Tweet That Wasn’t About Him Causes Saraya’s Boyfriend to Lose His Goddamned Mind

The views expressed in this or any other editorial are solely those of the writer and do not necessarily represent the views, thoughts, feelings, or sense of humor as any staff. They are opinions.

You’ve heard of Falling in Reverse (actually, you probably haven’t). But we like to call this Falling On Your Face in Front of Everybody and We’re All Laughing At You Because You Suck.

Falling in Reverse Frontboy (we’d say Frontman but that implies he’s a, well, you get it) and Saraya’s boyfriend, Ronnie Radke, has heard your comments. He’s seen your tweets. He’s watched your TikToks. He’s taken all he can take and he can’t takes anymore. And now, he’s fighting back. Er, lashing out.

(He’s also suing people so, for the purposes of this article, anything we write hereafter will consist of multiple uses of the word “alleged”).

So anyway.

A recent tweet from an AEW fan seems to have enraged the eyeliner-clad musician. But a simple scroll through his Twitter feed suggests that, even without the preceding tweet, the man’s losing his fucking mind, regardless.

First, the tweet that set him off and drew his ire.

Wow. Truly controversial stuff. Naturally, this tweet infuriated Saraya’s boyfriend.

Here’s his response:

Totally normal, totally not unhinged response from a totally sane, totally emotionally intelligent human being.

But let’s dissect his response a bit, shall we?

“Shut the absolute f*ck up,” is actually kind of funny. Or, at least, it would be if it wasn’t coming from the mouth (or fingers) of a glorified middle school bully. Calling somebody a “r*tarded bitch” was annoying in 8th grade, Ronnie. You’re a 40-year-old man.

“So tired of yall [SIC] making shit up.” What, exactly, was this girl making up, Ronnie? Like, people did hold up trans flags. It happened. There were cameras. I’m literally watching it right now.

“Saraya is one of the nicest people in the world.” Honestly, we still don’t doubt that. And we’re sure, other than the company she keeps, she’s a delight. The problem, Ronnie, is not whether Saraya is “nice” or not. The problem is that she’s dating you. It’s like when you have that one friend in the friend group who constantly makes bad choices and at first you all try to convince her that the dude she’s dating isn’t good enough for her but she ignores everyone because “Daddy, I love him!” and she constantly gets cheated on and abused and eventually leaves him but then she starts dating another guy and she swears that this time it’s different but it’s not and everybody knows it and so instead of trying to convince her otherwise, everybody just kind of holds their tongue and waits for the inevitable implosion and we’re not even going to say “I told you so” when the implosion happens because we just feel so bad for her so we buy her a pint of Ben and Jerry’s Half Baked and a bottle of wine and spend the next six hours listening to her talk about how small the dude’s d*ck is. That’s what this is like, Ronnie. Except in this case, you’re the dude. You’re both of the dudes.

Moving on…

“In fact ask Nia her trans friend that wrestled at aew how she feels you holding up a trans flag to someone like Saraya doesn’t make you brave makes you a bigot and a liar.”

Uhm, is that words? Is that a sentence? If you’re going to go on a rant, Ronnie, at least use punctuation. Did you not take your GED at High Desert? Luckily, through the powers of decipherment, I can still put together what this toddler is saying.

“Ask Nia, her trans friend that wrestled at aew how she feels.”

Okay, so first of all, her friend’s name is Nyla. Nyla Rose, in fact. You may be confusing Nyla with Nia Jax in WWE. Or you may just be an (alleged) idiot. I don’t know Nyla. But I know people who do know Nyla and I’m willing to bet my bottom dollar that Nyla is psyched when people hold up trans flags.

“Holding up a trans flag to someone like Saraya doesn’t make you brave makes you a bigot and a liar.”

Well, if anyone knows anything about bigotry and lying, it’d (allegedly) be you. You also seem to know quite a bit about domestic violence, assaulting teenagers, and sexual assault. Allegedly.

Oh, and murder. Seems you know a lot about murder. And parole violation. And prison. Allegedly.

And! You know a lot about making really, really shitty music. And there’s nothing alleged about that. Because the best defense to libel is absolute truth and your music absolutely fucking sucks.

“Fuck you and fuck anybody that backs that shit you fake ass cunt. You make the trans community look bad.”

That backs what shit, Ronnie? This is when punctuation, or grammar, or a basic grasp of the English language helps. As far as making the trans community look bad, how on earth are you claiming to have any insight into the trans community? Everybody there hates you. And do you want to know why they hate you? Because you keep saying shit like this.

And this.

Oh, and this.

You can say whatever you want, Ronnie. But you don’t get to speak for a community that you openly mock and blatantly hate. You think you’re trying to be witty. You think you’re trying to be funny. But you’re not. You’re a 14-year-old boy in a 40-year-old’s body. And the reason people are holding up trans flags is not because Saraya “Isn’t nice.” It’s because she’s dating you, you absolute inhuman dog-man. It’s because Saraya actually has talent. And fans want to cheer for her, and pull for her, and be happy for her. Because she has an inspiring story and an incredible life. She just has really, really bad taste in men (allegedly). But we’ve all been there. We’ve all dated a terrible person. And so, when she realizes (and she will realize) that you’re nothing more than a scared, angry, hurt little boy with face tattoos and skinny jeans, when she realizes that you’re an ignorant, apathetic, uncreative, untalented, bully who talks big to account for other things that are very, very small…when she realizes those things, we’re not going to tell her “We told you so.” We’re just going to buy her Ben and Jerry’s and be thrilled that she’s finally laughing at you like the rest of the world is.

And Ronnie, when you read this — and I know you will, you vanity-searching, insecure, unfunny twat — when you read this, I want you to remember just one thing.

I’m just playing, dude. You know I love you.

(Legally, I have to say that. You fucking suck).

Follow Nick on Twitter/X at @WesternRebel

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