AEW Collision Results & Review (August 17th, 2024)

On August 17th, 2024 AEW aired the 58th episode of Collision live in Arlington Texas inside Esports Stadium.

Britt Baker vs. Harley Cameron

Harley Cameron got some offense in then Britt Baker came back with a clothesline and a neckbreaker for a two count. Baker pulls out a glove and put it on but Cameron cut her off and hit Soul Food.

Cameron used a running knee strike to get a two count before Baker came back and hits a Curb Stomp for the win.

Winner: Britt Baker

-After the match TBS Champion Mercedes Mone made her entrance with Kamille. Mone stayed on the stage while Kamille walks to ringside. Baker grabs a kendo stick from underneath the ring and tried to hit Kamille with it but Kamille blocked it and broke it in half.

-Kamille hit Baker with a big boot and then drops her with another shot. Kamille hoisted up Baker on her shoulders and then walked up the ring steps and placed her on the top turnbuckle. Kamille pulls Baker over her shoulder then slams her face first to the mat. Mone entered the ring then she & Kamille put their feet on Baker while raising their arms.

ROH World Tag Team Titles Match
Undisputed Kingdom (Mike Bennett & Matt Taven) (c) vs. Dustin Rhodes & Sammy Guevara

Dustin Rhodes hits a couple of drop down punches on Undisputed Kingdom then tags out.

Sammy Guevara hits a crossbody then tossed Mike Bennett out of the ring.

Guevara also sent Matt Taven to the floor then hit separate dives on both men on opposite sides of the ring. Guevara struck his pose then Rhodes joined him in doing the same pose.

Undisputed Kingdom regrouped got the better of Guevara at ringside heading into a picture in picture break.

After the break Rhodes hits Shattered Dreams on Taven and then followed up with Cross Rhodes.

Rhodes had the pin but Bennett broke it up then Bennett took out Guevara then Rhodes hits Bennett with Cross Rhodes. Roderick Strong & The Beast Mortos ran out. Taven got a near fall on Rhodes.

The Von Erichs ran out and put Strong & Mortos in Iron Claws.

Cage Of Agony ran out and joined the right at ringside before The Conglomeration ran out to help The Von Erichs then in the ring Taven caught Dustin in an inside cradle for a near fall.

Undisputed Kingdom set up for a spike piledriver but Guevara joined Taven on the ropes and gave him a cutter. Rhodes backdrops Bennett.

Rhodes suplexed Bennett then Guevara hits him with a top rope move for the win.

Winners & New ROH World Tag Team Champions: Dustin Rhodes & Sammy Guevara (NEW CHAMPIONS!!!!)

-A video package aired on the Swerve Strickland vs. Bryan Danielson match for the AEW World Title match at All In and featured predictions from Jim Ross, Kyle Fletcher, Willow Nightingale, Shane Taylor, Roderick Strong, The Outrunners, Renee Paquette, Claudio Castagnoli, Johnny TV, Paul Wight, Lee Moriarty, Dax Harwood, Sonjay Dutt, RJ City, Jerry Lynn & Nigel McGuinness.

-After the break FTW Champion Chris Jericho was interviewed by Renee Paquette in the backstage area and mentioned that he will face Tommy Billington. Jericho said Hook is stupid for wanting to face him at All In with one eye. Jericho said Hook will be banned from the Jericho Vortex forever.

-Jericho said Billington is entitled. Jericho said he wanted a warmup match for Hook. Jericho said he knew Billington’s uncle and he wouldn’t like Billington because he wasn’t trained properly. Jericho boasted that he is a modern day Stu Hart. He said he would teach Billington lessons in violence in front of his UK fans. Jericho said the Dynamite Kid would be Dynamite Done.

Hologram vs. Angelico

Hologram struck a pose then Angelico shot up and did a dance before Hologram sent Angelico to ringside and hit him with a suicide dive heading into a PIP break.

After the break Hologram jumped from the ropes and then hits a headscissors takedown.

Hologram went back to the ropes and dove at Angelico but he caught him yet was taken down in a DDT for a near fall. After some back & forth action Hologram hooks Angelico into a pin for the win.

Winner: Hologram

-A video package aired on the Tiger Driver 91 move. Excalibur narrated the video and spoke about how it originated with Mitsuharu Misawa. Will Ospreay spoke about the danger of the move because the opponent is defenseless. He said he doesn’t want to use the move and then ended the interview

Non Title Match
TNT Champion Jack Perry vs. Danny Orion

Jack Perry turned Danny Orion inside out with an clothesline then follows up with a running knee to get the win.

Winner: TNT Champion Jack Perry

-After the match Perry pulls a few items out from underneath the ring. Perry placed a bodybag in the ring and then spray painted half of Orion’s face. Perry placed Orion inside the body bag which had Darby name painted on top of it. Perry spat on the TNT Title and put it inside the bag with Orion. All unveiled a darker looking new TNT Title.

-After the break we get highlights aired of House Of Black, Bang Bang Gang & The Patriarchy’s history.

-A video aired with House Of Black talking about Christian Cage screwing them over followed by Bang Bang Gang doing the same.

-Christopher Daniels watched the video backstage and then spoke directly into the camera. Daniels announced that The Patriarchy will defend the Trios Titles at All In in a Fatal 4 Way match. He said the 4th team will be determined at the Cardiff Collision. Daniels said the 4 teams will meet in a London ladders match at All In for the Trios Titles.

Claudio Castagnoli vs. Lio Rush

Lio Rush hits an cutter & it only got a one count before Claudio Castagnoli came right back with a big boot.

Castagnoli stuffed a sunset flip attempt heading into a PIP break.

After the break The action spilled over to ringside where Castagnoli launched Rush over the ringside barrier into a aisle section.

Rush barely beat the referee’s 10 count. Castagnoli set up for a Neutralizer but Rush slips away.

Rush drops Castagnoli and got a two count. Rush hit an enzuigiri.

Castagnoli avoided Rush’s top rope move but Castagnoli pops up Rush and hits him with an uppercut for the win.

Winner: Claudio Castagnoli

-Kris Statlander & Stokely Hathaway spoke backstage about facing Tomohiro Ishii & Willow Nightingale in a Mixed Tag Team match at All In. Hathaway said he spoke with Tony Khan and the stipulation of the mixed tag match is that the winners will choose the stipulation for Nightingale vs. Statlander in a singles match at All Out. I’m the Stone Pitbull around here Hathaway said before doing a bad bark.

-Eddie Kingston sat on his couch with his leg up and had a crutch in his hand. Kingston said he’s still messed up. He said he had a long road to go and said he would do it. Kingston asked what Bryan Danielson has been appearing on Dynamite lately. He said the Danielson he’s seeing now is disrespectful to the sport and will get beat at All In.

-Kingston asked Danielson why he was doing the match if this isn’t who he is. He asked if Danielson would write his last love song to pro wrestling or if he would just go in and lose because he doesn’t have it anymore. Kingston said Danielson needs to figure it out. If you don’t then what’s the point Kingston say.

Mariah May vs. Londyn Dior

Mariah May hits a hip attack in the corner and followed up with Storm Zero for the win.

Winner: Mariah May

-After the match Women’s Champion Toni Storm’s new film played. Storm said she told the doctor she is depressed and she doesn’t know how she will go on. Storm removed the black suit she has been wearing and spoke about how she will be the grandest Toni Storm of them all. She said the River Thames will run red with May’s blood. Storm told May that Wembley is waiting. Let’s give them a show Storm said.

-May was shown seething after she watched the film. May picks up the high heel shoe and hit Londyn Dior with it 3 times.

-The Acclaimed stood backstage & Caster raps about FTR.

Main Event AEW World Tag Team Titles #1 Contenders Match
FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) vs. The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens & Max Caster)

The Acclaimed hits simultaneous back body drops then simultaneously clotheslined FTR to the floor.

Cash Wheeler caught Max Caster with a shot at ringside heading into a PIP break.

After the break Anthony Bowens hit Harwood with a running knee strike for a near fall.

Harwood came back with 3 German suplexes before Wheeler powerslammed Bowens then puts Caster on his shoulders.

Harwood tags in and hit a bulldog from the top rope on Caster and got a near fall heading into another PIP break. 

After the 2nd break Harwood put Bowens down with a DDT before both wrestlers tagged out.

Wheeler put Caster on his back and then slammed him face first before covering him for a two count.

Harwood put Bowens in a Sharpshooter while Wheeler prevented Caster from getting involved.

Caster broke free but Harwood saw him coming and released the hold then put Caster in a Sharpshooter.

Bowens ran the ropes and hit Harwood with a leg lariat for a near fall.

Arkady Aura announced that there were 5 minutes remaining in the match.

Wheeler took out Caster on the apron as Harwood went for a superplex and slipped yet he was still able to pull off the suplex on Bowens.

Wheeler hit a top rope splash on Bowens then pops up and hit Caster with a suicide dive.

Harwood got the better of a strike exchange with Bowens before FTR set up for Shatter Machine but caster returned to break it up. The Acclaimed hit Shatter Machine on Harwood for a near fall.

Bowens put Harwood down then Caster hit the Mic Drop.

Bowens covered Harwood, but Wheeler drove Caster onto both wrestlers to break up the pin.

Both teams got to their knees and exchanged blows and continued as they got to their feet.

FTR hits Bowens with Shatter Machine then Harwood went for the pin but Caster was able to break it up.

Aura announced that there was 1 minute remaining asCaster rolled up Harwood for a two count.

Harwood came right back with an inside cradle for a two count then Wheeler jumped from the apron and clotheslined Bowens.

Harwood caught Caster with a headbutt and fell on top of him for a two count then the bell rang to end the match.

Winners & #1 Contenders To The AEW World Tag Team Titles: No One (Time Limit Draw) (30:00)

-After the match What about Wembley? Wheeler asked the referee. Billy Gunn tried to play peacemaker between the 2 teams until Harwood punched him. Both sides fought until security and wrestlers ran out.

-Tony Schiavone announced that Tony Khan informed him that both teams will challenge Young Bucks in a Triple Threat Match for the AEW World Tag Team Titles at All In. Meanwhile both teams continued to have a pull apart brawl with Gunn also getting involved for The Acclaimed to close out Collision.

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