For those interested, Mars has the slightly shorter hair of the duo. Either way, the Premier Athletes have their way with them. Daivari clears the ring, hits a twisting hammerlock lariat on Eight, and finishes with the top rope splash.
The Premier Athletes def. The Supastarz (Daivari pins Eight) with a top rope splash in 2:42.

Backstage, we got to Anthony Henry, who is frustrated about tonight’s loss. He is again interrupted by Beef and his relentless positivity (and inexplicable wetness). This could be a fun pairing.

MATCH 7 – Jacoby Watts vs. Fuego del Sol
Watts was last seen in the ring on Honor Club in a win over Brandon Cutler six weeks ago. Watts gets on the microphone, and says he is the solution to Fuego’s problems, and if Fuego had a man like Watts in his corner, maybe he would never have left. Fuego answers that with a dropkick and we’re underway. Watts takes back over catching a top rope crossbody and turning it into a facebuster. Watts gets cocky though and Fuego takes back over. Fuego hits a step-up double stomp to the back of the head and his Tornado DDT and that’s that.
Fuego del Sol pins Jacoby Watts with a tornado DDT in 2:47.

After Death Before Dishonor, Athena congratulating Lexy for her plan working to successfully defend the ROH Women’s World Title at Death Before Dishonor. Billie Starkz is being conspicuously ignored, but tells the camera she’s “for the team” before leaving. Looks like we’re setting up Athena/Billie III for Final Battle. At least that’s my guess.

MATCH 8 – Brian Cage vs. Rocky Romero
To my knowledge, this is a first-time singles match, but they’ve been on the opposite side of a handful of tags. Cage invites a punch from Rocky who winds up…and winds up…and pokes him in the eye. Tremendous. King of Sneaky Style indeed. These guys are a combined over 80 years of age between them, but you very much wouldn’t know it. Rocky’s speed keeps him in it, but then Cage catches him, and dominates again. Rocky’s first big score is hitting a sliced bread (Shiranui) on the apron at around the 6 minute mark. He later goes for another in the ring, but Cage counters to an F5 for two. Rocky counters a top rope powerbomb into an avalanche hurricanrana and adds a running Shiranui for a great near fall. Cage fights back with a big lariat and a spinning sit out powerbomb for two. Cage goes for something out of the corner, but loses his footing, and manages to turn it into a throw from the second rope for two. He follows it up with a Drill Claw for the win.
Brian Cage pins Rocky Romero with the Drill Claw in 12:06.

Back to last Friday, as the Undisputed Kingdom defended the Tag Team Titles against Kyle O’Reilly and Tomohiro Ishii. Kyle Fletcher intervenes to help the Kingdom retain.

We go backstage with Melissa Santos, who tells Taven it’s clear they’ll do whatever it takes to retain the tag team titles. “Calm down, Mrs. Wolverine, you’re being very condescending,” Taven says. As Bennett talks about how much these belts mean, before The Infantry interrupts. They’re on a four match winning streak. They’re not asking anymore, they’re demanding. Last time they faced The Undisputed Kingdom, they screwed them out of the titles. The Infantry wants another shot, and they want it soon. Bennett and Taven accept.

Dustin Rhodes is out again. Is our main event a talking segment? Interesting. He says the Von Erichs are taking their dad home, but he wanted to come out to talk about what this means to him as it’s been a long time since he’s had a title around his waist. The best I can find, the last title he held was the WWE Tag Team Titles, as Goldust, with Stardust. Wonder what ever happened to that kid. He’s excited to team with the Von Erichs and hopefully take the Six Man titles to the next level. He thanks the fans for their emotion and talks about how much it means. “I’ve been on this ‘One last ride’ for five years. It doesn’t seem like the ride is ever going to end, and I hope it doesn’t, because I’m having the time of my life.” Talks about his motto he got from his dad, “Keep steppin.” He’s feeling very confident and he wants more. Evil Uno interrupts, appalled that Dustin wants more. “It’s been five decades, Dustin Rhodes. Have you not had enough?” Uno delivers some major passion. Uno doesn’t give a damn about family names. “This is Ring of Honor. Where were you week in, week out, when we were rebuilding?” If Dustin is going to take away these titles from the Dark Order, Dark Order is going to take “One last ride” away from Dustin. Reynolds and Silver attack, clipping Dustin’s knee. As a chair comes into the ring, Sammy Guevara makes his ROH TV debut, coming to Dustin’s rescue, and sending Dark Order scattering. Sammy extends the hand to Dustin, who doesn’t seem certain about trusting him. After a few moments thought, a handshake and embrace to the cheers of the crowd.

Dustin and Sammy celebrate in the ring as Ian wishes us HAPPY WRESTLING, EVERYBODY!

Total Episode Time: 1:47:17
Total Match Time: 56:50 (52.97%)
Avg. Match Time: 7:06

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