TNA Impact Review (August 22nd, 2024)

On August 22nd, 2024 TNA aired the 1,048th episode of Impact live in Tampa Florida inside Florida State Playgrounds.

Triple Threat Ultimate X Qualifying Match
Alex Hammerstone vs. Frankie Kazarian vs. Kushida

Kushida locks an armbar on Alex Hammerstone but Frankie Kazarian hits a leg drop on Hammerstone and breaks the submission. Kazarian goes for Fade To Black and Kushida hits Tanaka Punch.

Hammerstone goes for the Torture Rack but Kushida reverses it into a Hoverboard Lock.

Hammerstone picks him up and hits Pendulum for the win.

Winner & Gets Into The Ultimate X Match: Alex Hammerstone

-After the match Kazarian attacks Kushida and hits him with Fade To Black.

-Eric Young is backstage and Gia Miller walks up to him. Eric Young says congratulations to Hammerstone and says maybe he doesn’t make it to Emergence. Steve Maclin walks up and says he’ll be watching.

-A backstage vignette with Mike Santana and he says the more time he spends here, the more he realizes the animal he needs to be. He says The System should make sure that they get the job done. He says he’s not stopping until he cuts the head of the snake.

Knockouts Tag Team Champion Alisha Edwards vs. Rosemary

Alisha Edwards pokes at Rosemary & Rosemary pulls her down by the hair.

Rosemary clotheslines her against the ropes and hits a sliding forearm and chokes her against the ropes.

Rosemary goes to the top rope but Masha Slamovich distracts her and Alisha Edwards hits a Tower Of London for two. Edwards kicks her across the back and hits a facebuster for two.

She hits a crossbody on Rosemary in the corner followed by a hip attack for two.

Edwards hits forearms until Rosemary fights back with some of her own and hits a Spear for two.

Rosemary sets up Edwards in the corner and hits a hip attack followed by the X Factor.

Slamovich pulls Rosemary while the referee isn’t looking as Spitfire run in and attack Slamovich.

Rosemary hits As Above, So Below for the win.

Winner: Rosemary

-After the match Rosemary looks to attack Edwards but stops and places a black rose on Edwards.

-The Personal Concierge in a backstage promo and introduces Ash By Elegance. Ash By Elegance talks about a match by Elegance with lipstick and perfume.

-Matt Cardona comes up before the next match starts and says he’s not medically cleared to compete so Steph De Lander will have 2 surprise tag team partners which turn out to be Kon & Madman Fulton

6 Person Tag Team Match
Digital Media Champion PCO, Xia Brookside & Rhino vs. Madman Fulton, Steph De Lander & Kon

Madman Fulton drops PCO at ringside with a forearm and Rhino tackles Fulton and tags to PCO.

PCO hits a clothesline on Fulton and hits a senton on Kon outside the ring.

PCO hits a DDT on Fulton and hits an elbow drop off the apron on Kon outside the ring.

Fulton goes to the top rope but Brookside hits Brooksy Bomb followed by a Gore by Rhino & PCO goes to the top rope and hits PCO Sault for the win.

Winners: Digital Media Champion PCO, Xia Brookside & Rhino

-After the match SDL celebrates with PCO’s team after the match and Matt Cardona is livid.

-A vignette for TNA World Champion Nic Nemeth and he says more than winning the TNA World Title, it was about showing the world that he can still go. Josh Alexander says Nemeth is a sports entertainer and he’s a pro wrestler. Alexander says everybody is on his time now and he’s doing things his way. He says he’s not doing 5 more minutes because that’s what the fans want. Nemeth says he knows he is better than Alexander because he told him so. He says a low blow tells him that he did all he could. Alexander says he will expose Nemeth for the sports entertainer that he is. Nemeth says there’s a reason the world knows his name and asks him what’s his excuse.

-A backstage promo by Jordynne Grace and she says Ash By Elegance is trying to surprise her with special stipulations. Jordynne Grace says that she doesn’t know what a Match By Elegance is but she knows what that means for her.

Triple Threat Ultimate X Qualifying Match
Laredo Kid vs. Jai Vidal vs. Bhupinder Gujjar

Laredo Kid hits a moonsault on Jai Vidal on the outside and throws him back in the ring.

Laredo Kid hits a running forearm in the corner followed by a suplex.

Laredo Kid hits 2 moonsaults and covers Vidal but Bhupinder Gujjar breaks it up at two.

Gujjar hits a pop up European uppercut and covers Laredo but Vidal slaps him and covers him for two.

Vidal rakes Gujjar’s eyes.

Gujjar is set up in the corner and Vidal hits a double stomp and Laredo Kid goes to the top rope and hits a 450 Splash for the win.

Winner & Gets Into The Ultimate X Match: Laredo Kid

-Rich Swann is backstage with a referee and he says he let Chris Bey interfere in the match. Moustache Mountain walk in and X Division Champion Mike Bailey says he agrees with Swann. He says next week he gets to prove himself in an X Division Title match. Swann says the X Division Title is coming for a first class ride.

Jonathan Gresham vs. Charlie Dempsey

Charlie Dempsey gets a kravat on Jonathan Gresham & Gresham converts it into a hammerlock.

Dempsey picks Gresham up over his shoulders and hits an uppercut and Gresham drops him with a running forearm.

Dempsey & Gresham get a knuckle lock and Gresham pushes him down for a pin but Dempsey pushes off the ground. Dempsey flips him over with a monkey flip.

Gresham breaks the knuckle lock and goes after the leg and hyperextends it.

Dempsey gets Gresham in an Figure 4 ankle lock but Gresham pins him down for two.

Gresham gets the knuckles lock and pins him down for the win.

Winner: Jonathan Gresham

-After the match Dempsey hits a forearm on Gresham & Gresham fights back with some of his own. Dempsey retreats.

Tag Team Match
The System (Moose & JDC) vs. The Hardys (Matt & Jeff)

Jeff Hardy hits an elbow drop on JDC for two then Jeff hits a side Russian leg sweep for two.

Jeff hits a back elbow and hits Whisper In The Wind for two then Jeff looks for a Twist Of Fate but JDC counters and they both take each other down.

Both men tag out and Matt Hardy hits a Side Effect on Moose for two. Moose hits a pump kick on Jeff.

Moose & Matt exchange right hands and Moose goes to the top rope for a splash but Matt catches him with a cutter. A pin gets broken up by JDC.

JDC goes to the top rope but Matt catches him with a Twist Of Fate.

Jeff gets the tag and he goes to the top rope and hits a Swanton Bomb for the win.

Winners: The Hardys

-After the match Moose attacks The Hardys before Mike Santana’s music hits and he runs out and hits Spin The Block on Moose. Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards run out and attack Santana. Joe Hendry’s music hits and they all brawl as Joe Hendry’s music continues to play. The fans chant “We believe” as the music ends and The Hardys, Santana & Hendry stand together in the ring.

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