TNA Emergence Review (August 30th, 2024)

On August 30th, 2024 TNA aired Emergence live in Louisville, Kentucky inside Old Forester’s Paristown Hall & can watch it on TNA Plus.

Frankie Kazarian vs. Kushida (Pre Show)

Kushida goes right after Frankie Kazarian sending him to the outside where he hits him with a dropkick and a flying knee from the apron. Back inside Kushida follows with a back body drop.

Kazarian takes over and starts mocking Kushida while taunting the crowd.

Kushida tries to mount a comeback but gets stopped with a powerslam and a slingshot leg drop.

Kushida is able to stop Kazarian’s momentum, by sending him face first into the bottom turnbuckle.

They trade off attempts for the Hoverboard Lock & Crossface Chicken Wing before Kushida drops him with an enzuigiri.

Kushida tries to springboard off the ropes but Kazarian catches him right into the Chicken Wing but he’s able to elbow his way off.

Kushida drops Kazarian with a Tanaka Punch but he comes right back with a Guillotine Leg Drop on Kushida.

Kushida stops Kazarian on the top rope sends him outside dives right onto him and puts on the armbar as Kazarian is tapping out but the referee reminds them they have to be inside.

As they go back inside and the referee is fixing the apron skirt Kazarian hits a low blow followed by Fade To Black to get the win. 

Winner: Frankie Kazarian (9:57)
Rate: 6

-Backstage Gia Miller is with AJ Francis and tells him that ABC has defended to defend the TNA World Tag Team Titles against First Class as a result tonight. Miller says that Rich Swann is unavailable to compete and asks who Francis will choose as he brings in KC Navarro. Navarro says he’s blessed with a lot of things as he & Francis compare sneakers.

International Heavyweight & Digital Media Titles Match
PCO (c) & (c) vs. Shera (Pre Show)

PCO goes right after Shera before the bell rings before they head to the outside and start brawling around the ring. Shera gets in Steph De Lander’s face causing PCO to almost hit her but just comes short.

They head back inside where Shera hits a spinebuster but only gets a two count.

Shera gets in SDL’s face again which only angers PCO by attacking him in the corner before hitting a DDT and sending Shera back outside.

PCO goes to hit a cannonball to him but totally misses him and goes crashing onto the ramp as SDL and the referee go to check on him.

PCO gets right back up & places Shera on the apron and hits him with De Animator.

SDL starts flirting with PCO and starts doing his taunt with him.

Back inside PCO heads to the top rope and hits the PCO Sault to get the win. 

Winner & Still International Heavyweight & Digital Media Champions: PCO (5:56) (STILL CHAMPIONS!!!!)
Rate: 4

X Division Title Fatal 6 Way Ultimate X Match
Mike Bailey (c) vs. Zachary Wentz vs. Riley Osborne vs. Jason Hotch vs. Alex Hammerstone vs. Laredo Kid

Jason Hotch tries to climb the structure but gets dumped to the outside.

Laredo Kid sends Hammerstone to the outside, before Riley Osborne, Laredo & Hotch all hit back 2 back dives with Hotch’s getting the fans on their feet.

Hammerstone is left alone standing in the ring before Mike Bailey joins in and kicks away which only angers Hammerstone to take him out with a German suplex.

Bailey sends him back outside and tries to dive, only to get caught and tossed back inside.

Laredo & Hotch start battling on the apron before Bailey joins in.

Osborne then flips over them and sends them all crashing onto Hammerstone with a sunset flip/double suplex combination.

Zachary Wentz catches Osborne from the top rope and takes him out with a cutter.

Everybody is laid out before Wentz & Bailey start scaling the trusts but Wentz kicks Bailey off as he moonsaults back onto everybody else.

Wentz starts scaling the cables as Hotch, Osborne & Laredo quickly join on the ropes.

Hammerstone joins them and starts kicking them all off but gets pulled down from all 3 just as he had his fingers on the X Division Title.

Bailey starts fighting everybody off before he & Wentz start exchanging kicks.

Hammerstone starts launching everybody to the outside including grabbing Laredo from the top rope and press slamming him to everybody outside.

Hammerstone goes to scale but gets stopped by Hotch with a low blow before he hits him with a Torture Rack Bomb.

Laredo then grabs onto the rope as he takes out Hammerstone with a hurricanrana from the top rope.

Osborne’s turn next to scale the ropes and hit a shooting star press down onto Wentz, Laredo & Hammerstone.

Bailey takes out Osborne with a Tornado Kick & Ultima Weapon before going back to scale the ropes.

Wentz is there to meet him from the other side as they start trading chops while hanging upside down until Wentz is able to kick Bailey off and grab the X Division Title.

Winner & New X Division Champion: Zachary Wentz (10:25) (NEW CHAMPION!!!)
Rate: 9 (Recommend)

-Backstage Gia Miller is with Josh Alexander & says the Iron Man Match is his match and he’s not leaving the main event until he takes that title and shows the world that Nic Nemeth doesn’t have what it takes to cut it in TNA and after 60 minutes Nemeth will be lucky to get out alive.

Eric Young vs. Steve Maclin

Eric Young takes Steve Maclin down with a couple of punches before hitting a Death Valley Driver for two.

Maclin stops Young on the ropes and puts him in the tree of woe to hit Crosshairs for two.

Maclin keeps on the attack before hitting another Crosshairs for another two.

They go at it before taking each other down with a double clothesline as Young is first to get up from it.

Young tells Maclin to give him his best shot as he puts his arms behind his back and Maclin takes him out with a punch which only gets Young to smile and do the same back to Maclin.

Maclin sends Young to the outside and tries a Scud Missile but Young ducks as Maclin goes crashing onto the ramp.

They head to the top rope where Young bites Maclin off and hits an elbow drop.

Maclin escapes out of a piledriver attempt but Young is able to come right back and hit it but takes too long to go for the cover as Maclin kicks out at two.

Young tries to go for another one but Maclin reverses it and rolls up Young to get the win.

Winner: Steve Maclin (9:54)
Rate: 6

-Gia Miller is now with TNA World Champion Nic Nemeth and asks him for a response to what Josh Alexander said earlier. Nemeth said that Alexander is well aware of what Nemeth is capable of and no matter how many times he gets hit he finds a way to get up and tonight he will hit harder and walk out on top as the champion.

6 Woman Tag Team Match
Knockouts Tag Team Champions The Malisha (Masha Slamovich & Alisha Edwards) & Ash By Elegance vs. Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace & Spitfire (Dani Luna & Jody Threat)

Both teams start brawling as the match starts until all The Malisha & Ash By Elegance get tossed to the outside as Jody Threat gets dumped onto them by Dani Luna & Jordynne Grace before Grace whips Luna onto them.

Grace teases diving also but stops when she realizes that Edwards is limp on the ground as the medical team immediately goes to check on her.

Spitfire & Grace take turns on Ash in the ring as Tommy Dreamer now is seen checking on Edwards as well before carrying her to the back.

Spitfire & Grace continue hitting a triple powerbomb on Ash as Luna gets a two count.

Masha Slamovich tags in and goes after Luna with kicks. Grace tags in and goes after Slamovich by hitting a Muscle Buster then a cover but Ash is there to break up the count.

Threat goes next hitting a German suplex but Ash distracts the referee as she goes for the count.

Threat is able to avoid the Rarified Air from Ash before hitting Pop Shove It to get the win.

Winners: Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace & Spitfire (8:04)
Rate: 5

-PCO & SDL are in the back, as SDL shows PCO a tweet that gets him angry. SDL tells Cardona that she’ll be seeing him on Thursday. Cardona’s tweet said that PCO is lucky that I’m not #AlwayzReady yet! Stay away from MY Steph De Lander! She’s my property.

TNA World Tag Team Titles Match
ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) (c) vs. First Class (AJ Francis & KC Navarro)

Ace Austin & AJ Francis starts the match, but Francis is quick to outpower him.

Chris Bey tags in and starts using his speed against Francis but gets stopped with a shoulder block as KC Navarro tags in. Bey keeps Navarro cornered with chops before ABC takes turns working on Navarro.

Francis is able to stop this by grabbing at Bey, but Bey tosses Navarro right onto Francis before trying to dive into him just to get caught.

First Class starts double teaming on Bey on the apron before Francis corners Bey.

Francis catches Bey as he counters right into a DDT before Navarro & Austin both get tagged in as Austin comes out on top of this battle.

Austin catches Navarro off the ropes into a brainbuster before he goes after Francis with kicks and tries to pick him up in a fireman’s carry only to stumble back.

Austin tries again this time being able to hit the Death Valley Driver.

Both teams start going at it, as Francis hits a double suplex on ABC.

Francis catches Bey off the ropes and hits him with Down Payment but the referee tells him that Navarro is the legal man.

Austin runs in and hits The Fold as Navarro takes out Austin just to be rolled up by Bey for the win.

Winners & Still TNA World Tag Team Champions: ABC (11:41) (STILL CHAMPIONS!!!!)
Rate: 6

8 Man Tag Team Match
The System (Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers, Moose & JDC) vs. The Hardys (Matt & Jeff), Mike Santana & Joe Hendry

Moose & Mike Santana starts the match before The System goes to the outside and does a huddle before Moose goes back to the match and tags out to JDC.

Santana starts tossing JDC to the turnbuckles as the crowd asks for more.

Santana stays in control before tagging in Matt Hardy & he splashes JDC in the corner before Santana hops off with Poetry In Motion before Jeff Hardy joins in and does his own.

The Hardys start taking turns on Eddie Edwards in the corner, before hitting a double suplex.

Joe Hendry joins in as they do a triple suplex to Brian Myers & JDC before Hendry & The Hardys do the Hendry turning around pose together.

The System takes out The Hardys & Hendry before they go after Santana as he is able to fight them all off.

They hit a double dropkick before tossing JDC onto them on the outside where he then leaps onto them with a running top rope dive.

Both teams have a face off in the ring before going into a brawl until it’s just Matt & Edwards in the ring.

The Hardys, Santana & Hendry take turns tagging in and out working on Myers before Jeff hits Whisper In The Wind to JDC & Edwards and a Twist Of Fate on Myers. Jeff goes to the top rope but JDC stops him.

Moose goes after Jeff pulling on his nose as The System spends the next couple of minutes in control until Jeff stops Moose with the Twist Of Fate.

Edwards & Hendry enter the match with Hendry hitting a fallaway slam before delivering more on JDC & Myers and avoiding Moose off the ropes.

Hendry & Edwards go at it before taking each other with a double clothesline before Matt tags in.

Everybody joins in the match and starts hitting their finishers but just as Matt hits Twist Of Fate on Edwards, Moose pulls him out of the ring just for Matt to take out Moose with a Twist Of Fate.

As Matt enters and the referee is outside checking on Moose, Edwards hits a low blow followed by Boston Knee Party to score the win.

Winners: The System (19:18)
Rate: 6

TNA World Title 60 Min Iron Man Match
Nic Nemeth (c) vs. Josh Alexander

Nic Nemeth starts the match by trying to pretzel Josh Alexander up but he’s able to escape and corner Nemeth against the ropes. They take it to the center of the mat and start to try and take each other down.

Alexander starts twisting up Nemeth’s arm and hand, pulling back on his fingers.

They go back to the mat and Alexander stays on top until Nemeth gets out and hits a dropkick as Alexander goes right into an ankle lock with Nemeth crawling to the bottom rope to break it up.

As they take it back to the mat and slow the match again.

After some back and forth, Nemeth rolls up Alexander to get the 1st fall.

This rages Alexander who goes right after Nemeth and starts choking him out in the ropes.

Alexander stays on top of Nemeth wearing him down & as Alexander pulls Nemeth from the corner with a German suplex, Nemeth pulls the middle turnbuckle pad off from holding onto it.

Alexander holds up Nemeth for a stalled vertical suplex, getting a two and starts yelling to the crowd that this is his house and he’s the heart and soul of TNA.

As Alexander points to his maple leaf on his knee pad and does the Bret Hart taunt Nemeth rolls him up for a two count. They head to the outside as Nemeth sends Alexander into the steel steps.

Back inside Nemeth hits a neckbreaker and a flurry of elbow drops before going to the top rope and hitting another elbow drop but Alexander goes right into a pin, getting a two count.

They go back & forth with pin attempts until Nemeth hits the Fameasser for another two.

After some back and forth, Nemeth is able to hit Danger Zone to get the 2nd fall.

Nemeth stays on top of Alexander as they head to the apron where Alexander snaps Nemeth’s head on the ropes. Alexander pushes Nemeth from the corner and goes into a flurry of German suplexes.

After 10 suplexes from Alexander Nemeth takes over and hits 10 himself then they both hit each other one more time before collapsing to the mat.

They then trade punches until Nemeth lands a headbutt that knocks Alexander’s headgear off before he goes right into the ankle lock.

Nemeth keeps fighting until eventually being able to grab the bottom rope to break it up.

Alexander keeps working on Nemeth’s ankle by stomping on it, while on the ropes.

Alexander starts screaming to Nemeth that he won’t be walking out of here tonight.

Alexander knocks Nemeth into the referee knocking him out before taking out Nemeth with a suplex.

Alexander takes advantage and grabs a table from under the ring and tries to put Nemeth through it from a C4 Spike off the apron but Nemeth reverses him with a backdrop as Alexander goes crashing onto the apron.

Back in the ring Alexander hits a spinning Tombstone but Nemeth is able to kick out at two.

Alexander brings a chair into the ring but as the referee takes it away from him.

He hits Nemeth with a foreign object he pulls out of his knee pad followed by C4 Spike to get his 1st fall.

He goes and hits another C4 to get his 2nd fall to tie things up.

Alexander tries a couple of pins but Nemeth kicks out before he jumps on Alexander and puts on a sleeper hold that Alexander keeps trying to break up and eventually heads to the top rope as they go spilling to the outside both just getting back inside to stop the 10 count.

They go back outside where Alexander drops Nemeth with an airplane spin as he is just able to get back inside at 9. Nemeth keeps fighting out of another C4 Spike attempt and ends up back body dropping Alexander outside right through the table that was set up before.

Alexander is able to beat the count at nine and goes right after Nemeth by hitting his 3rd C4 Spike but Nemeth is able to get his foot on the bottom rope.

They fight on the outside for a bit and as soon as they go back inside Nemeth hits a DDT for two.

They head to the top rope where after some tussling Nemeth is able to hit a superplex but only gets a two count as we have 5 minutes left on the clock.

They keep going at it until Nemeth hits a superkick and they both collapse.

Alexander sends Nemeth with a lawn dart to the exposed turnbuckle from the start of the match followed by Danger Zone himself but Nemeth kicks out at two.

Nemeth is able to reverse C4 Spike twice and hits Danger Zone followed by the C4 Spike to get his 3rd and final fall as the time runs out. 

Winner & Still TNA World Champion: Nic Nemeth (60:00) (3-2) (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)
Rate: 8 (Recommend)

-John Bradshaw Layfield heads into the ring and whispers something into Nemeth’s ear then leaves.

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