WWE Raw Results & Review (August 12th, 2024)

On August 12th, 2024 WWE aired the 1,629th episode of Raw live in Austin Texas inside Moody Center.

-Kicking off this week’s Raw with a video recapping what’s happened between Judgment Day, Damian Priest & Rhea Ripley over the course of the past couple weeks.

-Rhea Ripley says she’s had a little time to think about what happened at SummerSlam then says she’s felt every emotion possible in a situation like the one she’s going through. She says she’s felt embarrassment, heartbreak and above all else, angry. She calls out Dominik Mysterio and says he stabbed her in the back but not as deep as he thought he did. She then calls out Liv Morgan and tells her she can’t run forever. She says it’s time to remind Morgan & Mysterio just who she is.

-Morgan & Mysterio appear in the crowd and Morgan greets Ripley. She says Mysterio has some things to get off his chest and Mysterio says she left Ripley because he’s a man that deserves to be treated like one. He says Ripley tried to change him instead of letting him be himself and says Morgan lets him be himself unlike Ripley. Mysterio says Morgan is finally helping him beat his deadbeat father.

-Ripley tells Mysterio that she’s proud of him and everything he’s accomplished the last couple of years. She says he finally did something for himself but she really wanted him to beat Rey on his own so there was no excuse as to why he couldn’t beat him. Morgan says Ripley only said one true thing and that’s that Mysterio is his. She says Ripley has nothing, and she has no family. She says her real family is thousands of miles away in Australia and she took her Judgment Day family from her. She says she took Mysterio and the Women’s World Title from her and everything that’s Ripley’s is now hers. Ripley says while Morgan has taken a lot from her, she still left her standing. She says as long as she’s standing, she will come for Morgan.

-Damian Priest sneaks up behind Morgan & Mysterio and attacks Mysterio as Morgan runs down the stairs. Mysterio & Priest brawl through the Moody Center as Ripley joins them and goes after Morgan. Priest & Mysterio brawl through the crowd and into the ringside area then gets him into the ring and looks to land a South Of Heaven on him. Carlito attacks Priest but Carlito blindsides him. Priest manages to clothesline Carlito out of the ring.

Damian Priest vs. Carlito

Damian Priest fires off stomps on Carlito in the corner.

He lands a strike on him then sends him crashing into the mat.

Carlito rolls out of the ring but Priest chases him around the ring.

Carlito looks to send Priest crashing into the ring post but Priest stops his momentum and tosses Carlito back into the ring. Priest sets up for Razor’s Edge but Carlito escapes and responds with a DDT.

Carlito hits a kick to Priest’s face but Priest fires back with a Mongolian Chop and an elevated flatliner.

He ascends to the top rope but Carlito meets him up there and lands a superplex.

After the break Carlito rocks Priest with a running knee and levels him with a clothesline.

He follows it up with a twisting neckbreaker and a strike but Priest hits Carlito with a kick and a back elbow in the corner. He connects with a Broken Arrow but Carlito responds with a kick.

Priest lands a kick of his own then turns Carlito inside out with a clothesline then follows it up with South Of Heaven for the win.

Winner: Damian Priest

-After the match JD McDonagh attacks Priest but Priest takes down McDonagh with a right hand. Finn Balor & Dominik Mysterio then attack him with Liv Morgan not far behind but Rhea Ripley’s music hits and she makes her way down. She hits a low blow to Carlito on the ramp then stares down Balor in the ring. McDonagh looks to level her but Priest hits him with a boot to his midsection and South Of Heaven. Ripley & Priest hug but Mysterio looks to blindside them by flying off the ropes. Priest sees him coming and tosses her over to Ripley & Ripley looks to hit him with Riptide but Morgan saves him.

-We then head backstage to Alpha Academy. Ivy Nile walks in and pulls Maxxine Dupri aside to ask her about their partnership but Dupri tells her that she needs to be with her Alpha Academy family right now.

-After the break we get a Bo Dallas featured in a VHS style video. He said everything is coming full circle. Dallas said it’s been heavy lately and there are a lot of emotions, especially last week in Baltimore. He said that’s where it all started. Dallas said the Wyatt Sicks had their debut where it all began.

-Dallas said you were there and something big is happening, but the work is not done. Dallas looked at a static filled television while a distorted voice said the work must continue and other doors shall be opened. My life for you Dallas said repeatedly.

-We get highlights aired of Jones helping New Day.

-Xavier Woods walked backstage and found Kofi Kingston & Odyssey Jones. Woods said he wanted to talk to Kingston & he excitedly told him that they could return the favor by being in the corner of Jones tonight. Woods tried to put on a happy face but he clearly annoyed.

Odyssey Jones vs. Vincent Winey

Vincent Winey wastes no time going after Odyssey Jones before Jones responds with a splash and tosses Winey across the ring then fires off clotheslines on him in the corner and follows it up with a bodyslam.

Kofi Kingston enthusiastically cheers Jones on and Woods supports him as Jones lands a splash on Winey in the corner.

Winey hits a stomp to Jones’ calf but Jones responds with a spinning sidewalk slam for the win.

Winner: Odyssey Jones

-After the match The Final Testament’s music hits and they makes their way down to the ring. Karrion Kross asks if this is another day for New Day or another lie. He says while it might seem that Kingston is using Jones to replace Big E, the truth is Kingston is using Jones to replace Woods. Woods tells Kross what he’s trying to do won’t work then looks to challenge Final Testament to a tag team match with him and Woods. Kingston grabs the mic from him and challenges Final Testament to a 6 Man Tag Team Match between him, Woods & Jones. Kross accepts Woods’ challenge.

-Adam Pearce was on his phone in his office saying he wanted to make something official by the end of the night. Drew McIntyre entered the room. Pearce told him that CM Punk wasn’t in the building due to travel issues. McIntyre took issue with a Smackdown wrestler challenging for the World Heavyweight Title.

-McIntyre said Orton is a viper waiting to strike but he said he wouldn’t let it happen on his turf. McIntyre said he was going to take care of it. Pearce said the last person who said something like that was Bronson Reed. McIntyre said he would be on his best behavior and said Scout’s honor.

Texas Tornado Match
Alpha Academy (Akira Tozawa & Otis) vs. Creed Brothers (Julius & Brutus)

After the break Creed Brothers clear the announce desk before Brutus Creed sends Otis into the ring post and Akira Tozawa looks to fly off the apron to level Julius.

Julius intercepts him and powerbombs him into the barricade then gets him back in the ring and goes for a pin but Tozawa kicks out.

Creed Brothers look to double team on Tozawa but Tozawa responds with a double DDT.

Otis follows it up with a double shoulder tackle on Creed Brothers then clocks Julius and hits a splash to Brutus in the corner. Julius looks to fly but Otis catches him and hits a powerslam.

He follows it up with The Caterpillar on Julius and goes for a pin but Brutus breaks the fall.

Creed Brothers then each hitting standing moonsaults and goes for a pin but Tozawa breaks the fall.

He sends Creed Brothers crashing out of the ring and hits a tope suicida to take down Julius then dumps him back in the ring and ascends to the top rope. Brutus clocks him.

Julius gets Otis in an electric chair position and Brutus catches him with a superplex.

Tozawa then flies to level Brutus, but Ivy Nile attacks Maxxine Dupri on the outside and sends her crashing into the announce desk.

She dumps her on top of it and locks in a submission on other as Otis watches on.

Julius clocks Otis on the apron but Tozawa looks to roll him up. Julius hangs on and Brutus rolls up Tozawa as Julius hold him in place for the win.

Winners: Creed Brothers

-A pre taped Jackie Redmond interview aired with Pete Dunne from the empty seats in the arena. Redmond asked Dunne about his issues with Sheamus. Dunne said Sheamus never took him under his wing. Dunne said Sheamus was under his wing.

-Dunne accused Sheamus of holding him down and he said all he got out of it was a terrible nickname and a front row seat for the Sheamus show. Dunne questioned the idea of Sheamus cared about the Brawling Brutes and then asked where Ridge Holland was if that was actually true.

-Redmond brought up the name Butch. Dunne told her not to say it. He said he had to swallow his pride for 2 years and let Sheamus little brother him. Dunne said he’s the Bruiserweight and an 18 year veteran. Dunne said he will shut up Sheamus so he never has to hear the Butch name again.

-After the break we head over to a video recapping Bronson Reed’s attack on Seth Rollins last week.

-Backstage Adam Pearce told Bronson Reed that he was lucky he was only fined. Reed said he wasn’t given an opportunity so he had to make an impact. Reed said he would give Pearce a 2nd chance. Reed said Pearce could find him an opponent or he would go find his next victim.

-A Damage CTRL video aired with Iyo Sky & Kairi Sane. They spoke in Japanese while subtitles were used. Sky said they are still the most dominant force in the women’s division and said they will regain the Women’s Tag Team Titles. Sane said that what Sonya Deville, Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark will be repaid tenfold.

-Sonya Deville, Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark cuts a promo. Deville said Damage CTRL is done and there’s a new era The Pure Fusion Collective. Baszler said they should already be Women’s Tag Team Champions because she made Jade Cargill tap out at Clash At The Castle.

Women’s Tag Team Titles #1 Contenders Match
The Pure Fusion Collective (Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark) vs. Damage CTRL (Kairi Sane & Iyo Sky)

Iyo Sky takes down Shayna Baszler before Kairi Sane tags in and double teams on Baszler with Sky then hits a forearm off the ropes.

Baszler lands a forearm of her own on Sane from the apron then tags in Stark.

Baszler lands a backbreaker on Sane & Stark follows it up with a sliding clothesline as we go to a break.

After the break Stark & Sky tag in then Sky hits a jawbreaker to Baszler and lands a dropkick on her and Stark off the top rope then connects with a Meteora on Stark in the corner and goes for a pin.

Stark kicks out and hits a German suplex to Sky then Baszler tags in and double teams on Sky with Stark but Sky connects with a shoulder breaker on Sky.

Sky ascends to the top rope but Deville hops up on the apron. Baszler trips Sky but Sane takes her down with a spinning backfist. Stark hits a kick to Sane from the apron then looks to land a kick on Sky.

She accidentally hits Alba Fyre before they get back in the ring and Sky hits Over The Moonsault to Stark.

She goes for a pin but Isla Dawn breaks the fall and causes a disqualification.

Winners & #1 Contenders To The Women’s Tag Team Titles: No One (No Contest)

-After the match The Unholy Union beat down The Pure Fusion Collective & Damage CTRL.

-Backstage R Truth informed The Miz that he got him an Intercontinental Title match with Bron. He pointed to a television that listed Miz as facing Bronson Reed. Truth said it was his bad.

-Randy Orton showed up and gave Miz a pep talk. Miz got fired up and stormed off. Truth asked Orton if he really thought Miz had a chance. Orton gave Truth a look and mumbled come on.

-After the break Randy Orton recalls winning his first World Championship to become the youngest World Heavyweight Champion 20 years ago. He says history will repeat itself at Bash In Berlin and he will become a 15x World Champion.

-World Heavyweight Champion Gunther’s music hits and he makes his way out. Orton tells fans to remember this moment before he dethrones Gunther and ruins his Friday nights. Gunther tells Orton that he took all his potential as a physical and gifted athlete and wasted it. Orton reminds Gunther of who he’s talking to and reintroduces himself to Gunther then reiterates that he will dethrone Gunther. He says he appreciates Gunther’s opinion but he has a handle on things.

-Gunther says he has 2 predictions for Orton: giving him a beating of a lifetime and never being World Heavyweight Champion again. He calls Orton’s father and grandfather screw ups then compares Orton to the both of them.

-Drew McIntyre’s music hits and he makes his way down. Orton hits an RKO on Gunther as CM Punk blindsides McIntyre on the ramp and they begin to brawl. Punk then lashes McIntyre with his belt.

-Backstage Sheamus was interviewed by Jackie Redmond. Sheamus said he doesn’t understand why Pete Dunne has such a beef with him. Sheamus said Dunne is trying to make himself off of his name.

-Ludwig Kaiser shows up and said he put Sheamus through a real banger last week. Kaiser said it’s far from over. Dunne showed up and hit Sheamus from behind with a shillelagh. Kaiser watched and then backed off. Referees and producers arrived but Dunne got one more shillelagh shot in on Sheamus.

-CM Punk was shown walking backstage. Gunther knocked some items off a table then stormed through the backstage area. Cathy Kelley brought up Punk supposedly having travel issues even though they were on the same flight. Punk said he told a little white lie because he figured out that McIntyre wouldn’t show up if he did.

-Punk said McIntyre is walking around with a bracelet that has the names of his wife and dog on it. Punk said it’s not about the bracelet and McIntyre can keep it. He said it’s the context and the names. Punk said McIntyre isn’t allowed to speak his wife or dog’s name without consequences and repercussions. Punk said it wouldn’t stop until he gets his hands on him.

-Punk said he knew McIntyre would call him a hypocrite for claiming he had travel problems. Punk looked at his belt and said he thought he just figured out a way to keep everyone happy.

Bronson Reed vs. The Miz

Bronson Reed charges at The Miz but Miz intercepts him with a boot but Reed tosses him into the corner and fires off strikes on him. Reed runs over Miz with a splash and a rolling senton.

He follows it up with a flying shoulder tackle on Miz off the apron as we go to a break.

After the break Miz hits a dropkick to Reed through the middle rope and flies over the top rope.

Reed intercepts him with a right hand but Miz catches him with a tornado DDT when they get back inside the ring.

Miz fires off It Kicks on Reed’s chest before Reed lands a Death Valley Driver on Miz.

He ascends to the top rope and hits Tsunami for the win.

Winner: Bronson Reed

-After the match Reed ascends back to the top rope and looks to land a Tsunami on Miz. R Truth tries to stop him but Reed catches him with a Tsunami. He follows it up with 4 more as officials try and stop him. Reed descends down the ropes but climbs up the opposite corner and lands another Tsunami on Truth. He looks to head to the back but decides against it and hits another Tsunami.

-Backstage Jey Uso fired up Sami Zayn for his Intercontinental Title match. Jey told him to go get his title back. Zayn said he has to beat Bron Breakker twice. Jey hyped up Zayn about winning the title and then spoke about how they would go after the World Tag Team Titles.

-After the break A Judgment Day video aired. Finn Balor was seated while Dominik Mysterio, Women’s World Champion Liv Morgan, World Tag Team Champion JD McDonagh & Carlito stood behind him. Morgan said Damian Priest & Rhea Ripley would pay for putting their hands on the most gorgeous man in the world. Balor told Priest to watch out and said he would show him what Backstabber Balor is all about

Intercontinental Title 2 Out Of 3 Falls Match
Bron Breakker (c) vs. Sami Zayn

1st Fall

Bron Breakker goes straight after Sami Zayn.

He fires off shoulders on his midsection but Zayn flies out of the ring to level Breakker on the outside as we go to a break.

After the break Zayn fires off a few overhand chops on Breakker and follows it up with a tornado DDT out of the corner. He goes for a pin but Breakker kicks out.

Breakker then connects with a German suplex on Zayn and follows it up with a clothesline.

Zayn then catches Breakker with a Helluva Kick to score the 1st fall.

Zayn 1-0

2nd Fall

Zayn looks to land a moonsault on Breakker on the outside off the barricade, but Breakker catches him and sends him over the barricade near the timekeeper’s area as we go to a 2nd break.

After the 2nd break Breakker hits a powerslam on Zayn and follows it up with a spear to win the 2nd Fall.

Breaker 1-1

3rd Fall

Breakker flies off the apron and sends Zayn crashing on top of the announce desk with a clothesline.

Breakker slides back in the ring and the referee begins a 10 count but Zayn beats it.

Breakker then gets Zayn on the ropes but Zayn counters into a sunset flip powerbomb and goes for a pin.

Breakker kicks out and sets up for Helluva Kick but Breakker avoids it and sets up for a spear.

Zayn intercepts Breakker with a Helluva Kick and goes for a pin but Breakker kicks out.

Zayn then looks to fly off the top rope but Breakker catches him with a spear in mid air for the win.

Winner & Still Intercontinental Champion: Bron Breakker (2-1) (STILL CHAMPION!!!)

Next Week’s Raw

6 Man Tag Team Match
The Final Testament (Karrion Kross, Akam & Rezar) vs. New Day (Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods) & Odyssey Jones

Women’s Tag Team Titles Triple Threat Match
The Unholy Union (Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn) (c) vs. The Pure Fusion Collective (Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark) vs. Damage CTRL (Kairi Sane & Iyo Sky)

Sheamus vs. Pete Dunne

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