WWE SummerSlam Review: Cody Rhodes vs. Solo Sikoa

WWE SummerSlam 2024 
Cleveland Browns Stadium, Cleveland, Ohio

WWE Chief Content Officer Paul “Triple H” Levesque came out to start the show. He welcomed us to WWE SummerSlam. He introduced Jelly Roll who performed his song “liar” which is one of the theme songs for the show.

WWE Women’s World Championship Match: Liv Morgan [c] vs. Rhea Ripley 

Rhea Ripley came out to a big reaction. She came out with Dominik Mysterio. Liv Morgan received a big mixed reaction. The match began with Ripley chasing Morgan around the ring. Ripley took control rocking Morgan with a series of short-arm clotheslines. Ripley planted Morgan with a Half-and-Half Suplex. Ripley rocked Morgan with a huge head butt. Ripley planted Morgan with a RipTide onto the turnbuckle. Ripley went for a second RipTide but Morgan escaped. Morgan responded running Ripley’s shoulder into the turnbuckle. Ripley sold her injured shoulder. Morgan connected with a running boot sending Ripley into the ring steps. Morgan connected with a Codebreaker to Ripley’s shoulder. Ripley responded catching Morgan with a big boot. Ripley sold her shoulder outside the ring. Dominik shoved Ripley out of the way. Morgan delivered a tope onto Dominik on the floor. Ripley rammed her shoulder into the announcers table to put her shoulder back in place. This got a huge reaction. Ripley made a comeback rocking Ripley with a running dropkick. Ripley planted Morgan with a face buster for two. Ripley called for RipTide but Morgan countered into a DDT for two. Ripley responded yanking Morgan off the ropes. Ripley went for the Prism Lock but Morgan broke free. Morgan planted Ripley with a Crucifix Driver for two. Morgan went for an arm bar but Ripley broke free slamming her to the mat for two. Morgan caught Ripley yanking her shoulder against the ropes. Morgan grabbed a chair. Ripley stopped Morgan from using a chair. Ripley planted Morgan with a huge RipTide. Ripley grabbed a chair. Dominik stood on the ring apron and yanked the chair from Ripley’s hand. The crowd booed. Morgan dropkicked Ripley into the chair. This led to Morgan delivering an ObLIVion but Ripley kicked out for an awesome two count. Dominik slid the chair back inside the ring. Dominik stood on the ring apron distracting the referee. Morgan delivered a second ObLIVion sending Ripley crashing onto the chair. Morgan covered Ripley to keep her WWE Women’s World Title at 15:53. 

Dominik had a big smile on his face after seeing Morgan keep her title. The fans went completely wild as Dominik lifted Morgan to her feet. The fans went more wild as Dominik and Morgan shared a long a kiss as Ripley watched. Michael Cole’s call on commentary to Dominik kissing Morgan was incredible. Dominik and Morgan walked to the back. 

Finn Balor, JD McDonagh and Carlito were inside the Judgment Day clubhouse. Damian Priest stormed inside irate asking where Dominik was? Priest grabbed Balor by his shirt asking if he knew this was going to happen with Dominik. Balor said he didn’t know. Balor said he Carlito and McDonagh are gonna look for Dominik. They left the Judgment Day clubhouse. Priest called Balor’s name. 

WWE Intercontinental Championship Match: Sami Zayn [c] vs. Bron Breakker 

Sami Zayn received a strong babyface reaction. Bron Breakker got a strong heel reaction. Zayn moved as Breakker went for a spear but crashed into the ring post. Zayn took the lead hitting a Tope Con Hilo to the floor. Sami went for a dive but Breakker moved out of the way. Breakker rocked Zayn with a running clothesline. Zayn went for a reverse comeback Helluva Kick but Breakker moved. Breakker went for a Press Powerslam but his shoulder gave out. Breakker rocked Zayn with a huge lariat. The fans began barking. Breaker caught Zayn with an awesome Super Frankenstiner for a good two count. Breakker talked trash. Zayn responded rocking Breakker with a lariat. Zayn went for a Reverse Exploder but Breakker managed to land on his feet. Breakker went for a flying bulldog but Zayn countered into a Blue Thunder Bomb for a good near fall. Breakker caught Zayn with a jumping knee. Zayn responded catching Breakker charging with an Exploder Suplex. Zayn called for the Helluva Kick but Breakker intercepted with an awesome spear. The fans cheered as Breakker pulled down his straps and roared. Breakker ran off the ropes hitting a second huge spear to win the WWE Intercontinental Title in 5:42  

Stephanie McMahon was shown sitting front row and clapping. This was nice to see Stephanie make an appearance.

Logan Paul came out to a huge heel reaction in his hometown. Paul greeted two security guards at the entrance ramp. One of the security guards was revealed as music sensation Machine Gunn Kelly. 

The camera cut backstage. LA Knight was shown backstage getting outside a Prime Truck. Knight grabbed a pipe and smashed the window of the Prime truck. Knight said he’s now coming for the WWE United States Championship. He said with everybody saying LA Knight YEAH! Knight received a huge reaction from the fans. 

WWE United States Championship Match: Logan Paul [c] vs. LA Knight 

Paul wasted no time jumping Knight before the match began. Knight responded launching Paul into the Prime hydration station. Paul responded spitting Prime drink into Knight’s face. Knight slammed Paul’s face onto the announcers table. Knight delivered a neck breaker sending Paul crashing onto the announcers table. The match officially got underway. Knight rocked Paul with a lariat for two. Knight went for an LA Elbow but Paul got his knees up. Paul battled back running Knight into the ring post. Paul connected with a Logan Split-Leg Drop for a near fall. Knight caught Paul coming off the ropes with a power slam for a double down. Knight made a comeback hitting a Side Effect. Knight climbed the ropes delivering an impressive Springboard LA Elbow for two. Paul used Knight’s momentum catching him with a springboard lariat. Paul followed hitting an awesome Springboard Moonsault to Knight. Paul caught Knight with a KO Punch after a fun counter exchange for a good two count. Paul called for a Frog Splash but Knight moved out of the way. Knight went for the BFT but Paul held onto the ropes. Knight caught Paul climbing the ropes with a Springboard Avalanche Fisherman’s Buster which looked crazy for a great two count. Paul rolled to the floor. Knight caught Paul with a slingshot dropkick. Knight attacked Paul’s buddies at ringside. Knight responded running Knight into the ring post. Machine Gunn Kelly handed Paul the Brass Knuckles. Paul rocked Knight with the Brass Knuckles. Paul called for the Buckshot Lariat but Knight countered hitting a BFT. Knight covered Paul and won the WWE United States Title to an incredible reaction in 12:04. 

LA Knight celebrated with the WWE United States Title to a huge reaction from the fans. 

WWE Women’s Championship Match: Bayley [c] vs. Nia Jax 

Jax made her entrance wearing the Queen’s Crown. Bayley received a great babyface reaction from the fans. Bayley started quickly yanking Jax’s arm against the ropes. Jax responded catching Bayley with a Samoan Drop. Jax took control planting Bayley with a scoop slam. Bayley responded using her strength planting Jax with a backdrop suplex. Bayley leaped off the ring steps rocking Jax with a flying forearm. Jax stopped Bayley from climbing the ropes. Jax went for a stalling suplex but Bayley countered into a Guillotine. Jax broke free launching Bayley with a face buster. Jax took control hitting a running leg drop for two. Jax went for a flying leg from but Bayley moved out of the way. Bayley connected with a Bayley-to-Belly for a two count. Jax caught Bayley charging with an uranage slam. Jax connected with an Annihilator but Bayley kicked out for a great two count. Jax recklessly swung Bayley across the ring. Bayley moved as Jax crashed into the ring post. Bayley went for a dive but Jax countered into a Samoan Drop on the floor. Bayley stopped Jax from climbing the ropes. Bayley grabbed Jax showing just incredible strength as she delivered an awesome Powerbomb which was the highlight of the match. Bayley climbed the ropes delivering a flying elbow drop for two. Ms. Women’s Money in the Bank Tiffany Stratton ran down. Bayley yanked Tiffany off the ropes. Bayley rocked Jax with a running knee strike. Jax caught Bayley charging with a Popup Powerbomb. Jax delivered a second Powerbomb. Jax climbed the ropes hitting a pair of Annihilators to win the WWE Women’s Title in 12:33. 

Tiffany Stratton celebrated with Jax after the match. Tiffany gave the WWE Women’s Title a look that Jax was holding.

Seth Rollins was the special guest referee for the next match. Rollins received a huge reaction from the fans. The fans loudly sang along to Rollins song.

CM Punk vs. Drew McIntyre 

Drew McIntyre came out first to a huge heel reaction from the fans. There were huge CM Punk chants from the fans as McIntyre was making his entrance. CM Punk came out to an incredible reaction from the fans. The fans in the building were standing going crazy as Rollins stood between CM Punk and McIntyre. McIntyre and Punk began exchanging huge strikes to start the match. Punk stomped away at McIntyre in the corner. Rollins pulled Punk off McIntyre. McIntyre stomped away at Punk in the corner. Rollins pulled McIntyre off Punk as well. Punk caught McIntyre with a pair of flying clotheslines. The action moved to the floor with Punk rocking McIntyre with a flying elbow off the barricade. Punk rammed McIntyre repeatedly into the ring steps. McIntyre responded yanking Punk onto the ring apron. McIntyre took the lead swinging Punk into the announcers table. McIntyre catapulted Punk into the steel part of the ring apron. McIntyre sent Punk flying with an overhead belly-to-bely suplex. Punk kicked out before Rollins could count. McIntyre caught Punk charging with a Powerbomb for one. McIntyre planted Punk with a Liger Bomb for two. McIntyre brought a chair into the ring. Rollins turned his back but then stopped McIntyre from using the chair. McIntyre shoved Rollins across the face. McIntyre moved as Rollins almost attacked Punk with a chair. Punk caught McIntyre with a rollup but Rollins was slow to count. McIntyre placed Punk’s bracelet on his hand. Punk made a comeback catching McIntyre with a Pepsi Twist. Punk rocked McIntyre with a series of rising knee strikes. Punk climbed the ropes hitting a Macho Man Elbow Drop for two. Punk placed McIntyre in the Anaconda Vice. Punk released the hold after seeing McIntyre wearing the bracelet. McIntyre took advantage hitting a Claymore Kick but Punk kicked out for a great two count. McIntyre called for the Future Shock DDT but Punk escaped. Punk had McIntyre for the GTS. Punk saw Rollins wearing the bracelet. Rollins tried to explain what happened. McIntyre attacked Punk who bumped into Rollins. McIntyre went for the Future Shock DDT but Punk countered hitting a GTS. Punk had a visual pin but Rollins was out. Rollins eventually made the count but McIntyre kicked out at two. Punk and Rollins yelled at each other. Punk gave Rollins the GTS to a big reaction. The crowd cheered as Punk wore his bracelet. McIntyre took advantage hitting a low blow. McIntyre delivered a Claymore Kick for the win at 16:58. 

—Rollins stormed to the back just like how Shawn Michaels did at SummerSlam 1997. McIntyre took back Punk’s bracelet after the match. 

Damian Priest was warming up backstage. Finn Balor appeared saying they couldn’t find Dominik. Priest apologized to Balor for what he did earlier. Balor said it was water under the bridge. Priest said he wanted to say sorry. Balor said he was sorry too. Balor told Priest that Judgment Day comes first. Balor said Priest didn’t want him ringside. Balor said he changed his mind. Balor said he will be ringside for the match. Priest said he appreciates it. They bumped fists. 

WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match: Damian Priest [c] vs. Gunther 

Gunther received a huge heel reaction from the fans. Damian Priest received a strong babyface reaction. Gunther and Priest started quickly exchanging big strikes. Priest planted Gunther with an elevated flatliner. Priest called for the Razor’s Edge but Gunther escaped. Gunther took control planting Priest with a backdrop on the ring apron. Gunther connected with a Butterfly Suplex for a near fall. There were mixed chants for both Gunther and Priest from the fans. Priest battled back catching Gunther with a Super Hurricanrana. Priest launched Gunther with a Broken Arrow for two. Gunther and Priest exchanged huge strikes. Gunther was bleeding from the chest. Priest blocked Gunther’s chop. Priest nailed Gunther with a Superkick. Gunther responded nailing Priest with a Woo Dropkick. Gunther followed hitting a Stack Powerbomb for two. Priest responded catching Gunther with a spin kick. Priest delivered South of Heaven for two. Priest went for a spin kick but Gunther countered hitting a Catch Suplex. Gunther followed rocking Priest with a running lariat. Gunther connected with a second lariat for two. Priest told Gunther to bring it. Finn Balor made his way ringside. Gunther and Priest exchanged huge strikes. Gunther whipped his blood on his chest and face. Michael Cole said “Gunther is a Sicko!” That was funny. Gunther nailed Balor with a big boot. The fans cheered as Priest got to his feet and pulled down his straps. Priest made a comeback rocking Gunther with a pair of running lariats. Priest planted Gunther with a Razor’s Edge. Priest planted Gunther with a South of Heaven. Priest looked to have the match won. Balor placed Gunther’s leg on the ropes which got an incredible reaction. Priest saw the replay on the big screen. Balor turned around giving Priest a heel look. Balor watched on as Gunther placed Priest in a sleeper hold. The fans cheered as Priest countered into a reverse rollup for two. Priest grabbed Balor by the shirt. Gunther took advantage grabbing hold of Priest. Gunther planted Priest with a Powerbomb. Gunther placed Priest in a sleeper hold. Priest passed out. Balor watched on as Gunther won the WWE World Heavyweight Champion in 16:38. 

Finn Balor watched on as Damian Priest laid on the mat. Gunther stood on the announcers table and posed with the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. 

The Miz and R-Truth are here to announce the WWE SummerSlam attendance of 57,791. Austin Theory and Grayson Waller appeared to make fun of Cleveland and Jelly Roll. R-Truth gets confused thinking Theory and Waller are the Rock ‘N’ Roll Express. We saw Jelly Roll enter the ring holding a steel chair. Jelly Roll whacked Theory and Waller with a chair. Jelly Roll delivered a Chokeslam to Theory. Jelly Roll, The Miz and R-Truth all did the 5 Knuckle Shuffle to Theory. 

Undisputed WWE Champion Cody Rhodes was shown leaving his tour bus. Cody was walking backstage with his dog Pharaoh. The crowd cheered as Cody hugged Arn Anderson backstage. Anderson spoke about how Dusty would be proud seeing Cody as WWE Champion. Anderson noted Cody has four pissed off Island Boys after him. Anderson noted he still got some influence in the locker room and made some phone calls as well. Cody greeted Brandi Rhodes mom backstage. Cody received an incredible reaction from the crowd. Cody got a huge firework show for his entrance. 

Undisputed WWE Championship Bloodline Rules Match: Cody Rhodes [c] vs. Solo Sikoa 

The match started at a very basic and standard pace. The action slowly picked up as Cody and Sikoa exchanged strikes. Cody took control nailing Sikoa with a springboard kick. Cody followed rocking Sikoa with a tope. Cody went for a second tope but Sikoa caught him with a right hand. Cody went for a snap powerslam but Sikoa saw it coming. Sikoa took control nailing Cody with a spin kick for two. Sikoa launched Cody with a pair of Samoan Drop for two. Sikoa called for the Samoan Spike but Cody blocked. Cody battled back catching Sikoa with a Cody Cutter. The action moved back to the floor as Cody whacked Sikoa with a Prime bottle. Cody nailed Sikoa with a Bionic Elbow. Cody went for a Disaster Kick but Sikoa countered into a Sit-Out Powerbomb for two. Sikoa launched Cody with a Samoan Drop for two. Sikoa placed Cody in the Tree of Woe. Sikoa connected with a pair of sliding head butts. Cody battled back catching Sikoa with a flying Moonsault Splash. Sikoa caught Cody coming off the ropes with a Spinning Solo for two. Cody responded catching Sikoa with a leaping Superplex for a double down. Cody went for a Cody Cutter but Sikoa blocked. Sikoa called for Cross Rhodes but Cody countered hitting a Cross Rhodes. Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa ran down attacking Cody. Tonga and Loa delivered a Magic Killer to Cody for two. The crowd cheered as Kevin Owens ran down to a big reaction. The New Bloodline had the numbers advantage. The crowd cheered as Randy Orton ran down to make the save. Owens gave Tonga a Stunner. Orton planted Sikoa with a power slam. Owens delivered a Swanton Bomb to Sikoa. Cody delivered a Cross Rhodes to Sikoa for two. Owens, Orton. Tonga and Loa brawled through the crowd. Cody whacked Sikoa with the ring steps. Sikoa caught Cody charging with a spear for two. Cody moved as Sikoa charged into ring steps. Cody gave Sikoa a pair of Cross Rhodes. Jacob Fatu appeared catching Cody with the Whisper of the Wind. Fatu delivered a Flying Moonsault to Cody. Sikoa covered Cody for two. Fatu delivered a Super Splash sending Cody crashing through the announcers table. Fatu was selling his leg on the floor. Sikoa called for the Samoan Spike but Cody fell to the mat. Cody battled back nailing Sikoa with a super kick. Cody caught Sikoa with a Super Cody Cutter. The crowd went crazy as Roman Reigns returned to an incredible reaction. Reigns rocked Sikoa with a Superman Punch to a huge reaction. The crowd went completely wild as Reigns rocked Sikoa with a spear. Reigns nodded at Cody and left the ring. Cody stared at Reigns direction. Cody delivered a Cross Rhodes to Sikoa. Cody covered Sikoa while staring at Reigns to retain the Undisputed WWE Title at 29:13. 

Roman Reigns looked at Cody Rhodes and smiled. Reigns pointed at his new WWE t-shirt which had the letters OTC. The Original Tribal Chief. Cody celebrated with the Undisputed WWE Title as the show ended. 

OVERALL THOUGHTS: We got new champions, some big turns to start the direction for new storyline angles. That was mixed in with some very solid wrestling matches on the show. The show was highlighted by the amazing return of Roman Reigns. Overall, WWE SummerSlam did feel like the company’s biggest show of the summer.
