Mark Henry Says If Vince McMahon’s Alleged Rape Victims are Suffering, They Should Suffer All the Time

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* Trigger Warning*

The following story contains references and allusions to r*pe and sexual assault. Please proceed at your own discretion.

The subject of Vince McMahon has to be a hard one for a lot of professional wrestlers. Some admire the man that took pro wrestling to the mainstream. Others have had a very good, very close relationship with him. Some people have nothing bad to say about the third-generation wrestling promoter.

Other people were allegedly raped and human trafficked by him.

Janel Grant, a former WWE employee, was one of those people and she filed a bombshell lawsuit against McMahon, and the WWE. The allegations of McMahon have led to the former chairman exiting the company, with very few subsequent mentions of him.

Of course, his exit hasn’t stopped people from talking about McMahon and the circumstances he is currently undergoing. And by “circumstances,” we mean “rape allegations.” And “human trafficking allegations.”

Separating Vince McMahon, the man, from Vince McMahon, the alleged rapist and human trafficker, must be hard for those who know him best. Men like John Cena, Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker and more have tried to offer their support to the man while simultaneously trying not to be labeled rape apologists, a strategy used to various degrees of success.

And then, there are people like former WWE superstar and Hall of Famer, Mark Henry.

Henry, who spent the majority of his career in the WWE and was labeled “Sexual Chocolate” for a period of time, also rushed to defend Vince McMahon — who, incidentally, was alleged to have named sexual toys after his wrestlers, with white toys being named after white wrestlers and black toys being named after black wrestlers — but his defense was less PC than his more well-known colleagues.

Speaking on the ‘Stories with Brisco and Bradshaw’ podcast, Henry stated that McMahon was “going through a tough time.”

To be clear, that “tough time” was a lawsuit accusing McMahon of rape and human sex-trafficking.

“I never saw none of that,” Henry told co-hosts John Bradshaw Layfield and Gerald Brisco, of the allegations. “I never heard no negativity like that.”

According to Henry, that “negativity” came about once the alleged victims stopped receiving any type of payment from McMahon.

“People were like, ‘You’re being insensitive…there’s other people that suffered,'” Henry recalled. “I said, ‘Yeah, but some of those people that y’all are talking about — their suffering got worse when the money ran out.'”

Henry continued, for some reason, asking “Where was the suffering when they were getting BMW’s and a million dollars? Did that pacify the suffering? Because if you’re suffering, you should suffer all the time, right? Nothing should get in the way of that. I don’t know, I just come from a different time.”

It’s unknown what time Henry was referring to, because rape has been illegal since 17th Century B.C.

The full interview, in which Henry states that rape victims should suffer all the time if they dare to suffer at all, can be seen in its entirety in the video below. His remarks about rape allegations begin at the 1:50:30 mark:

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