Noted Racist Hulk Hogan Blames Alcohol For Latest Racist Comments About Kamala Harris

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”

Maya Angelou

The views expressed in this or any other editorial are solely those of the writer and do not necessarily represent the views, thoughts, feelings, or sense of humor as any staff.

And it’s like, every time Hulk Hogan can just sail off into a beachfront sunset in Florida and let the rest of the world forget about him, he just has to say or do something that gets the world talking…for better or worse.

A couple weeks ago, it was when he spoke at the Republican National Convention and ripped his shirt off as former president of the United States, and current 34-count felon, Donald Trump, blew him kissies.

His speech at the RNC endeared him to a certain section of the country, and alienated him from the other section.

Similarly, recent comments he made about current Vice President, and Democratic Presidential Nominee Kamala Harris, are bound to have the same effect. Some people (racists) will love it. Other people (not racists) will abhor it.

TMZ obtained a video of Hogan once again showing the world who, exactly, he is.

At a recent appearance (probably following the RNC), while promoting his new Real American Beer (because evidently there’s nothing more ‘American’ than racism), Hogan asked the crowd a series of questions, with each subsequent question being worse than the prior.

“Do you guys need a cocktail?” Hogan asked the audience.

(Hogan, himself, certainly did not need another one).

Then he asked if the crowd needed mussels (or muscles?), or money, or beer. (The crowd kept chanting ‘What.’)

He asked if the crowd wanted to get crazy, and if they wanted him to throw more beer out to them.

That’s when things got real good. And by “good,” we mean “racist.”

“You guys want me to body slam somebody?” he asked. “Do you want me to body slam Kamala Harris?”

Hogan reiterated: “I said, do you want me to body slam Kamala Harris?”

(He consistently mispronounced her name, but it’s uncertain if that was on purpose or not).

“Do you want me to drop the leg on Kamala?” he asked. “Is Kamala a chameleon? Is she Indian?”

He then rose his hand up, in a mocking gesture of Native Americans and said ‘Hau.’ Because Hulk Hogan is an idiot and does not know that Kamala is Indian…because her mother is from India.

“I’m gonna get heat for that one, brother,” Hogan prophesied. “That was not me, that was the beers talking.”

Like the saying goes, “drunk words are sober thoughts.”

The TMZ video then shows Hogan chugging a beer like he’s a 21-year-old frat boy, before signing t-shirts while the crowd chanted “USA!”

Of course, this is not the first time Hulk Hogan has made, like, terribly racist comments.

In a leaked sex-video of the WWE Hall of Famer, Hogan was recorded delivering a vile, racist rant about some of his daughter, Brooke’s sexual partners.

“I mean, I’d rather if she was going to f–ck some n–gger, I’d rather have her marry an 8-foot-tall n–gger worth a hundred million dollars! Like a basketball player!” Hogan reportedly stated. “I guess we’re all a little racist.”

And then, just to really hammer the point home, he ended the tirade by simply stating, “F–cking n–gger.”

When it comes crashing down and it hurts inside, you’ve got to take a stand. It don’t help to hide. But that’s exactly what Hulk Hogan is doing. He’s hiding behind a shtick that peaked in 1992; one that is only entertaining to a subsection of America who are only intelligent enough to chant “USA!” because it’s just three letters.

In the ’80s and ’90s, Hulk Hogan was a hero. He was an icon. He was a legend. Now? Well, now he’s none of those things. He’s not a hero. He’s not a legend. He’s not even a “real American.” Hulk Hogan is simply, sadly, a washed-up, bitter, ignorant, caricature of a human being that only ever appeals to the lowest common denominator – most of whom also consider themselves to be “real Americans.”

But that’s not America. Not the real America. It’s just blatant racism, blatant ignorance, blatant hate. And sooner or later, for Hulk Hogan, it’s once again going to all come crashing down.

Full video of Hogan’s racist tirade (again) can be seen below:

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