AEW Rampage Results & Review (August 16th, 2024)

On August 16th, 2024 AEW aired the 158th episode of Rampage live in Norfolk Virginia inside Chartway Arena.

Trios Match
The Conglomeration (Orange Cassidy, Tomohiro Ishii & Mark Briscoe) vs. The Outrunners (Turbo Floyd & Truth Magnum) & The Butcher

Mark Briscoe hits The Butcher with a flying back elbow then Truth Magnum tags in but quickly tags out to Turbo Floyd. Briscoe fires off chops on Magnum and levels Floyd then tags in Tomohiro Ishii.

Ishii then fires off a series of chops on Floyd and tags in Briscoe.

Briscoe fires off stomps on Floyd in the corner then connects with a side Russian leg sweep.

The Butcher sends Mark crashing into the barricade on the outside then dumps him back in the ring where Floyd rains down right hands on him as we go to a break.

After the break Orange Cassidy tags in and immediately tags out to Briscoe.

He flies to level The Outrunners on the outside then tosses a chair over to Briscoe in the ring.

Briscoe looks to use it as a launch pad to fly but Butcher intercepts him with a boot to his midsection.

Cassidy then hits Orange Punch to him and Briscoe uses the chair to fly to level The Outrunners on the outside. Briscoe then hits Jay Driller to Magnum for the win.

Winners: The Conglomeration

Nyla Rose vs. Erica Leigh

Erica Leigh shakes Nyla Rose’s hand then she looks to leave but Rose stops her and hits a slam.

She follows it up with a senton but Leigh dropkicks her into the corner.

Rose responds with a crossbody and a back elbow then follows it up with Beast Bomb for the win.

Winner: Nyla Rose

-After the break Saraya is waiting inside the ring with Harley Cameron. Cameron says Saraya’s birthday is tomorrow and not a single person in the entire building has said anything to her. She tells fans they should be ashamed then looks to sing Happy Birthday to Saraya. Saraya cuts off Cameron and recalls winning the Women’s Title at last year’s All In before she lost it and never got a rematch for it. She says from there, she then lost friends and started getting pushed down the card. She complains about being left off the card for All In 2024.

-Women’s Champion Toni Storm’s music hits and she makes her way down to the ring. She lays down the Women’s Title on the ramp then says she’s about to fight for her life against Mariah May at All In. She tells Saraya she will never forget about everything they’ve been through together then tells her that she can have a shot at her title this coming Wednesday on Dynamite. Saraya accepts.

Trios Champion Nick Wayne vs. Kip Sabian

Match starts off with a lock up before Nick Wayne hits a boot to Kip Sabian’s midsection.

Sabian connects with a shoulder tackle and a right hand on Nick then follows it up with a leg lariat and a gutbuster.

Sabian hits a springboard enzuigiri to Nick off the ropes then connects with a springboard moonsault on the outside.

Mother Wayne gets in Sabian’s face opening the door for Nick to send Sabian crashing into the ring post shoulder first.

He sends him crashing into the barricade and dumping him into the timekeeper’s area as we go to a break.

After the break Sabian looks to fly off the ropes but Nick catches him with a cutter and sends him crashing into the mat. He goes for a pin but Sabian kicks out.

Sabian gets Nick on his shoulders but Mother Wayne distracts the referee.

Killswitch takes a cheap shot at Sabian opening the door for Nick to connect with Wayne’s World for the win.

Winner: Trios Champion Nick Wayne

-We then head over to a video of Scorpio Sky looking to get in Private Party’s club. The bouncer stops him but Private Party eventually lets him in.

Tag Team Match
The Don Callis Family (Kyle Fletcher & Rush) vs. Rhett Titus & KM

Kyle Fletcher fires off right hands on KM before he lands a Michinoku Driver on him.

Rhett Titus then tags in and runs the ropes but Fletcher intercepts him and sends him crashing into the mat. Rush tags in and fires off strikes on Titus in the corner.

Fletcher levels KM on the apron and Rush lands Bull’s Horns on Titus for the win.

Winners: The Don Callis Family

-After the break Don Callis was backstage with Kyle Fletcher & Rush. Callis told Rush he loved what he did tonight and to Preston Vance on Collision. Rush said that he’s shown Callis who he is and now wants something big from Callis. Callis agreed and Rush walked off. Fletcher looked puzzled and Callis said if that guy’s not pissed off at me 24/7, I’m not doing my job.

-Callis asked Fletcher how he was and Fletcher said not great. He apologized to Callis for not following orders which resulted in him being beaten and bloodied by MJF. Callis said Fletcher never has to apologize. He’s 25 years old and is the golden goose of the company. He told Fletcher to just move on to the next thing and said You’re my guy.

Tag Team Match
Top Flight (Dante Martin & Darius Martin) vs. MxM Collection (Mason Madden & Mansoor)

Mansoor connects with a shoulder tackle and strikes a pose then hits a bodyslam to Dante Martin and follows it up with a pair of elbow drops. Dante responds with 3 arm drags then tags in Darius Martin.

Mason Madden tags in and stares down Darius then lands a chop on him in the corner then connects with a Scissor Kick.

Mansoor tags back in and hits a Manhattan Drop to Darius.

MxM Collection then double team on him and strike a pose before Mansoor goes for a pin.

Darius kicks out and Dante tags in before Dante hits a clothesline to Mansoor in the corner and Darius tags back in. He lands a suplex then tags out to Dante.

Top Flight send MxM Collection crashing out of the ring and Leila Grey directs air traffic as Top Flight take flight as we go to a break.

After the break Mansoor sends Darius crashing into the mat and goes for a pin but Darius kicks out and Grey hops up on the apron.

She finds herself in a contest to see who can grab Mansoor’s attention opening the door for Darius to deliver a superkick. Dante tags in and Dante hits Mansoor with a pair of back elbows.

Mansoor looks to hits a splash to him but Dante avoids it and hits an airplane spin to Mansoor.

Madden comes to Mansoor’s aid but Darius joins them in the ring.

Madden looks to land a double chokeslam on Top Flight but Top Flight escape.

They hits a double airplane spin and double dropkick to Madden before Dante hits a Tornado DDT to Madden using Darius as a launching pad.

Madden hits a sidewalk slam to Darius & Mansoor gets Dante in an electric chair position.

MxM Collection hits a chokeslam/Japanese Ocean Cyclone suplex combination to Dante & Mansoor pins him but Dante kicks out. MxM Collection gets Dante up but Dante escapes.

Darius pulls Mansoor out of the ring and sends him crashing into the ring apron face first.

He then sends Madden crashing into the middle rope and hits an enzuigiri to him then connects with a flatliner through the middle rope.

Mansoor pins Darius but Darius kicks out and sends Mansoor crashing into the mat.

Dante then tags in and ascends to the top rope before hitting a Frog Splash for the win.

Winners: Top Flight

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