AEW All In Review: “Swerve” Strickland vs. Bryan Danielson

AEW All In
Wembley Stadium in London, England

The Patriarchy (Christian Cage, Killswitch & Nick Wayne) (c) vs. Bang Bang Gang (Juice Robinson, Austin & Colten Gunn) vs. House of Black (Malakai Black. Brodie King & Buddy Matthews) vs. Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta) & Pac in a London Ladders Match for the AEW World Trios Titles: The entrances for the match took place during the All In Zero Hour. Cage immediately left the ring as the match began. Everyone started brawling around ringside. Everyone went to climb the ladder but was stopped. Black connected with a flying moonsault to Claudio and Juice on the floor. Pac delivered an awesome Sky Twister Press to everyone on the floor to a great reaction. King connected with a tope to everyone on the floor.

Cage ran back down the ramp with everyone down. Claudio and King hip tossed Cage onto everyone on the floor. The crowd booed as Mother Wayne went to climb the ladder but was stopped. Killswitch planted Black with a Chokeslam onto a ladder. Wayne delivered a Wayne World Cutter sending King crashing through the table on the floor. Killswitch went to climb the ladder but Cage stopped him. Austin and Colten caught King with 3:10 To Yuma. Claudio delivered the Giant Swing to Juice to a big reaction. Pac delivered the Black Arrow to Juice. Claudio and King delivered stereo backdrop as Austin and Colten went crashing through a pair of tables. Wayne delivered a Canadian Destroyer sending Black brought a table on the floor. Cage planted Pac with a Killswitch onto a chair. 

Cage sprayed hairspray into Yuta’s face. The crowd cheered as Juice sprayed hairspray into Mother Wayne’s face. Juice went to put Mother Wayne through a table but was stopped. Killswitch delivered a big boot sending Juice onto a table. Cage delivered a flying spear off the ladder sending Buddy crashing thought the table in a terrible stop. Killswitch went to carry Cage up the ladder. Pac climbed the ladder from the other side. Pac delivered a boot as Cage fell onto Killswitch. Pac grabbed one of the trios titles to win the AEW World Trios Titles in 18:58. 

Cage stood inside the ring watching Claudio and Yuta grabbed the other titles after the match was over. Cage walked to the back with Nick and Mother Wayne. King and Pac had a stare down. King shook Pac’s hand. Black and King raised Pac’s hand to a great reaction from the crowd.

“Timeless” Toni Storm (c) (w/Luther) vs. Mariah May for the AEW Women’s World Title: Mariah May came out holding the Owen Hart Foundation Title and Toni Storm’s shoe. May greeted her mom at ringside. Toni Storm got a special entrance as they showed a portrait of her picture on the wall. Luther came out to a nice reaction. Luther called out “Timeless” Toni Storm who received a great reaction from the crowd. May and Storm had a stare down. May had a look of complete disgust on her face. Storm looked heartbroken. May and Storm began exchanging big strikes as the match began. May took control early rocking Storm with a Woo Dropkick. Mina Shirakawa was watching from a booth.

Storm battled back catching May with a DDT. Storm went for a hip attack but May moved out of the way. May took back control catching Storm with a Sunset Bomb to the floor. May spat in Luther’s face. May connected with a handstand head scissors for a near fall. Storm responded catching May with grounded strikes. May quickly responded hitting a backdrop suplex. May rocked Storm with a flying knee strike to the floor. May gave Nigel McGuiness a kiss at ringside. May nailed Luther with a Woo Dropkick. May slapped her mom across the face. Storm battled back rocking May with a running hip attack. Storm planted May with a Storm Zero onto the ring steps. 

Storm went to check on May’s mom at ringside. There was blood pouring from top of May’s face. Storm planted May with a Sky High Spinebuster for two. May responded catching Storm with a missile dropkick. May took control rocking Storm with a series of hip attacks. Storm responded catching May charging with a lariat. Storm rocked May with a hip attack. Storm planted May with a Storm Zero for a good two count. 

May and Storm exchanged big slaps. Aubrey Edwards tried to separate both May and Storm. This led to both May and Storm giving each other low blows. May caught Storm with May Day for a two count. Luther stopped May from grabbed the AEW Women’s Title. Storm stopped May from using the shoe. Storm looked conflicted as she didn’t use the shoe. May took advantage rocking Storm with a series of knee strikes. May delivered Storm Zero to win the AEW Women’s Title at 15:14. 

—The fans chanted for Toni Storm as she had a smile and walked to the back after the match. 

Chris Jericho (c) (w/Big Bill & Brian Keith) vs. Hook for the FTW Title: Chris Jericho alongside his band Fozzy did a special musical performance. Jericho sang his new theme song to the ring. Taz joined commentary for the next match. Hook received a solid reaction. Big Bill and Brian Keith attacked Hook right away. Jericho delivered a Codebreaker but Hook kicked out at one. Hook made a comeback sending Keith flying with a T-Bone Suplex. Hook planted Jericho with a German Suplex. Jericho stopped Hook with a throat strut. Jericho connected with a Lionsault for two. Jericho placed Cricket balls inside the ring. 

Hook whacked Big Bill and Keith with a Cricket Bat. Hook chucked cricket balls at Jericho. Keith whacked Hook in the face with a trash can lid. Jericho applied the Walls of Jericho but Hook broke free. Hook placed Jericho in the Walls of Jericho. The crowd cheered as Big Bill made the save. Jericho whacked Hook with a trash can. Hook caught Jericho with a T-Bone Suplex. 

Hook removed his eye patch which got no reaction. Hook went for the Red Rum but Big Bill made the save. Hook moved as Jericho attacked Big Bill who went crashing through the barbed wire board onto a table on the floor. Hook placed Jericho in the Red Rum but Keith made the save. The crowd cheered as Taz placed Keith the Tazmission. Hook locked Jericho in the Red Rum to win the FTW Title in 10:14. 

—Hook shared a hug with Taz after the match. This was a nice moment. Hook celebrated with the FTW Title. 

The Young Bucks (Matthew & Nicholas Jackson) (c) vs. FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) vs. The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens & Max Caster) in a Three Way Match for the AEW World Tag Team Titles: The Young Bucks got a special Codyvator entrance. The Bucks also got a big firework display. The crowd sang “Scissor Me Daddy!” The Acclaimed got a great reaction from the crowd. Max Caster did his usual pre-match rap. FTR and The Acclaimed both began attacking The Young Bucks early on in the match. Nicholas caught Wheeler with a springboard clothesline. Matthew connected with sliced bread to Wheeler. There was a light CM Punk chant. The rest of the crowd began booing the chant. 

Wheeler responded nailing Nicholas with a powerslam. Bowens delivered Scissors Me Timbers to both The Young Bucks. Harwood planted Caster with a Triple German Suplex. Harwood delivered a double German Suplex to The Bucks. FTR delivered stereo German Suplex to The Bucks for a near fall. Everyone went for dives but everyone got their knees up in a lame comedy spot. Nicholas caught Wheeler with a Springboard Hurricanrana. Wheeler showed Nicholas who delivered a Springboard Moonsault to The Acclaimed on the floor. FTR caught Matthew with a Shatter Machine. Nicholas pulled the referee to the floor. 

Caster and Matthews delivered the EVP Trigger to Harwood. Caster and Wheeler delivered the Shatter Machine to Matthew. The Bucks grabbed hold to referee Rick Knox and gave both Bowens and Caster low blows. The Bucks rocked Bowens with a double Superkick for a two count. The Bucks placed the titles into the ring. Billy Gunn stopped Mathew from using the belt. Caster delivered the Mic Drop to Matthew but Nicholas made the save. Wheeler delivered a tope to The Acclaimed on the floor. Nicholas nailed Harwood with the title belt. Matthew rolled up Harwood for a two count. The Bucks delivered the EVP Trigger to Harwood to retain the titles at 13:32. 

—The Grizzled Young Veterans (James Drake & Zack Gibson) came out after the match. They had a stare down with The Bucks. They attacked FTR after the match. They laid out Wheeler with High/Low combo. 

They announced AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door will take place next year August 24, 2025 in London. 

Casino Gauntlet Match for a future shot at the AEW World Championship: #1 Orange Cassidy came out first received a good reaction. #2 Kazuchika Okada was number two receiving a huge reaction. Orange and Okada shared a hug. Okada went for a Rainmaker but Orange placed his hands in his pockets. Orange caught Okada with a victory roll for a near fall. Okada responded catching Orange with a flapjack. #3 NIGEL MCGUINESS came out next to an incredible reaction. This was awesome. McGuiness and Okada began exchanging strikes. McGuiness rocked Orange with a lariat for two. #4 Kyle O’Reilly was next rocking McGuiness with a knee strike but Okada made the save. O’Reilly caught Okada in a Fujiwara Armbar. McGuiness caught O’Reilly in Shangly Gates. Orange stopped McGuiness with a Stun Dog Millionaire. O’Reilly and Orange delivered High/Low combo to Okada. #5 Zack Sabre Jr. came out to another incredible reaction. Sabre is coming off winning the NJPW G1 Climax 34. Sabre caught both Orange and O’Reilly with neck screws. The crowd went wild as McGuiness and Sabre exchanged holds. Okada caught Sabre with an Air Raid Crash. Okada flipped off the crowd. Sabre placed both Okada and O’Reilly in stereo submission holds. 

#6 Roderick Strong was next dropping O’Reilly onto Sabre. #7 Mark Briscoe came out next. Briscoe leaped off a chair delivering a flying cannonball to McGuiness and Strong on the floor. #8 “Hangman” Adam Page was next dumping O’Reilly onto Briscoe. Hangman connected with a plancha to Okada on the floor. Orange called for Orange Punch but Hangman intercepted with a Deadeye in a cool spot. Briscoe made the save. #9 Jeff Jarrett came out next to another great reaction. Hangman and Jarrett exchanged big strikes. Hangman dumped Jarrett onto everyone on the floor. Karen Jarrett stood on the ropes. Hangman grabbed Jarrett but stopped. #10 Ricochet made his debut to a huge reaction. Ricochet caught Hangman with a handstand head scissors. Ricochet connected with a springboard Shooting Star Press to everyone on the floor. 

#11 Christian Cage was next. Ricochet caught Christian with a dive on the floor. Hangman rocked Ricochet with a Buckshot Lariat but Okada calmly made the save. Karen grabbed Hangman’s leg. Jarrett whacked Hangman with a guitar. Okada rocked Jarrett with a Rainmaker. Orange nailed Okada with an Orange Punch. Sabre caught Orange with a European Clutch for a great near fall. Strong caught Orange with End of Heartache. Briscoe hit the Froggy Bow on Strong. McGuiness delivered the Tower of London to both Briscoe and O’Reilly for a great near fall. Cage rocked McGuiness with a spear. #12 Luchasaurus was next. Luchasaurus delivered the Chokeslam to O’Reilly. Luchasaurus placed Cage onto O’Reilly for the win at 25:57. 

—Luchasaurus placed Christian Cage on his shoulders after the match. Cage celebrated holding the AEW World Title contract.

MJF (c) vs. Will Ospreay for the AEW American Championship: Will Ospreay got a special Assassin Creed style entrance. Ospreay received an awesome reaction from the crowd. MJF came out dressed in full American flag gear. MJF got a tremendous heel reaction. MJF and Ospreay began exchanging strikes. Ospreay started quickly catching MJF with a slingshot plancha. Ospreay followed hitting a Fosbury Flop to the floor. Ospreay called for the Hidden Blade but MJF ducked. MJF took control yanking Ospreay eyes. MJF and Ospreay exchanged rollups for near falls. 

Ospreay went for a Poisonrana but MJF countered into a Powerbomb Knee for two. MJF connected with the Kangaroo Kick. MJF called for the Heat Seeker but Ospreay blocked. Ospreay responded hitting a springboard flying forearm. Ospreay made a comeback hitting a handspring kick for two. Ospreay connected with a standing Sky Twister Press for two. Ospreay called for a Fosbury Flop but MJF countered into a Tombstone Piledriver on the floor. MJF called Ospreay a piece of s*it saying anybody can flip. MJF went for a springboard Moonsault but Ospreay moved out the way. Ospreay responded hitting MJF with a Spanish Fly on the floor. Ospreay connected with a Shooting Star Press to a draped MJF on the ropes for two. Ospreay called for Storm Breaker but MJF countered into a Cross Rhodes for two. 

Ospreay responded hitting a Stunner. Ospreay followed hitting an OzCutter for two. Ospreay delivered a Super OzCutter but MJF placed his foot on the ropes. MJF countered planting Ospreay with a jumping Piledriver for two. MJF went for a charge but Ospreay countered into a Storm Breaker for another two count. MJF rolled to the ropes as Ospreay went for the Hidden Blade. Ospreay crashed on the ring apron as he went for the OzCutter. MJF took back control spiking Ospreay with a Panama Sunrise on the ring apron. They teased a lame count-out with Ospreay making it back into the ring. Ospreay collapsed to the mat as MJF teased a Hidden Blade. Ospreay responded hitting a Hidden Blade on the ring apron. 

MJF ducked as Ospreay nailed the camera man with the Hidden Blade. MJF grabbed the title belt. MJF whacked Ospreay with the title belt for a great two count. MJF delivered a Brainbuster but Ospreay kicked out for another good two count. MJF called for the Hidden Blade but Ospreay ducked. Ospreay nailed MJF who bumped into referee Bryce Remsberg. MJF went for the Tiger Driver but Ospreay blocked. MJF nailed Ospreay with a low blow. MJF grabbed a pair of knuckles. Someone wearing a mask stopped MJF from using the knuckles. It was revealed as Daniel Garcia. Ospreay took advantage hitting MJF with a flying Hidden Blade. The crowd erupted as Ospreay delivered the Tiger Driver to win the title at 25:47. 

—The referee Bryce Remsberg handed Ospreay the AEW American Title. Ospreay refused the title. Christopher Daniels who’s playing AEW’s ripoff of WWE’s Raw GM Adam Pearce handed Ospreay the AEW International Title. There was a big firework display. 

Mercedes Mone (c) (w/Kamille) vs. Dr. Britt Baker DMD for the TBS Championship: Baker got a nice reaction and firework display from the crowd. Mercedes came out in a chariot with her dog Ryu. Baker went for an arm bar but Kamille grabbed hold onto Mercedes arm. Baker went for the Lockjaw but Mercedes grabbed the ropes. Mercedes caught Baker with a flying arm drag. Mercedes went for her Bank Statement but Baker reversed out. They had a bridging cover attempt to zero reaction from the crowd. Baker got distracted from Kamille on the floor. Mercedes took control hitting a turnbuckle backbreaker for two. Mercedes delivered a sloppy slingshot into a backbreaker for a near fall. 

The crowd lightly booed as Mercedes delivered the 3 Amigos for a near fall. They battled for position as Mercedes planted Baker with an avalanche scoop slam. Mercedes went for a Frog Splash but Baker got her knees up. Baker went for a Curb Stomp but Mercedes countered into a Popup Powerbomb for two. Baker responded catching Mercedes with a Cutter. Baker battled back hitting a Slingblade. Baker connected with Angel Wings for two. There was a light reaction as Baker wore her Lockjaw glove. 

Mercedes caught Baker with a neck breaker for two. Baker caught Mercedes with an Air Race Crash for two. Mercedes went for the Mone Maker but Baker countered into a rollup for two. Mercedes caught Baker with a back cracker. Baker and Mercedes exchanged strikes on the ropes. Mercedes went for an avalanche scoop slam but Baker countered into an avalanche spinning slam. Baker delivered a Curb Stomp but Kamille placed Mercedes’ foot underneath the ropes. 

Mercedes went to use the TBS Title but the referee stopped her. Baker used the Eddie Guerrero signature tossing the NJPW Women’s Title at Kamille. The crowd cheered as Kamille was ejected. Baker delivered a sloppy looking Panama Sunrise which Mercedes saved by taking a great bump. Baker followed hitting a Curb Stomp for two. Baker went for the Lockjaw. Mercedes broke free bitting Baker’s finger. Mercedes applied a crucifix for two. Mercedes pulled Baker against the ropes. Mercedes delivered the Mone Maker to retain the title at 17:19. 

Jack Perry (c) vs. Darby Allin in a Coffin Match for the TNT Title: Darby received a great reaction ridding his skateboard down the ramp. Darby had thumbtacks on his face. Perry came out carrying a bodybag to the ring. Darby caught Perry with a tope as the match began. Darby delivered a flying Woo Dropkick to Perry seated on a chair. Perry moved as Darby went crashing into the coffin. Perry took control dumping Darby onto the coffin. Perry placed shattered pieces of broken glass inside the ring. This got the biggest reaction of the match. The crowd began singing “Cry Me A River!” 

Darby backdropped Perry onto the broken glass. Darby delivered a flying double stomp to Perry’s back with a skateboard. Perry responded yanking Darby onto the turnbuckle. Perry wrapped Darby’s hands with tape. Darby moved as Perry charged into the ring steps. Darby delivered a flying Coffin Drop to the floor. Perry planted Darby with a Powerbomb onto the entrance ramp. Perry tied Darby’s leg with his belt. Perry launched Darby off the stage as he went crashing through the table on the floor. Perry placed Darby in a bodybag. Perry placed Darby in the coffin. Darby poked his head off the bodybag in what was suppose to be a comedy spot. Perry rocked Darby with a knee strike. Perry closed the coffin for the win in 10:37. 

—Matthew & Nicholas Jackson came out after the match. Nicholas placed gasoline onto Darby and on the coffin. The crowd cheered as the lights went out. The fans erupted as Sting came out carrying a baseball bat in hand. Sting attacked The Bucks with his bat. Sting delivered the Scorpion Death Drop to The Bucks. Sting helped Darby after the match. 

“Swerve” Strickland (c) (w/Prince Nana) vs. Bryan Danielson in a Career vs. Title Match for the AEW World Title: They aired an great tribute video package for Bryan Danielson. The crowd erupted as they played “The Final Countdown!” Danielson coming out to Final Countdown was incredible. This felt like you were watching something special. Danielson greeted his wife Brie Garcia, his son and daughter at ringside. There were huge YES chants from the crowd. “Swerve” Strickland got a special musical performance for his entrance. Prince Nana led the crowd in loud chants of “Swerve’s House” chants. 

Danielson and Strickland were evenly matched to start the match. Danielson took control early yanking Strickland to the mat. Strickland responded catapulting Danielson to the floor. Strickland went for a dive but Danielson moved. Danielson caught Strickland with a springboard cannonball to the floor. Danielson and Strickland exchanged big slaps. Danielson went for a Triangle Hold against the ropes but Strickland broke free. Strickland had Danielson placed on his shoulders. The referee Paul Turner got clipped by accident. Strickland called Prince Nana over to place the ring bell. Strickland dropped Danielson with a Death Valley Driver onto the ring bell. Danielson was pouring blood from his head. 

Strickland pulled Danielson in front of his family. Strickland stomped away on Danielson’s head. Strickland called for Swerve Stomp but Danielson countered into an STF. Danielson battled back hitting a running clothesline. Strickland caught Danielson charging with a rolling flatliner for two. Danielson caught Strickland with a Tiger Suplex. Danielson rocked Strickland with YES Kicks. Danielson planted Strickland with an avalanche Tiger Suplex for two. Danielson applied a Butterfly Lock but Strickland broke free. Strickland maintained control hitting Cody Rhodes’ Din’s Fire. The doctors entered the ring to check on Danielson. Strickland sent the doctor away from the ring. 

Strickland connected with Swerve Stomp for two. Strickland nailed Danielson with a House Call Kick. Strickland followed hitting a second House Call Kick. Strickland delivered a third House Call Kick but Danielson kicked out for a great two count. Danielson no-sold Strickland’s kicks. The crowd erupted as Danielson rocked Strickland with YES Kicks. Danielson went for a Triangle Hold but Strickland broke free. Danielson responded hitting a Regal Suplex. Danielson connected with a Bauizuke Knee. There was an awesome spot as Strickland brushed it off like it was nothing. 

Strickland nailed Danielson with a House Call Kick. Strickland delivered Big Pressure but Danielson kicked out for an awesome reaction. Strickland mocked Danielson’s YES chant. Hangman Page made his way ringside attacking security guards. Hangman was held back by security. This gave Danielson the advantage to hit a Buizuku Knee for a great two count. Danielson caught Strickland charging with a Buizuku Knee. Danielson followed hitting a second Buizuke Knee. Danielson placed Strickland in the LeBell Lock. Strickland tried to break free. Danielson snapped Strickland’s fingers. Danielson placed Strickland in the Rings of Saturn. The fans erupted as Danielson won the AEW World Title in 25:59. 

—They played “The Final Countdown.” Danielson blew a kiss to his family at ringside. Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta came out. Danielson celebrated inside the ring with his family. There was a big confetti celebration and firework show. Danielson celebrated with Claudio, Pac and Yuta inside the ring. 

OVERALL THOUGHTS: This wasn’t AEW’s best PPV of the year. This show felt like you were watching AEW’s version of WrestleMania. There were some very cool entrances and the show taking place in a stadium felt special. There were some disappointing matches on the show. I didn’t watch the Zero Hour portion of the show. Finding out on social media that Jamie Hayter making her big return on Zero Hour felt both disappointing and underwhelming. The show made up with some tremendous matches and big payoffs. Mariah May getting her crowning moment was wonderful to see. The Casino Gauntlet match concept is a complete hit. MJF and Will Ospreay delivered another instant classic. Bryan Danielson winning the AEW World Title was just special. Overall, AEW All In was a fantastic show. This show gets two big thumbs up.
