ROH on Honor Club Results – 8/22/2024

We open with a video package as Dustin Rhodes and Sammy Guevara win the ROH World Tag Team Titles on Collision this past Saturday–because why would that need to happen on ROH TV?

Nontheless, after the title sequence, we run down the card, where if my math is right, we’ve got TWELVE matches scheduled for tonight, with the ROH World Title on the line in the main event, as Mark Briscoe looks to avenge his tag loss to The Beast Mortos in a six man on Dynamite several weeks ago.

MATCH 1 – Dustin Rhodes, Sammy Guevara, & The Von Erichs vs. Undisputed Kingdom & Dark Order
We don’t have any on-camera ring introductions, presumably because the location of the ROH World Tag Team Title belts would likely belie the taping schedule. There was no actual bell in this match until a couple of minutes in after a fight erupting during the Code of Honor. A chaotic brawl ensues, with bodies flying everywhere. Taven scores with Just The Tip less than three minutes in for a near-fall on Dustin. The heels have some dissension and almost allow Dustin to escape, but get it back together. Marshall hits a big moonsault John Silver that he almost undershoots. A ref distraction with Evil Uno leads to four simultaneous Shattered Dreams on the heels, but then another Uno distraction leads to four low blows by the heels to put us back to square one. After Sammy clears the field with a dive, Marshall locks in the Iron Claw, and uses it to hit a spinning slam for the win.
Dustin Rhodes, Sammy Guevara, & The Von Erichs def. Dark Order and Undisputed Kingdom (Marshall pins Silver) with a Spinning Iron Claw Slam in 12:16.

Backstage, Mark Briscoe has some words about tonight’s match with The Beast Mortos. He’s not going to run from the loss, but tonight he’s here to slay beasts.

MATCH 2 – Cage of Agony vs. Serpentico, Fuego Del Sol, & Atlantis Jr.
Atlantis defended his title against Robbie Eagles last week, so I’ll allow the six man this week. Cage is in Wolverine themed gear, while Kaun and Toa are in red and black. Come on guys, get it together. In a nice nod to continuity, Serpentico is in his neon green mask, which he won back from Griff Garrison last week. Serpentico starts with Toa. And it goes about as well as you’d think. Serpentico’s quickness keeps him alive for a bit, but he runs into a crossbody from Toa. Cage curls Fuego for reps before tossing him, sack of potatoes style, over his head. This gets wild, with the lucha libre side flying everywhere, and Cage of Agony doing their power thing. Atlantis Jr. gets some offense on Cage, Cage eventually catches Serpentico in upside down following a top rope dive, and hits him with the Drill Claw to finish.
Cage of Agony def. Serpentico, Fuego Del Sol, & Atlantis Jr. (Cage pins Serpentico) with Drill Claw in 10:05.

MxM Collection is backstage with great news. They’ll be in action, racking up another delicious victory. They hit their pose, and are sniffed by the Pillars of Destiny. Madden advises to not move, as their vision is based on movement. The Pillars sniff out MxM before leaving. They’ll face off later tonight.

MATCH 3 – Abadon vs. Alejandra Lion
Lion decides not to follow the Code of Honor, at the concern of ruining her outfit. Not sure how she’s shaking hands, but go ahead. Abadon drills her with a clothesline and rather forcefully follows the Code of Honor and we’re off. Abadon misses a charge in the corner, and eats a few superkicks but powers through. Abadon hits he Widow’s Peak, and then Black Dahlia finishes it.
Abadon pins Alejandra Lion with Black Dahlia in 1:33.

MATCH 4 – MxM Collection vs. Pillars of Destiny
Mansoor nearly loses a fingertip offering to touch tips for the Code of Honor. He starts with Hunter Gray. Madden tags in, hits a springboard elbow off the second rope and tags back out. Hunter tags out to Parviz by forearming him in the face. It’s a unique dynamic. After the bigger Pillars of Destiny have their way with Mansoor for a while, we get a hot tag to Madden, who hits a double chokeslam on the Pillars. Madden fakes out a dive, for Mansoor to follow with a tope con hiro to the outside. MxM runway walks up the ramp, before turning, posing, and running back down for spears. Back in, the Centerfold (assisted double arm DDT) finishes.
MxM Collection def. Pillars of Destiny (Mansoor pins Parviz) with the Centerfold in 5:49.

Last week, we caught up with Lee Moriarty after his win over Action Andretti last week. Andretti tried hard, but this is the era of the Pure Renaissance. Shane says he leads by example, and to be the leader he needs to be, he needs gold himself. He says it won’t be long until he’s back from his shoulder, and that Mark Briscoe needs to hold on to his property as it won’t be long until he’s back.

MATCH 5 – Angelico vs. Aaron Solo
The judges are Jerry Lynn, Paul Wight, and Christopher Daniels. Because when I think of Pure wrestling, I think of Paul Wight. Solo meanwhile tries to bribe the judges. Good luck, but I don’t see this going the time limit anyway. Sure enough, Solo uses two rope breaks in the first two minutes of the match. Solo loses his temper and hits a closed fist to drop Angelico and uses up his warning. Solo uses his third rope break to escape a sleeper, but is able to hit a 540 kick to take back control. Angelico hits his twisting leglock submission. Solo goes into the ropes, but without rope breaks it doesn’t matter, and he taps.
Angelico def. Aaron Solo via submission in 5:20.

MATCH 6 – Trish Adora vs. Erica Leigh
Unfortunately, The Outrunners are nowhere to be found. Hopefully this goes better for Erica than her match with Nyla Rose did this past Friday. That only went 1:20. She passes that mark while she is being stretched by Trish doing the splits. So it’s going longer, but not necessarily better. Adora hits a high angle release German suplex, and Lariat Tubman finishes.
Trish Adora pins Erica Leigh with Lariat Tubman in 2:39.

Backstage, we have The Righteous! It’s been a while since Vincent has heard his voice around here, but he’s seen them all come and go. Dutch says they’re nothing like fear to make a paper man crumble. And Archer reminds us that Everybody dies. Vincent has one question for everybody. How do you start when we already know how it ends? Dig what he’s sayin?

MATCH 7 – Komander vs. KM
KM’s handshake brings Komander to a knee. Komander gets some success with his quickness, but a springboard cross body gets shrugged off with a shoulder block by KM. Komander escapes a stretch muffler with a hurricanrana, but gets booted down. Komander rope walk to avoid a corner charge, and hits a springboard splash before the rope walk shooting star finishes.
Komander pins KM with the rope walk shooting star press in 3:18.

MATCH 8 – EJ Nduka vs. Deonn Rusman
Rusman refuses the Code of Honor. He was last seen in a losing effort to Lance Archer on June 20. He also lost to Rush on Dynamite on June 12. Nduka made his ROH in-ring debut four weeks ago in a win over Jon Cruz. Nduka hits a couple of release front suplexes and a Stinger splash. Rusman gets loose and uses some speed to dodge Nduka, but The Judge catches him in his Exodus Drop one handed slam for the win.
EJ Nduka pins Deonn Rusman with a one handed slam in 2:55.

MATCH 9 – Iron Savages & Jacked Jameson vs. Jay Alexander, Colton Charles & Rosario Grillo
Jameson drops his usual Titty City catchphrase, and Ian in all sincerity wonders what happens if he doesn’t want to go. Love that. Jameson chokeslams Grillo right off the bat. Charles tags in, but Jameson tags to Boulder. Boulder dominates, and this one doesn’t last long. Jameson and Bronson launch Boulder in a Double Rocket Launcher for the win.
Iron Savages and Jacked Jameson def. Jay Alexander, Colton Charles, and Rosario Grillo (Boulder pins Alexander) with a double Rocket Launcher in 1:43.

MATCH 10 – Marina Shafir vs. Tiara James
Marina offers the Code of Honor from her back, and some of the most insulting grappling I’ve ever seen follows as she does whatever she wants to Tiara. Tiara fights back with some forearms, but gets put down with a kick. Marina says all she wanted was for Tiara to shake her hand. Shafir transitions from hold to hold, and eventually catches her in Mother’s Milk for the ref stoppage.
Marina Shafir def. Tiara James via referee stoppage (Mother’s Milk) in 3:24.

Backstage Serpentico says Angelico should challenge for the Pure Title. After thinking about it, Angelico agrees that it would make his teacher, Negro Navaro proud.

MATCH 11 – Nick Comoroto & Jacoby Watts vs. Angelo Parker and Matt Menard
Watts tries his sales pitch on 2point0, and it doesn’t exactly work out for him. Comoroto charges to avenge Watts, but gets sent over the top. He recovers and gets back in to take over on Parker. Watts tries to get involved from the outside, but Parker sends him packing, and 2point0 makes short work of Comoroto with a double DDT.
Angelo Parker and Matt Menard def. Nick Comoroto and Jacoby Watts (Menard pins Comoroto) in 3:40.

MATCH 12 – Tony Nese vs. Lio Rush
These two have history dating back to a match in House of Hardcore back in 2016. They did, in fact, also meet a couple of times back on 205 Live, so that’s fun. Rush is coming off a win last week against Blake Christian, while Nese’s last appearance on ROH was a tag team win with Daivari. Nese sucker punches Rush off the Code of Honor. Both guys are showing off nearly effortless athleticism, and Rush’s foot speed in the ring blows me away every time. Really simple stuff here as Rush’s athleticism is better, but Nese’s is nearly as good, and Nese has Mark Sterling on the outside to further tilt the playing field. Nese gets a nice pinfall off a pumphandle sit out tombstone. Rush counters the running knees in the corner with a clothesline. Rush eventually takes Sterling out with a dive, then follows suit on Nese. He hits his bottom rope springboard stunner and the Final Hour frog splash for the win.
Lio Rush pins Tony Nese with the Final Hour in 9:15.

Before the main event, we go over the card for All In. Which involves a few people who were once in ROH, but no one that has anything at all to do with ROH as it is presently constituted.

MATCH 13 – Mark Briscoe vs. The Beast Mortos – ROH World Title
Mark makes the mistake of turning his back after the Code of Honor and eats a dropkick but recovers to send Mortos to the outside, where he hits the Cactus elbow. Back in Mark looks for the Jay Driller early but can’t find it. Mortos charges but stops in his tracks at Mark’s crane pose. Mortos uses his combination of power and speed to take control, but Mark keeps fighting back. Mortos gets a great near fall off a pop-up Samoan drop. He gets another nearfall off a torture rack into an over the knee backbreaker. Mark hits the Spicoli Driver and goes for Froggy Bow, but Mortos moves and drills him with a spear for two. Mortos misses a senton atomico, and eats a big boot, but kicks out at one from Froggy Bow! They trade bombs, but Mark is able to get the Jay Driller for the win.
Mark Briscoe pins The Beast Mortos with the Jay Driller in 11:03.

Mark celebrates as Ian wonders who can stop Mark Briscoe one-on-one. He celebrates with the title as Ian wishes HAPPY WRESTLING, EVERYBODY.

Total Show Time: 2:03:49
Total Match Time: 1:13:00 (58.9%)
Avg. Match Time: 5:37

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