AEW Dynamite Review (August 21st, 2024)

On August 21st, 2024 AEW aired the 255th episode of Dynamite live in Cardiff Wales inside Utilita Arena.

-Kicking off this week’s Dynamite with Tony Schiavone in the ring for the TBS Title Match for All In contract signing between Britt Baker & Mercedes Mone’ who comes out with Kamille. Schiavone reminded them that they both agreed to no physical contact tonight. Mone talks about the truth being that Baker is the past and that she will forever be the future before she signs the contract. Baker brings up Mercedes wobbling into Wembley Stadium last year on crutches to watch her wrestle and that before there was ever a CEO, there was a DMD.

-Mone calls Baker a loser then says they are all fans who paid to see her before calling Baker her biggest fan and inspired her to be a wrestler before asking her if she’s really All In since she had to go and get a degree. Baker comes back saying that while Mercedes was 1 of 4, Baker was always one of one and called herself the baddest bitch on the block. She admits that she used to admire Mone but that girl went away and only cares about money now, but she hopes that Mone finds that girl again and fast because that’s the girl she wants to say she was able to beat at All In. Baker says she is going to follow the rules they agreed to by not hitting Mercedes but says Kamille is getting on her nerves and knocks her over the head with the microphone. Kamille ends up sitting on Mone as Baker takes them both out with a crossbody off the table before holding up the TBS Title.

-Renee Paquette is in the back with FTW Champion Chris Jericho, Bryan Keith & Big Bill and asks Jericho for any final thoughts before his match against Tommy Billington. Jericho talks about how he was thinking hard during his flight to Cardiff, England and asks Billington what gives him the right to call himself the Dynamite Kid and says he hasn’t even earned the right to be on Dynamite. Jericho says he doesn’t think he’s as good as the original Dynamite Kid and hopes Hook is watching as this is just a preview of what he will do to him at Wembley Stadium.

Non Title Match
FTW Champion Chris Jericho vs. Tommy Billington

Tommy Billington starts with a pair of arm drags as Chris Jericho immediately starts getting frustrated.

Billington continues by running the ropes and taking down Jericho with a shoulder tackle and a body slam before he heads to the top rope to hit a dropkick.

Billington starts tossing Jericho outside around the barricades but as Aubrey Edwards is distracted by attending to Jericho, Big Bill & Bryan Keith attack Billington going into picture in picture.

After the break they both go at it with crossbodies but Jericho takes control and hits a Lionsault for two.

Jericho continues and puts on the Liontamer but Billington is able to grab the bottom rope.

Billington comes back with a snap suplex and a Tombstone Piledriver but instead of going for the cover.

He decides to go to the top rope and take out Keith with a dive to the outside before going after Bill.

Billington now tries to hit a flying headbutt back inside but Jericho stops him with a Codebreaker for the win.

Winner: FTW Champion Chris Jericho

-After the match Jericho gets on the mic and calls Hook a stupid bastard and says he will do the same to him at All In and if he was right there right now he would rip him apart branch by branch by branch by branch as Hook’s music hits as he makes his way down to the ring. Hook gets right in Jericho’s face but Big Bill takes out Hook from behind and hits him with a chokeslam.

Women’s Title Match
Toni Storm (c) vs. Saraya

Toni Storm outsmart Saraya in the beginning and is able to taunt her as Saraya goes to regroup on the apron.

Saraya catches Storm on the apron and as Harley Cameron attacks Storm on the outside Saraya takes her out with a cannonball going into picture in picture.

After the break Storm is punching away before hitting a DDT and a fisherman’s suplex to get a two count.

Saraya stops a Storm Zero attempt by hitting Knight Cap for two.

They head to the top rope where Saraya hits a flipping powerbomb followed by a DDT but Storm is able to grab the bottom rope to break up the count.

Storm comes back with a Sky High for two as Cameron gets on the apron just for Storm to give her a kiss.

Saraya accidentally takes her out with a punch then Storm gives Saraya a kiss followed by Storm Zero to get the win.

Winner & Still Women’s Champion: Toni Storm (STILL CHAMPION!!!)

-After the match Mariah May runs in and takes out Storm with a shoe.

-Renee Paquette is in the back with The Conglomeration along with Willow Nightingale as Mark Briscoe starts hyping up All In and says he, Orange Cassidy & Kyle O’Reilly will be in the Casino Gauntlet Match before suggesting a match for Collision.

-Will Ospreay jokingly tells them to give MJF a reaction before saying it’s odd for an Englishman to get cheered here in Wales and starts comparing this to the British sitcom Gavin & Stacey before naming all the small venues he wrestled in here. Ospreay moves on to talk about All In and calls himself Barry Scott because it’ll be like Bang and the dirt is gone.

-MJF goes to talk and gets who are ya and shut the fuck up chants to which he responds with No. MJF talks about coming back early from injury before he was fully rehabilitated, and the reason is that he was begged by the top brass in AEW & Warner Bros Discovery to clean up Ospreay’s mess. Ospreay talks about the joke of MJF being the world champion here went on for too long and nobody talked about MJF’s match last year being an epic match but 2 friends jerking each other off. Ospreay continues saying that he wasn’t even signed back then but Tony Khan called him to sign him regardless of the 3,000 people he already has signed and told Ospreay to please put on a wrestling match as he can’t rely on his world champion MJF to do it. Ospreay continues saying this is more than about restoring the feeling as he is the feeling.

-MJF takes over and says he doesn’t care about these people as they are meaningless, and he only does what Americans do best winning. MJF said he actually believed that curly haired dork when he said the company was in Ospreay’s hands, before asking Ospreay who the hell he is and the fans only know who he is because they are red coated terrorists. MJF brings up how so many people think he is the best while only the fans here who know nothing, think Ospreay is the best and say they know nothing about professional wrestling since they like Ospreay’s matches. MJF starts running down his accolades and when they talk about this generation of wrestling he’ll be ace while Ospreay is 2nd place. MJF says Ospreay has the Tiger Driver in the chamber being the only move that can beat him but Ospreay is not man enough to pull the trigger. Ospreay tells MJF to go all over Europe and to ask them who the best wrestler in the world is and they will say Ospreay. In Japan, New Zealand, Australia & America they will also all say Ospreay and that’s why he can’t lose in front of his wife and kids while it took 4 years for MJF to win them over, it took him 4 beats to his music to win them over.

-MJF snaps back and says the fans all loved him until Ospreay came in and ruined it but admits he can never be like Ospreay being a role model to fans the world over, a great husband, a great father, and a great professional wrestler. In every way he fell short of being the face of AEW, Ospreay manned up and did it, however before the show tonight he got to spend a little time with Osprey’s wife and that so called kid of his and gave one more fact to Ospreay that he has a feeling after he had with Ospreay’s wife that the next kid she has won’t be Ospreay’s either. Security is surrounding the ring as Ospreay asks Tony Schiavone to ask Tony Khan how much the fine is if he attacks MJF which Schiavone tells him 100,000 pound Sterling or $127,000. Ospreay says it’s worth it and starts attacking MJF. Security tries to keep them apart but MJF takes out Ospreay with the Dynamite Diamond ring before taking out security as well. MJF continues attacking Ospreay, busting him up, and hitting a brainbuster before mockingly doing the 3 count. MJF goes to hit the Tiger Driver but security and Christopher Daniels run in and stop him.

-After the break Renee Paquette talks about a backstage altercation happening where Hangman Page was then asked to leave the building. Before leaving Page says he did what he had to do to make sure he was in the Casino Gauntlet. Page then stops Evil Uno and asks him if he knows who else is in it as Uno exceedingly says he is himself. Page takes out Uno with a chair and says he doesn’t care who else is in it as he will take them out.

Continental Title Match
Kazuchika Okada (c) vs. Claudio Castagnoli

Kazuchika Okada & Claudio Castagnoli starts this match by testing each other with lock ups.

Castagnoli traps Okada against the ropes and teases hitting him with an uppercut but doesn’t do it.

They start running the ropes before Okada takes Castagnoli down with a clothesline going into picture in picture.

After the break Castagnoli is able to hit a deadlift vertical suplex to Okada before attacking him in the corner with uppercuts.

They start exchanging forearms until Okada gets knocked down but he’s able to come right back with a DDT.

Okada continues with a neckbreaker and tries to go for the Tombstone but Castagnoli stops it with an uppercut before clotheslining Okada and himself to the outside.

Okada sends Castagnoli into the barricade then back in the ring as we go back to break.

After the 2nd break Castagnoli hits a gutwrench suplex and a stomp for two.

Castagnoli tries to climb the turnbuckle but Okada stops him with a dropkick sending Castagnoli to the outside.

Okada then goes to climb but Castagnoli this time stops him with a pair of uppercuts and tries a superplex but gets headbutted off.

Okada leaps over Castagnoli & hits a John Woo dropkick, and body slam then heads to the top rope and a top rope elbow drop but doesn’t go for the cover.

Okada does his Rainmaker pose flipping the crowd off, before stepping over Castagnoli.

Castagnoli gets right back up and hits the Giant Swing, goes to run the ropes but gets stopped with a dropkick right to the face.

Castagnoli is able to duck a Rainmaker attempt and hits a springboard uppercut but Okada comes right back with a neckbreaker.

They start trading forearms as Bobby Cruise announces 1 minute left in this match.

Back & forth but a pop up uppercut from Castagnoli & that sends Okada spilling to the outside.

Castagnoli tries to pull him back in & stomps on him and goes for the pin but Okada kicks out as the time runs out.

Winner: No One (Time Limit Draw) (20:00) (Okada retains) (Recommend)

-After the match The Elite immediately make their way out and say that the match was phenomenal but ask the crowd if they would like to see Claudio & Okada go 5 more minutes. Matthew Jackson though says unfortunately that won’t happen because Okada’s contract said he had to wrestle for 20 minutes not 25 and since they are EVPs they are sticklers for the rules and tells Castagnoli great effort, maybe next time and asks him to remove himself from the ring as they have a match. They continue saying if they have to, they will physically remove him from the ring, but Darby Allin’s music hits.

Trios Match
The Elite (AEW World Tag Team Champions Matthew Jackson & Nicholas Jackson & TNT Champion Jack Perry) vs. FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) & Darby Allin

Both teams brawling before the bell rings as Claudio Castagnoli & Kazuchika Okada brawl their way to the back. Dax Harwood & Jack Perry enter the ring as the official first two to start the match.

Darby Allin ends up taking out Perry on the outside with a tope as Young Bucks dive onto FTR on the outside followed by a Coffin Drop to them from Allin.

Young Bucks followed with a Doomsday Device Kick on Allin going into picture in picture.

After the break Harwood takes Matthew to the outside with a clothesline before hitting a couple of German suplexes on Perry followed by a brainbuster for two.

FTR sets up for Shatter Machine but The Elite are able to stop it as Cash Wheeler goes after all 3 of them but Young Bucks stop a Gory Special attempt from Wheeler to Perry.

Wheeler ducks an EVP Trigger as Young Bucks go crashing into each other.

Both teams go at it now as FTR both put on Sharpshooters while Allin puts on the Scorpion Deathlock.

The Elite escape and all take their titles and start the leave but Wheeler stops them with a suicide dive.

Superkicks to all from Nicholas Jackson but Allin stops him with a Code Red.

Perry then stops Allin with a Scorpion Death Drop but misses the running knee strike and walks right into a Shatter Machine.

FTR follows with the Power & Glory to Matthew followed by a Coffin Drop from Allin to get the win.

Winners: FTR & Darby Allin

-After the match The Elite start to leave through the crowd as The Acclaimed & Billy Gunn make their way out to the ramp. Max Caster starts mocking FTR & Young Bucks calling them the Royal Family but gives them a lot of credit for being considered the best tag teams in the sport but neither could beat them recently and the same thing will happen at All In. Anthony Bowens mentions as bad as they want to go down there and beat them again, they have nothing to prove but at All In they will fight until they are the next AEW World Tag Team Champions.

-Renee Paquette in the back is getting a word with Will Ospreay & before he can say anything, Bryan Danielson stops him and tells Ospreay to do it.

-Nigel McGuinness is in the ring to moderate the final showdown between Swerve Strickland & Bryan Danielson. McGuinness gives an over the top introduction to Strickland & he comes out with Prince Nana. McGuinness goes to introduce Danielson but instead starts talking down on him calling him The Neck Break Kid and asks Strickland how it feels to go into this match as the overwhelming favorite. Strickland says he is the most dangerous man in AEW because of the pain he endures and inflicts and the people he defeated to get here and keep this world championship.

-Strickland starts naming them, Hangman Page, Jay White, Konosuke Takeshita, Samoa Joe, Claudio Castagnoli, Christian Cage and the man who put Bryan Danielson’s neck in jeopardy, Will Ospreay. Strickland says he is going to dissect Danielson head 2 toe at All In and as much as he appreciates Danielson, he still can’t help but feel disrespected by him about saying lately that he’s ready to retire and be a family man as he feels that him trying to take that away from Strickland. Strickland says he is taking that moment from Danielson and will do something to him that will make sure he’s not capable of getting into the ring. Strickland starts talking about how Danielson maybe wants to do an independent show without knowing he is there to beat him down or wrestle in Mexico under a mask but he’ll be there in the streets of Mexico to beat him down. Strickland starts talking about Danielson’s family which causes him to run out and take out Strickland with a Busaiku Knee.

-Danielson gets on the mic and says he doesn’t come out here and talk about himself for 20 minutes but he knows the truth about who he is and says the truth is that he’s the best fucking wrestler in the world and he has been for the last 20 years. So Strickland thinks he can cripple him in front of his daughter then this Sunday at Wembley Stadium in front of the fans who have paid to see him for the last 25 years for his peers who he has traveled the road with for the last 25 years and in front of his family, his wife, his son, his daughter, Strickland will have to damn near kill himself because he is going to leave his soul in the ring. Danielson says tonight there’s been a lot of wrestling and fighting but there’s only 1 question left Can Bryan Danielson, the American fucking Dragon beat Swerve Strickland for the AEW World Title? which prompts a Yes chant. They know the answer and Strickland knows the answer.

Friday’s Rampage

Trios Match
The Conglomeration (Kyle O’Reilly, Tomohiro Ishii & Mark Briscoe) vs. The Beast Mortos, Johnny TV & Brian Cage

Roderick Strong vs. Fuego Del Sol

Mina Shirakawa vs. Robyn Renegade

Tag Team Match
Gates Of Agony (Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona) vs. Iron Savages (Boulder & Bronson)

Tag Team Match
The Von Erichs (Marshall & Ross) vs. The Outrunners (Turbo Floyd & Truth Mangum)

Saturday’s Collision

Trios Match
The Conglomeration (Kyle O’Reilly, Orange Cassidy & Mark Briscoe) vs. Undisputed Kingdom (Roderick Strong, Mike Bennett & Matt Taven)

Willow Nightingale vs. Harley Cameron

Katsuyori Shibata vs. Jay Lethal

Mixed Tag Team Match
Kris Statlander & Stokely Hathaway vs. Kid Lykos II & Nina Samuels

Hook vs. Big Bill

Jeff Jarrett vs. Ariya Daivari

Trios Titles Qualifying Match
Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta) & PAC vs. Top Flight (Dante Martin & Darius Martin) & Lio Rush

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