NJPW G1 Climax Night 12 Results & Review (August 7th, 2024)

On August 7th, 2024 NJPW aired the 12th Night of G1 Climax live in Tokyo Japan inside Korakuen Hall in front of 1,504 fans & can watch it on NJPW World.

Tag Team Match
United Empire (KOPW 2024 Champion Great O Khan & Callum Newman) vs. Just 5 Guys (Taka Michinoku & Sanada)

Sanada ties Great O Khan in a Paradise Lock then hits a plancha onto United Empire.

Callum Newman hits OsCutter on Taka Michinoku for the win. 

Winners: United Empire (5:47)
Rate: 5

Tag Team Match
Bullet Club War Dogs (Strong Openweight Champion Gabe Kidd & Jake Lee) vs. Shota Umino & Tomoaki Honma

Both teams brawled at the bell with Tomoaki Honma & Gabe Kidd fighting in the ring as Shota Umino hits an exploder suplex on Jake Lee.

Kidd & Honma got back in and traded forearm strike before Kidd hits a rebound discus lariat for the win.

Winners: Bullet Club War Dogs (4:30)
Rate: 4

Tag Team Match
Los Ingobernables De Japon (IWGP World Heavyweight Champion Tetsuya Naito & Shingo Takagi) vs. House Of Torture (Dick Togo & Evil)

House Of Torture attacks LIJ before the bell and both teams brawled.

Evil & Shingo Takagi traded chops before Tetsuya Naito locks in Dick Togo in Puma Blanca for the submission win.

Winners By Submission: Los Ingobernables De Japon (6:13)
Rate: 3

Champion vs. Champion Block B Match Of The 2024 G1 Climax
NEVER Openweight 6 Man Tag Team Champion Boltin Oleg (4) vs. Television Champion Jeff Cobb (8)

Match starts off with a lock up before Jeff Cobb hits a jab punch that startled Oleg.

Cobb surfed on Oleg’s back but he missed a standing moonsault before Oleg hits a 2nd rope flying shoulder tackle before Cobb hits a dropkick so Oleg hit one.

Oleg hit a belly 2 belly suplex and a splash to the mat for a near fall before Cobb hits a gutwrench suplex on Oleg.

Oleg picks up Cobb & flips him around in his arms and hits a gutwrench suplex then a Vader Bomb for a near fall. Oleg set up for Kamikaze but Cobb held onto the top rope to escape.

Cobb hit a uranage and a diving forearm for a near fall before Oleg hits Kamikaze (for a near fall.

He set up for a 2nd Kamikaze but Cobb escaped then they hit stereo clotheslines.

Cobb hit a running clothesline and was fired up then hits Tour Of The Islands for the win.

Winner: Television Champion Jeff Cobb (10) (10:14) (Since Oleg lost he is mathematically eliminated)
Rate: 7

Block B Match Of The 2024 G1 Climax
El Phantasmo (4) vs. Konosuke Takeshita (6)

El Phantasmo hit a dropkick early on before they avoided each other’s signature offense and had a stand off. They began trading forearm strikes.

ELP dives through the ropes onto Takeshita then a springboard moonsault launching over the guardrail and onto Takeshita in the crowd. In the ring ELP hits a Lionsault for a near fall.

They got up and traded forearm strikes and Takeshita hit a swinging Blue Thunder Bomb or a near fall.

Takeshita got a table from under the ring and set it up on the floor.

They fought on the ring apron above the table and Phantasmo tried to hit CRII but Takeshita blocks it.

ELP hits a top rope Frankensteiner then Thunder Kiss 86 for a near fall.

ELP again went for a CRII but it was again blocked so he hits a poisonrana and a clothesline then hits CRII for a near fall.

Phantasmo set up for Sudden Death but Takeshita collapsed and rolled to the floor.

Takeshita hit a piledriver by leaping off the apron and through the table on the floor.

Phantasmo rolls back in before the count out so Takeshita hits a forearm strike.

ELP hits Sudden Death for near fall and they were both down.

Takeshita hit a series of clubbing forearms. ELP hit another Sudden Death.

Takeshita hit a wheelbarrow German Suplex and a clothesline but ELP pops up at one.

Takeshita hit a running knee for a near fall then Raging Fire gets the win.

Winner: Konosuke Takeshita (8) (17:22)
Rate: 9 (Recommend)

Non Title Block B Match Of The 2024 G1 Climax
NEVER Openweight Champion Henare (6) vs. Yota Tsuji (6)

Henare & Yota Tsuji trading forearm strikes and shoulder tackles before Henare hits a 2nd rope spin kick to drop Tsuji. He hit a senton for a near fall. They traded forearm strikes and Henare hit some headbutts.

Tsuji stomped on Henare’s head then he hit a hurricanrana then hits some kicks to Henare’s spine.

Henare hit a suplex and they were both down. Tsuji hits a 2nd rope Samoan Drop .

They traded more forearm strikes and Henare hits Berzerker Bomb for a near fall then Henare hits some Yes Kicks to the chest. Tsuji hit a Falcon Arrow for a near fall but he misses Marlow Crush.

They hit more shoulder tackles and Tsuji hits a knee lift to the jaw but it just fired up Henare.

Henare unloaded a series of punches and chops then Rampage for a near fall.

Henare hit a jumping knee in the corner before we get more headbutts before Tsuji hits Gene Blaster for the win.

Winner: Yota Tsuji (8) (15:38)
Rate: 8 (Recommend)

Block B Match Of The 2024 G1 Climax
Yuya Uemura (6) vs. Ren Narita (6)

Ren Narita attacks Yuya Uemura from behind as Uemura hadn’t even removed his robe.

Narita slams Uemura’s knee onto the thin mat at ringside then whips him into the guardrail.

Uemura was down on the floor and selling the pain in his knee.

He got back into the ring but Narita began stomping on the damaged leg.

Umeura hits a deep arm drag and a dropkick but he sold the pain in his knee and they were both down.

Uemura hits a back suplex for a near fall then went to the top rope but Yoshinobu Kanemaru jumped on the apron and shoved him to the mat.

Narita grapevined the leg on the mat but Uemura reached the ropes.

Uemura clotheslined Narita to the floor then he hits a plancha to the floor on him.

Uemura hits a top rope crossbody for a near fall then Kanemaru tried to spray whiskey on Uemura but missed.

Uemura hits a Dragon Suplex for a near fall before Narita shoved the ref & hits a low blow then hits Double Cross for the victory.

Winner: Ren Narita (8) (11:42)
Rate: 4

Non Title Block B Match Of The 2024 G1 Climax
Global Champion David Finlay (8) vs. Hirooki Goto (6)

Hirooki Goto hip tossed David Finlay to the floor then in the ring Goto hits a shoulder tackle.

Finlay hits a Russian leg sweep before they went to the floor where Finlay shoved Goto into the guardrail.

Back in the ring he kept Goto grounded before Goto hits a back suplex for a near fall.

Finlay clotheslined them both to the floor & the mat was peeled back but Goto hit a back body drop sending Finlay onto the hardwood floor.

Back in the ring Goto hits a running clothesline into the corner then hits a neckbreaker over his knee.

They traded forearm strikes while on their knees.

Goto hit another clothesline and was fired up then hits a GTR elbow drop to the sternum for a near fall.

Finlay hits a Buckle Bomb and a standing release powerbomb for a near fall.

Goto hits a pendulum side slam and they were both down.

Finlay got his shillelagh and swung and missed. Goto grabs it but tossed it to the floor.

Goto hit another GTR elbow drop for a near fall.

Finlay went for Overkill but Goto caught the leg and Goto hit a headbutt then Goto hit another GTR elbow drop across his knee for the win

Winner: Hirooki Goto (8) (17:51)
Rate: 7

Block B Standings After Night 12

1st Place- Television Champion Jeff Cobb (10 Points) (5-2)

2nd Place- Global Champion David Finlay, Konosuke Takeshita, Ren Narita, Hirooki Goto & Yota Tsuji (8 Points) (4-3)

3rd Place- NEVER Openweight Champion Henare & Yuya Uemura (6 Points) (3-4) (On the bubble)

Last Place- NEVER Openweight 6 Man Tag Team Champion Boltin Oleg & El Phantasmo (4 Points) (2-5) (Eliminated)

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