Saraya Doesn’t Care If You’re a They/Them (But Her Boyfriend Does)

The views expressed in this or any other editorial are solely those of the writer and do not necessarily represent the views, thoughts, feelings, or sense of humor as any staff. They are opinions.

Saraya, fresh off of a match at Wembley Stadium in front of a crowd of thousands (and her family), recently went “off-script” during the AEW All-In Post Show Media Scrum.

And by “off-script,” we mean “said a few naughty words, which is what people do when they can’t write/say actually compelling content.”

But in addition to the multiple F-Bombs that she dropped (all within hearing distance of precious baby boy RJ City), she also claimed that if anyone put out any bad reports about her, she would send “her men” to their house.

“I don’t care if you’re a male,” she shrieked. “I don’t care if you’re a female. I don’t care if you’re a they/them. They’re gonna kick your ass.”

So! First of all, that’s not how the “they/them” designation works. If she wanted to be grammatically (and politically) correct, she would have said “I don’t care if you’re a he. I don’t care if you’re a she. I don’t care if you’re a they/them.”

And, honestly, that would have been inclusive and probably wouldn’t lead to her being dragged on social media, again, because of misinformed, lazy, trolling.

Worst of all, she may not care if somebody is “they/them,” but her gutterslut of a boyfriend certainly would.

We’ve already written at length about Ronnie Radke and his absolutely boring takes on people who are different than him. He’s been called transphobic and though he argues that, the proof is in the British pudding.

There’s also this one.

Oh, and this one too. Just for good measure.

It’s unclear if Saraya is planning on incorporating her boyfriend’s blatant transphobia into her wrestling character. Only time will tell. Regardless, her family can’t even get cheered in their home country. Nobody is afraid of them coming to their house.

Anyway. It looks like Saraya is set to feud with the returning Jamie Hayter. Can’t wait.

Follow Nick on Twitter/X at @WesternRebel

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