WWE SummerSlam Review (August 3rd, 2024)

On August 3rd, 2024 WWE aired the 37th annual SummerSlam live in Cleveland Ohio inside Cleveland Browns Stadium & can watch the show on Peacock (United States) & WWE Network (Everywhere Else).

-Kicking off SummerSlam with Triple H makes his way out to ask the Cleveland crowd if they’re ready. He welcomes the Cleveland fans and fans at home to SummerSlam then throws it over to Jelly Roll & he performs his song Liar as a video hyping up SummerSlam plays for fans at home.

-The host of SummerSlam The Miz then appears in the crowd to welcome fans to SummerSlam.

Women’s World Title Match
Liv Morgan (c) vs. Rhea Ripley

Liv Morgan rolls out of the ring looking to escape Rhea Ripley so Ripley chases her around the outside and Morgan slides back into the ring. Ripley gets back in but Morgan rolls right back out.

Ripley follows her but Morgan gets back inside.

Morgan slides out once again and Ripley pretends to follow but stops herself when Morgan gets back inside the ring.

Ripley hits Morgan with 3 clotheslines and a Full Nelson suplex then follows Morgan out of the ring and high 5s Dominik Mysterio.

Ripley then becomes affectionate with Mysterio and sends Morgan repeatedly crashing into the barricade then hits a chop to her and sends her face bouncing off the ring steps.

She gets Morgan back inside the ring then connects with a headbutt on her and hits Riptide to her in the corner.

She sets up for a 2nd one but Morgan escapes and sends Ripley crashing hard into the middle turnbuckle shoulder first in an effort to target the shoulder she had previously injured.

Ripley slides out of the ring to recover and regroups with Mysterio.

Morgan surprises her with a pump kick and a stomp then gets her back inside the ring and goes for a pin.

Ripley kicks out and Morgan continues to wear down her shoulder.

Ripley hits a boot on Morgan then slides back out of the rig to regroup with Mysterio once again.

Morgan looks to surprise Ripley with a tope suicida but Mysterio pushes Ripley out of the way and takes the move. They get back inside the ring and Ripley lands a boot on Morgan’s jaw.

She then dropkicks her into the corner and sends Morgan crashing into the mat face first then goes for a pin but Morgan kicks out.

Ripley sets up for Riptide but Morgan counters into an elevated DDT and goes for a pin but Ripley kicks out.

Morgan ascends to the middle rope but Ripley pulls her down and cinches in Prism Trap.

Morgan sends Ripley crashing into the corner to break the hold then hits a Crucifix Bomb and goes for a pin.

Ripley kicks out and Morgan looks to lock in a Cross Armbreaker but Ripley prevents her from cinching in the hold with an S Grip.

She then makes it up to her feet and hits a powerbomb to Morgan before she goes for a pin.

Morgan kicks out and Ripley sends her crashing out of the ring.

Morgan grabs a chair from the timekeepers area and brings it into the ring.

The referee orders her to dispose of it as Ripley tries gaining some feeling back into her shoulder.

Ripley knocks the chair out of Morgan’s hand and hits another Riptide then grabs the chair and looks to use it.

Mysterio takes the chair from her before she can use it and an enraged Ripley stares him down and gets in his face.

Morgan takes advantage and dropkicks Ripley into Mysterio then lands ObLIVion and goes for a pin but Ripley somehow manages to kick out.

Mysterio slides the chair back in the ring and distracts the referee.

Morgan takes advantage and lands a 2nd ObLIVion on Ripley on top of the chair for the win.

Winner & Still Women’s World Champion: Liv Morgan (15:53) (STILL CHAMPION!!!)
Rate: 7

-After the match Mysterio helps Morgan up and kisses her as a heartbroken and enraged Ripley watches on. He then places the Women’s World Title on Morgan’s shoulder and puts his arm around her as they make their way to the back together.

-We then head backstage to Judgment Day’s clubhouse where an enraged World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest enters looking for Dominik Mysterio. He asks Finn Balor if he knew what Mysterio was going to do and Balor says he wasn’t. Balor, JD McDonagh & Carlito then go off to look for Mysterio to allow Priest to continue preparing for his World Heavyweight Title match.

Intercontinental Title Match
Sami Zayn (c) vs. Bron Breakker

Bron Breakker charges at Sami Zayn but Zayn moves out of the way and Breakker is sent crashing into the corner shoulder first.

Zayn then flies over the top rope to level Breakker then dumps him back inside the ring and ascends to the top rope.

He looks to fly but Breakker moves out of the way then looks to land Helluva Kick but Breakker avoids it.

Zayn rolls up Breakker but Breakker kicks out and connects with a clothesline.

He fires off right hands on Zayn’s head in the corner before they teeter on the ropes and Breakker hits a hurricanrana to Zayn then goes for a pin but Zayn kicks out.

Breakker then fires off more right hands on Zayn’s head then fires off more on Zayn’s midsection and gets in his face.

Zayn responds with a series of strikes and a clothesline to Breakker then fires off right hands on Breakker’s spine and looks to send him crashing into the mat.

Breakker escapes and ascends to the middle rope then looks to fly.

Zayn intercepts him with a Blue Thunder Bomb and goes for a pin but Breakker kicks out.

Breakker then hits a jumping knee on Zayn but Zayn responds with an exploder suplex to him and lines up for Helluva Kick.

Breakker catches Zayn with a spear then runs the ropes and hits a 2nd one for the win.

Winner & New Intercontinental Champion: Bron Breakker (5:42) (NEW CHAMPION!!!)
Rate: 6

United States Title Match
Logan Paul (c) vs. LA Knight

Logan Paul clocks LA Knight on the apron and sends him crashing to the outside.

Knight fires off strikes on Paul but Paul responds with several of his own.

Knight sends Paul crashing into the barricade near the timekeeper’s area then sends his face bouncing off the ring apron and into the giant PRIME Hydration Drink bottle at ringside.

He uses the cart it’s sitting on to hit Paul with then gets in MGK’s face.

Paul then spits PRIME Hydration Drink into Knight’s face and clears the announce desk.

Paul looks to send Knight’s face bouncing off the announce desk but Knight sends his face bouncing off it instead and finds himself on top of it with Paul.

Knight then hits a neckbreaker to Paul on top of the announce desk then Knight dumps Paul in the ring and follows him. The bell sounds and Knight fires off shoulders on Paul’s midsection.

Knight then delivers an Atomic Drop to Paul and sends him crashing into the mat before he looks to land an elbow drop.

Paul sees Knight coming then sends him crashing into adjacent ring posts shoulder fist and hits him with a clothesline. He fires off right hands on him, then levels him with a boot and a split legged leg drop.

He goes for a pin but Knight kicks out and they shove one another.

They then exchange strikes but Knight fires off several right hands on Paul.

Paul sends Knight crashing into the mat and goes for a pin but Knight kicks out.

Knight hits a powerslam to Paul then sends him crashing into the corner and fires off stomps on his chest.

Knight sends Paul crashing into the mat and ascends up to the middle rope then hits an elbow drop and goes for a pin.

Paul kicks out then connects with a springboard clothesline on Knight that sends him crashing off the apron and to the outside.

Paul hits a springboard moonsault off the top rope to Knight on the outside then dumps him back into the ring and likes for his signature right hand. Knight avoids it but Paul hits a backslide.

Knight kicks out and Paul clocks him with his signature right hand then goes for a pin but Knight kicks out.

Paul ascends to the top rope and looks to land a Frog Splash but Knight avoids it and looks to land BFT.

Paul moves out of the way and Knight is sent crashing into the mat face first.

They then teeter on the ropes but Knight connects with a superplex on Paul and goes for a pin.

Paul kicks out. Paul then rakes Knight’s eyes while the referee isn’t looking and calls for his brass knuckles from MGK in the crowd.

Knight catches Paul with a baseball slide from under the rope then drags Jeff & Paul’s other friend into ringside.

He fires off stomps on them but Paul clocks Knight on his spine and sends him crashing into the ring post shoulder first.

He dumps him back inside the ring then calls for MGK to give him his brass knuckles & MGK does so and Paul slides them on.

Paul then hits Knight with the brass knuckles and looks to land a lariat from the apron but Knight sees him coming and hits BFT for the win.

Winner & New United States Champion: LA Knight (12:04) (NEW CHAMPION!!!!)
Rate: 7

Women’s Title Match
Bayley (c) vs. 2024 Queen Of The Ring Winner Nia Jax

Nia Jax goes straight after Bayley.

Bayley fires off a right hand and a boot on Jax’s shoulder then looks to land a shoulder on her midsection.

Jax intercepts her and looks to land a powerbomb but Bayley escapes.

Jax then manages to land a Samoan Drop on Bayley and shoves her then jams her boot into Bayley’s head and dumps her across the ring.

Jax lands an elbow drop on Bayley before Bayley catches her with a side suplex.

Bayley then levels Jax and dumps her out of the ring but Jax pulls Bayley out to join her.

She lands a headbutt on her then looks to land a leg drop on her on the apron.

Bayley moves out of the way and sends Jax crashing into the barricade then lands a splash on her using the ring steps as a launching pad and fires off right hands on her.

Bayley then gets Jax back in the ring and ascends to the top rope but Jax trips her and looks to land a delayed vertical suplex.

Bayley counters into a submission hold but Jax sends her crashing into the mat face first.

Jax hits a leg drop to Bayley and goes for a pin but Bayley kicks out.

Jax then looks to land a 2nd leg drop off the middle rope but Bayley moves out of the way and hits Bayley 2 Belly. She goes for a pin but Jax kicks out.

Jax then connects with An Nia Lator then goes for a pin but Bayley kicks out.

Jax lands a pair of headbutts on Bayley but Bayley sends her crashing into the ring post shoulder first.

Bayley looks to land a tope suicida on Jax on the outside but Jax catches her on her shoulders and lands a Samoan Drop.

She dumps Bayley back inside the ring and connects with a hip attack then sets up for the An Nia Lator.

Bayley avoids it and pulls Jax off the ropes with a powerbomb then follows it up with an elbow drop off the middle rope and goes for a pin. Jax kicks out.

Tiffany Stratton’s music hits and she runs down to the ring with her Money In The Bank briefcase in hand and a referee. Bayley clocks her on the apron and pins Jax but Jax kicks out.

Bayley rocks Jax with a knee to the side of her head then runs the ropes.

Jax catches her and lands a pair of powerbombs then hits 2 An Nia Lators for the win.

Winner & New Women’s Champion: Nia Jax (12:33) (NEW CHAMPION!!!)
Rate: 6

Drew McIntyre vs. CM Punk

Both men waste no time firing off right hands on one another before CM Punk fires off stomps on Drew McIntyre but Rollins pulls him off.

Punk gets in Rollins’ face allowing McIntyre to blindside him and fire off stomps of his own on Punk in the corner. Rollins then pulls McIntyre off Punk but McIntyre pushes Rollins out of the way.

Punk hits a clothesline to McIntyre off the middle rope and fires off right hands on him but McIntyre shoves Punk and connects with a chop.

He follows it up with a right hand but Punk clotheslines McIntyre out of the ring and hits a clothesline off the apron.

Punk then sends McIntyre crashing into the ring post and sends his head repeatedly bouncing off the ring steps as an amused Rollins watches on.

McIntyre sends Punk crashing into the announce desk shoulder first a couple of times then connects with a chop on him as Rollins hops onto the apron to get a closer look.

McIntyre catapults Punk into the bottom of the ring frame then dumps him back inside.

McIntyre lands a chop on Punk then stomps on his previously injured tricep and hits a suplex.

He goes for a pin but Punk quickly kicks out after Rollins hasn’t even started counting the pin.

McIntyre continues stomping on Punk’s tricep then hits him with a chop as Rollins applauds him.

McIntyre hits a belly 2 belly suplex and pins Punk but Rollins doesn’t make the count quick enough.

McIntyre powerbombs Punk then follows it up with a sit out powerbomb and grabs a chair from ringside.

He brings it inside the ring then tells Rollins to turn around and let him use the chair.

Rollins does so but quickly turns around and grabs the chair from McIntyre before he can use it.

Rollins and McIntyre then get in each other’s face and Rollins looks to clock McIntyre with the chair.

He almost hits Punk but stops himself and tosses the chair out of the ring.

While Rollins disposes of the chair Punk rolls up McIntyre. Rollins misses the fall and McIntyre kicks out.

McIntyre then hits a neckbreaker and places Punk’s bracelet with his wife and dog’s name on it.

He sets up for the Claymore but Punk intercepts him with a kick and a twisting neckbreaker.

Punk lands a pair of running knees on McIntyre then hits a clothesline and ascends to the top rope.

He blows a kiss to Rollins then lands an elbow drop on McIntyre and goes for a pin.

Rollins counts the fall after a second but McIntyre kicks out.

Punk then locks in the Anaconda Vice and takes his bracelet off McIntyre’s wrist forcing himself to break the hold. He turns around into a Claymore from McIntyre and McIntyre pins him but Punk kicks out.

McIntyre stares down Rollins and sets up for Future Shock DDT but Punk escapes and McIntyre is sent crashing into the ring post shoulder first.

Punk calls for Go 2 Sleep but becomes distracted by Rollins when he spots his bracelet on his wrist.

McIntyre clocks Punk from behind but clocks Rollins in the process.

McIntyre sets up for Future Shock DDT but Punk escapes and looks to land the Go To Sleep.

Punk goes for a pin but no one is there to count the fall as Rollins slides back in the ring and begins a count but McIntyre kicks out.

An enraged Punk gets in Rollins’ face but Rollins fights back and berates Punk.

Punk has heard enough and hits Go 2 Sleep to Rollins then takes his bracelet back and puts it on his wrist.

McIntyre then low blows Punk and hits Claymore for the win.

Winner: Drew McIntyre (16:58)
Rate: 7

-After the match McIntyre takes back Punk’s bracelet and kisses it. He stands on Punk and holds up his own hand.

-We then head backstage to Judgment Day’s clubhouse where Damian Priest & Finn Balor apologize to one another after their heated confrontation earlier tonight. Balor tells Priest that he’s there at ringside if Priest changes his mind about wanting him there.

World Heavyweight Title Match
Damian Priest (c) vs. 2024 King Of The Ring Winner Gunther

Damian Priest lands a series of strikes on Gunther.

Gunther responds with several of his own but Priest sends him crashing out of the ring and hits a right hand to him using the ring steps as a launching pad.

Gunther sends Priest crashing into the ring post spine first then sends him crashing onto the ring apron and sends him into it for a 2nd time spine first.

Gunther gets Priest back inside the ring and connects with a bodyslam then fires off a few right hands and a Mongolian Chop.

He looks to land a vertical suplex on Gunther but Gunther prevents him from doing so and lands a suplex.

He goes for a pin but Priest kicks out.

Gunther then hits a chop to Priest and lands a boot before he ascends to the top rope.

Priest intercepts Gunther with an open palm strike then sits him on the top rope and connects with a hurricanrana.

He follows it up with a Broken Arrow and goes for a pin but Gunther kicks out.

Priest fires off a series of kicks on Gunther’s chest then fires off chops and kicks on Gunther.

Gunther then connects with a low single leg dropkick and a powerbomb on Priest then goes for a pin but Priest kicks out.

Priest responds with a spinning roundhouse kick and South Of Heaven then goes for a pin but Gunther kicks out.

Priest looks to land a 2nd spinning roundhouse kick on Priest but Gunther intercepts it and hits Priest with a clothesline. He goes for a pin, but Priest kicks out.

Gunther lands a boot across Priest’s face but Priest tells Gunther to bring on more.

Finn Balor appears at ringside to hype up Priest as Gunther continues wearing him down.

Priest lands a couple right hands but Gunther levels him and lands a boot on Priest’s midsection.

Gunther connects with a boot on Balor on the outside and Priest becomes fired up.

He runs over Gunther with a pair of clotheslines and hits Razor’s Edge to him then follows it up with South Of Heaven and goes for a pin.

Balor places Gunther’s foot on the bottom rope to break the fall and Priest sees what happened when watching the replay on one of the screens in the Cleveland Browns Stadium.

Balor slowly turns around and Priest looks to go after him.

Gunther stops him from doing so and locks in a Sleeper on Priest but Priest counters into a pin to escape but Gunther kicks out.

Priest goes after Balor on the outside but Gunther intercepts him and hits a powerbomb then locks the Sleeper back in and Priest fades.

Winner By Submission & New World Heavyweight Champion: Gunther (16:38) (NEW CHAMPION!!!)
Rate: 8 (Recommend)

-Awesome Truth appear in the ring to give the attendance count for the night in the Cleveland Browns Stadium. A Town Down Under interrupts them and takes shots at both Awesome Truth, Jelly Roll and the Cleveland Browns before Jelly Roll slides in the ring with a chair in hand. Awesome Truth hits kicks to A Town Down Under & Jelly Roll hits them in their spine with a chair. He then hits a chokeslam to Austin Theory and a triple 5 Knuckle Shuffle with Awesome Truth.

Undisputed WWE Title Bloodline Rules Match
Cody Rhodes (c) vs. Solo Sikoa

Match starts off with a lock up.

Sikoa runs over Rhodes with a shoulder tackle but Rhodes quickly makes his way back up to his feet as Sikoa holds up the 1 symbol.

Rhodes looks to land the Drop Down Right on Sikoa but Sikoa catches it.

Sikoa hits a boot to Rhodes’ midsection then connects with a chop and dumps Rhodes out of the ring.

Rhodes hangs on and skins the cat then dumps Sikoa onto the apron and hits a kick out of the corner to him.

He follows it up with a tope suicida and sends Rhodes face bouncing off the ring steps twice then holds up the One symbol once again.

Sikoa & Rhodes return to the ring and Rhodes fires off right hands on Sikoa.

Sikoa connects with a leg lariat on Rhodes and goes for a pin but Rhodes kicks out.

Sikoa sets up for Samoan Spike but Rhodes keeps him from landing it and hits Cody Cutter to him.

He sends him crashing out of the ring and into the ring steps, then sends him colliding into the giant PRIME Hydration Drink at ringside and throws one in Sikoa’s face.

They get back inside the ring and Rhodes hits the Drop Down Right then follows it up with Bionic Elbow and looks to fly off the ropes but Sikoa catches him and lands a powerbomb.

He goes for a pin but Rhodes kicks out then hits a hip attack to Rhodes but Rhodes rolls up Sikoa.

Sikoa kicks out and hits Spinning Solo then goes for another pin but Rhodes kicks out.

Sikoa connects with a Samoan Drop on Rhodes and pins him but Rhodes kicks out and Sikoa sits Rhodes on the top rope.

Sikoa then drapes Rhodes off the top rope and hits a pair of diving headbutts then looks to land a 3rd one. Rhodes sits up before he can land it then flies off the ropes to level Sikoa and goes for a pin.

Sikoa responds with a spinning slam to Rhodes and goes for another pin but Rhodes kicks out.

Sikoa holds up the One symbol and ascends to the top rope but Rhodes intercepts him and joins him up there. Sikoa pushes Rhodes off but Rhodes gets back on the ropes and hits a superplex on Sikoa.

They then exchange strikes with one another but Rhodes looks to fly off the ropes.

Sikoa see him coming and looks to land Cross Rhodes but Rhodes counters into one of his own.

Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa appear in the ring and beat down Rhodes.

Tonga & Loa send Rhodes crashing into the mat with Guerrilla Warfare and assist Sikoa in pinning Rhodes. Rhodes manages to kick out and Tonga & Loa continue to beat him down.

Kevin Owens’ music then hits and he runs down to the ring & goes after Tonga & Loa then rains down right hands on Tonga and fires off stomps on Loa in the corner.

Tonga rains down right hands on Owens but Randy Orton’s music hits and he runs down to the ring to even the odds. Orton sends Tonga crashing into the barricade then hits an RKO to Loa.

Owens hits a Stunner to Tonga, and Orton delivers a powerslam to Sikoa.

Owens ascends to the top rope and hits a Swanton Bomb to Sikoa.

Rhodes connects with Cross Rhodes on Sikoa and goes for a pin but Sikoa kicks out.

Owens & Orton brawl with Tonga & Loa through the crowd.

Rhodes dumps one of the ring steps in the ring and hits Sikoa with it twice but Sikoa catches Rhodes with a spear and sets up the ring steps in the corner.

He lands a hip attack on Rhodes using the ring steps but Rhodes hits a pair of Cross Rhodes to Sikoa.

Rhodes looks to land a 3rd Cross Rhodes on Sikoa but Jacob Fatu appears out of nowhere and hits a moonsault to Rhodes off the top rope.

He places Sikoa on top of Rhodes to pin him but Rhodes somehow manages to kick out.

Fatu then hits a superkick to Rhodes on the outside and clears the announce desk then places Rhodes on top of it and hits a splash to Rhodes off the top rope to send Rhodes crashing through the announce desk.

Sikoa gets Rhodes back in the ring and hits a splash to him off the top rope.

He goes for a pin but Rhodes kicks out then rocks Sikoa with a kick and the Cody Cutter.

Roman Reigns’ music hits and he makes his way down to the ring & slides in the ring and hits a Superman Punch to Sikoa.

He connects with a spear and heads to the back as a stunned Rhodes watches on then hits Cross Rhodes for the win.

Winner & Still Undisputed WWE Champion: Cody Rhodes (29:13) (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)
Rate: 6

-After the match Reigns & Rhodes continue to stare one another down. Standing on the ramp Reigns points out the OTC on his shirt as Rhodes stands tall with the Undisputed WWE Title in the ring to close out SummerSlam.

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