Exclusive: Mentors and Milestones – How Wrestling Legends Shaped AEW Superstar Bishop Kaun’s Career

In the world of professional wrestling, mentors can make all the difference, guiding rookies through the complexities of the sport and imparting invaluable wisdom. For AEW and Ring of Honor star Bishop Kaun, several legendary figures have played pivotal roles in shaping his career: Joey Mercury, Tully Blanchard, and other notable names. In this exclusive article, we explore how these wrestling icons influenced Kaun’s journey from a novice wrestler to a rising star.

Joey Mercury’s influence on Bishop Kaun began at the ROH dojo, where Kaun was introduced to the rigorous training that would become the foundation of his wrestling career. Mercury, a veteran of WWE and a master of in-ring psychology, took Kaun under his wing, teaching him not only the technical aspects of wrestling but also the mental and psychological elements that are crucial to success in the ring.

“Joey was like our Dusty Rhodes at the dojo,” Kaun shared. “He didn’t just teach us moves; he taught us how to think like wrestlers, how to sell a story, and how to make everything we did in the ring meaningful. His emphasis on the small details, like registering moves and making them look realistic, really stuck with me.”

Mercury’s mentorship extended beyond the dojo’s walls. He provided Kaun with opportunities to grow, even bringing him into the Ring of Honor fold. “Joey had so much knowledge from his time in WWE, and he shared it all with us. He made us sit in gorilla, watch how production worked, and understand how to wrestle for the cameras. It was an education in every aspect of the business,” Kaun explained.

As Kaun transitioned to AEW, he found himself under the guidance of another legendary figure—Tully Blanchard. Blanchard, known for his time with the Four Horsemen, brought a wealth of experience and a legacy that Kaun could draw from.

“Working with Tully was like stepping into a different era of wrestling,” Kaun recalled. “He had this incredible presence and knowledge about tag team wrestling, which was perfect for me and Toa [Liona] as we were forming our team. Tully’s approach was old-school but incredibly effective. He taught us how to build a match, how to work the crowd, and how to be a dominant force in the ring.”

For Kaun, the opportunity to learn from a legend like Blanchard was a dream come true. “Tully was all about maximizing every moment in the ring. He would say, ‘Make them remember you,’ and that’s something I carry with me every time I step into the ring. His guidance helped me and Toa solidify our identity as a tag team.”

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Bishop Kaun Interview

Beyond Mercury and Blanchard, Kaun also had the chance to work with other wrestling greats, including Devon Dudley, Nattie Neidhart, and TJ Wilson. Training with these seasoned professionals offered Kaun different perspectives on the art of wrestling.

“At first, it was nerve-wracking to train with people like Devon and Nattie,” Kaun admitted. “But it was exactly what I needed. Devon taught me how to think on my feet, how to adapt during matches, and how to carry myself like a ring general. Nattie and TJ brought this incredible technical knowledge and focus on fundamentals that really helped me sharpen my skills. Training with them pushed me to new levels and gave me a deeper understanding of the craft.”

Kaun’s experiences with these mentors broadened his skill set and reinforced the importance of continuous learning and growth in his career.

Another significant figure in Kaun’s career is Prince Nana, with whom he worked as part of the Embassy in AEW. Their partnership brought together Kaun’s growing experience and Nana’s longstanding influence in the wrestling world.

“I actually connected with Prince Nana a while back because I was looking for wrestlers with African heritage to learn from,” Kaun explained. “It was amazing how things came full circle, and I ended up working with him in AEW. Nana’s deep understanding of the business and his legacy with the Embassy gave me and Toa a strong foundation to build on. It was an honor to work alongside him and carry on that legacy.”

Under the tutelage of Mercury, Blanchard, and others, Kaun achieved several milestones that marked his progression in the wrestling world. From winning the ROH Six-Man Tag Team Championship to making a significant impact in AEW, these accomplishments are a testament to the hard work and lessons learned from his mentors.

“Joey and Tully were instrumental in helping me reach these milestones,” Kaun reflected. “They pushed me to be better, to think deeper about what I was doing in the ring, and to always strive for more. Their influence is something I’m incredibly grateful for, and it’s a big reason why I’ve been able to accomplish what I have so far.”

Bishop Kaun’s journey through the wrestling industry has been profoundly shaped by the mentorship of Joey Mercury, Tully Blanchard, and other legends like Devon Dudley, Nattie Neidhart, TJ Wilson, and Prince Nana. Their teachings have provided Kaun with the tools and mindset needed to succeed in a challenging and competitive field. As Kaun continues to build his legacy, the lessons from these wrestling icons will undoubtedly remain at the core of his career.

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