NJPW G1 Climax 34 Review & Results: Yota Tsuji vs. Zack Sabre Jr.

NJPW G1 Climax Finals
Ryogoku Kokugikan in Tokyo, Japan

NJPW G1 Climax Finals 
Yota Tsuji vs. Zack Sabre Jr.

The match began with some basic chain wrestling. Tsuji quickly took control rocking Sabre with a pair of shoulder tackles. Tsuji rocked Sabre with a big palm strike for a near fall. Sabre responded yanking Tsuji’s arm to the mat. Sabre took the lead stomping on Tsuji’s arm. Sabre placed Tsuji in a body scissors with a double wrist lock. Tsuji broke free planting Sabre with a suplex. Tsuji took the lead delivering a tope launching Sabre over the barricade. Tsuji applied a body scissors but Sabre rolled over placing his foot on the ropes. Sabre responded catching Tsuji with a neck screw. Sabre took back the lead catching Tsuji in a Cobra Twist coming off the ropes. Tsuji broke free planting Sabre with an Alabama Slam. Tsuji took the lead rocking Sabre with a Superkick/Lariat combo for a near fall. Tsuji connected with a Falcon Arrow for a two count. Tsuji followed hitting a Curb Stomp. Tsuji went to climb the turnbuckles but Sabre responded yanking his arm on the ropes. Sabre battled back hitting a flying stomp to Tsuji’s arm. Sabre went for a cross-arm breaker but Tsuji placed his foot on the ropes. Sabre rocked Tsuji with a PK just past the 20-minute mark. Tsuji responded nailing Sabre with a step-up knee strike. Tsuji went for a flying Curb Stomp but Sabre escaped. Sabre caught Tsuji in a European Clutch for a close two count. Sabre sent Tsuji flying with a German Suplex. Tsuji got right back up rocking Sabre with a Gene Blaster. The crowd cheered as both Sabre and Tsuji both got to their feet to reset the match. Sabre and Tsuji exchanged big strikes selling the fatigue from the match. Sabre rocked Tsuji with a series of uppercuts. Tsuji responded nailing Sabre with a gut punch. Tsuji took the lead planting Sabre with 17 Crosses for two just past the 25-minute mark. Tsuji rocked Sabre with a flying double stomp for two. Tsuji called for the Gene Blaster but Sabre intercepted into a Fujiwara Armbar. Sabre transitioned into a Triangle Hold. Tsuji broke free planting Sabre with a Powerbomb. Tsuji rocked Sabre with a running knee strike for two. Sabre rocked Tsuji with a series of palm strikes. Tsuji responded nailing Sabre with a huge head butt. Tsuji carried Sabre up the ropes. Tsuji delivered an avalanche 17 Crosses but Sabre kicked out at two. Tsuji called for the Deadbolt Suplex but Sabre countered with a Pele Kick to the arm. Sabre rocked Tsuji with a lariat. Sabre called for the Zack Driver but Tsuji escaped. Tsuji delivered a Tsuji Driver for a two count. Tsuji called for the Gene Blaster but Sabre countered into the European Clutch for two. Sabre caught Tsuji in a Jackknife Figure-4-Leg Lock rollup for two. Sabre rocked Tsuji with a PK just past the 30-minute mark. Sabre called for the Zack Driver but Tsuji countered into a Stunner. Tsuji went for a misdirection Gene Blaster but Sabre countered in a Triangle Hold. Sabre wrapped up both Tsuji’s arms and legs to win the G1 Climax at 31:40. (Amin’s Thoughts) A tremendous professional wrestling to cap off the G1 Climax tournament. A really good match between Sabre and Tsuji as they told a great story. This was one of Tsuji’s best match showing he has all the potential to become NJPW next top star. Sabre has been one of NJPW’s best wrestlers for quite some time now so it was great to see him win the G1 Climax. I was first disappointed when Sabre said he wasn’t waiting for his title match at WrestleKingdom. I would like to see Sabre beat Tetsuya Naito for the IWGP World Title at the King of Pro-Wrestling show. This would actually be really cool to see Sabre defend the IWGO World Heavyweight Title in London at the Royal Quest show. Overall, a great match and cool moment for Sabre. (****½)

Masahiro Chono entered the ring and presented Sabre with G1 Climax Flag. Sabre delivered a post-match promo. Sabre celebrated his win. Sabre said January 4th is a long way away. Sabre said he’s falling in love with Ryugoku. Sabre said he would like to have an IWGP World Heavyweight Title match at Ryugoku on the King of Pro-Wrestling show. Sabre said he wants to win the IWGP World Heavyweight Title at King of Pro-Wrestling. Chris Charlton on commentary noted that Sabre wanted to defend the IWGP World Heavyweight Title at the NJPW Royal Quest show in London on October 20th. There was a big confetti celebration as Sabre celebrated with the G1 Climax trophy. 

OVERALL THOUGHTS: This was very fun and enjoyable G1 Finals match between Sabre and Tsuji. Great to see Sabre win the G1 Finals. Now let’s see Sabre get his crowning moment and win the IWGP World Title at the King of Pro-Wrestling show. Sabre winning the title won’t fix all of NJPW problems. It would be a step in the right direction for NJPW.
