MLW Summer Of The Beasts Review (August 29th, 2024)

On August 29th, 2024 MLW aired Summer Of The Beasts live in New York City inside Melrose Ballroom & can watch the show on YouTube.

Non Title Quarter Final Match Of The 2024 Opera Cup
Alex Kane vs. National Openweight Champion Bad Dude Tito

Bad Dude Tito sends Alex Kane to the outside and diving right onto him before they start brawling against the barricaded. Back inside Tito hits two Suplexes followed by a Blue Thunder Bomb for two.

Kane comes back with a trap suplex sending Tito to the apron where he spears him and hits a splash.

Toss suplex from Kane for two then they head to the top rope where Tito headbutts Kane off and hits a blockbuster. They trade forearms before Tito hits a TKO for two.

They then start trading suplexes each one matching what the other hit to pop the crowd.

Kane keeps trying the sleeper hold until Tito pushes off the corner and covers Kane to get the win.

Winner: National Openweight Champion Bad Dude Tito (8:16)
Rate: 6

-They show a video of Matt Riddle & Satoshi Kojima in the back talking.

Featherweight Title Match
Janai Kai (c) vs. Hanako

Janai Kai traps Hanako in the ropes and starts kicking away.

Kai continues in the corner with kicks before hitting one to the head knocking Hanako down.

As Kai continues the crowd starts chanting for Hanako as Hanako takes control driving Kai into the corner before hitting a backbreaker for two.

They fight in the ropes where Hanako lands a kick followed by a brainbuster for two.

Kai hits dragon screw in the corner before she starts kicking and punching away.

Kai quickly follows with the Dragon Sleeper as Hanako taps out

Winner By Submission & Still Featherweight Champion: Janai Kai (6:11) (STILL CHAMPION!!!)
Rate: 6

Quarter Final Match Of The 2024 Opera Cup
TJP vs. Tom Lawlor

TJP takes Tom Lawlor down and starts twisting him up until he puts on a bow and arrow.

They continue to tussle a bit until TJP kicks off from an ankle lock attempt.

They start trading forearms and kicks until Laurent trips up TJP as Lawlor is quick to capitalize.

Lawlor uses the ropes to start working on TJP’s leg.

They go back and forth fighting in the corner for a bit until Lawlor traps on the figure 4 which St Laurent assists by holding onto Lawlor’s hands which the referee keeps catching.

TJP eventually reverses it but Lawlor can grab the rope.

TJP follows with 3 suplexes and a boot wash before heading to the top rope.

Lawlor meets him there but TJP drops him with a neckbreaker.

They tussle a bit in the corner before Lawlor hits a shoulder breaker for two.

After escaping out of an Octopus Stretch, Lawlor tries to suplex TJP to the outside but gets dropped on the ropes.

TJP misses a top rope still and dropkicks Laurent right into Lawlor before hitting a top rope splash for two.

After a couple of back & forth submissions TJP hits a running knee to Lawlor to get the win.

Winner: TJP (14:18)
Rate: 7

-We get a Contra Unit video.

Matt Riddle vs. Matthew Justice

Both men starts the match by running the ropes until Matt Riddle comes out on top but Matthew Justice comes right back with a back suplex.

They spill on the floor before fighting on the apron where Justice hits a cannonball.

They start fighting around the ring and on the ramp before Justice clotheslines Riddle back in and runs the ramp but gets stopped with a knee and DDT for two.

Justice goes and grabs a wooden board that he puts in the corner dropping Riddle right through but only gets a two count.

Justice then grabs a table and tosses it inside puts Riddle on top of it and heads to the top rope.

Riddle quickly runs up there and hits a superplex through the table for a two count.

A bit of back & forth until Justice hits a Death Valley driver for two.

Riddle comes right back with a powerbomb and knee to the face.

Justice then grabs another table and places it been the barricade and ring before he goes and tosses a bunch of chairs in the ring.

He attempts to climb the chairs to put Riddle through the table but he escapes and hits a Tombstone to Justice on top of one of the chairs for the win

Winner: Matt Riddle (10:25)
Rate: 7

-After the match Riddle gets on the mic after and toasts a beer with Justice saying he has the utmost respect for him.

-We see a video of Salina De La Renta & says the Opera Cup will be coming home to her with either Mistico or Atlantis Jr

Paul London vs. Brett Ryan Gosselin

Brett Ryan Gosselin attacks Paul London before the bell, be he quickly takes over and sends BRG to the outside. As London gets in Bobby Fish’s face BRG attacks him from behind.

In the ring London stays on top hitting a suplex and spin kick for a two count.

Fish holds onto London’s leg and London ends up flipping BRG over the ropes onto him before hitting a dive but only connecting with Fish as BRG gets out of the way.

They head to the top rope where London pushes BRG off and hits him with a double stomp to the back to get the win.

Winner: Paul London (5:28)
Rate: 5

-After the match Fish takes out London with a chop block as he & BRG continue to attack London. The Andersons come out and look to be saving London just to turn on London and continue this 4 on 1 attack including using a chair until security comes out to try and stop them. A medical tries to help London but Brock Anderson takes him out with a DDT.

Tag Team Match
The Andersons (Brock & CW) vs. Love Doug & Jay Lyon

The Andersons spends a couple of minutes taking turns on Love Doug while tagging in and out.

Jay Lyon eventually gets the hot tag, but his momentum is quickly stopped as Brock Anderson slingshots him into a superkick by CW Anderson for the win.

Winners: The Andersons (2:37)
Rate: 2

2024 MLW Opera Cup Tournament Quarter Final Match Of The 2024 Opera Cup
Kenta vs. Akira

Kenta starts by keeping Akira down in a headlock, but he’s able to slither his way out until Kenta puts it back on. Akira powers out with a suplex for two and starts stomping out Kenta in the corner.

Kenta stays on top with pin attempts while wearing him down with a neck hold.

They start fighting on the apron where Kenta hits kicks and a DDT and goes for multiple pin attempts.

Kenta hits multiple kicks sending Akira back into the corner. Kicks and slaps until Akira catches Kenta off the ropes with a suplex followed by a PK and a Figure 4.

They fight off the top rope before Kenta hits a double stomp for two.

Akira escapes out of a GTS and tries to hit one himself but Kenta stops it at the last second as they then go into a slap exchange.

Electric chair from Akira followed by a sliding forearm for two then some more kicks from Kenta before he hits the Go 2 Sleep to get the win.

Winner: Kenta (12:13) (He will face TJP in the Semi Finals)
Rate: 6

Fatal Four Way Match
Little Guido vs. Jimmy Lloyd vs. Nolo Kitano vs. LSG

All 4 go at it until it’s just Little Guido & LSG but Lloyd quickly joins in and dives to LSG on the outside as Nolo Kitano then hits one as well.

Guido teases one but the Doomsday Clock comes back on and ends revealing it’s Donovan Dijak & he comes out and attacks everybody ending the match.

Winner: No One (No Contest) (1:51)
Rate: 1

-After the match Dijak continues taking them all out before he gets on the mic and calls out everybody here in MLW calls himself the best wrestler in the world and that he will be the next MLW World Champion. 

World Tag Team Titles Match
CozyMax (Satoshi Kojima & Shigeo Okumura) (c) vs. Contra Unit (Minoru Suzuki & Ikuro Kwon)

Contra Unit dominates for the first couple of minutes before Okumura tries to stop Ikuro Kwon in the corner.

He’s able to escape and tag out to Satoshi Kojima & goes to town with Machine Gun Chops on the corner.

Minoru Suzuki tries to stop him, he receives them as well as Kojima takes turns chopping away at Contra Unit.

Suzuki & Kojima get into a chop exchange before Suzuki hits a big boot and tries a kick.

Kojima catches him and hits him with a twisting stunner before tagging out to Okumura.

All 4 go at it until Suzuki tries the Gotch Style Piledriver on Okumura but gets reversed.

Kwon sprays Okumura with mist as Suzuki follows with Gotch Style Piledriver to get the win.

Winners & New World Tag Team Champions: Contra Unit (9:38) (NEW CHAMPIONS!!!)
Rate: 6

-After the match Mads Krule Krugger & Janai Kai join in on the 4 on 1 beat down on Kojima as Okumura heads to the back. Krugger holds up Kojima’s MLW World Title as Suzuki, Kwon & Kai hold their titles.

Non Title Quarter Final Match Of The 2024 Opera Cup
Middleweight Champion Mistico vs. Atlantis Jr

Mistico sends Atlantis Jr to the outside and starts brawling with him for a bit.

They spend the next couple of minutes fighting in and out of the ring until Mistico takes him out with a tope suicida. They finally head back into the ring where Mistico stays in control.

Mistico kicks off the apron and hits a top rope crossbody followed by headscissors sending Atlantis back outside. They go back & forth with pin attempts until Atlantis takes over the match and hits a cutter.

Atlantis stays on top with the pin attempts and starts to play a bit dirty pulling on Mistico’s mask as the referee tries to stop him.

Mistico sends Atlantis into the corner hits him with a high kick and heads to the top rope.

Atlantis stops him and hits a Twisting Package Tombstone Piledriver but only gets a two.

Mistico places him on the top rope and punches him a couple of times before hitting a superplex.

Some fast moving back & forth that ends with a Destroyer from Mistico followed by a top rope Senton Bomb to get the win.

Winner: Middleweight Champion Mistico (18:31) (He will face Bad Dude Tito in the Semi Finals)

-After the match Mistico gets on the mic after thanking the crowd and talks about how important the fans are for Lucha.

Semi Finals (Fightland Sept 14th)

Kenta vs. TJP

Middleweight Champion Mistico vs. National Openweight Champion Bad Dude Tito

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