TNA Impact Review (August 29th, 2024)

On August 29th, 2024 TNA aired the 1,049th episode of Impact live in Tampa Florida inside Florida State Fairgrounds.

X Division Title Match
Mike Bailey (c) vs. Rich Swann

Rich Swann hits a First Clash Splash for two then Swann goes for a back handspring cutter but Bailey gets out of it and hits a moonsault double knees for two.

Swann hits a handspring cutter for two then Swann kicks Bailey in the face.

Swann goes for a moonsault but Bailey gets out of the way and hits a Spanish Fly for the win.

Winner & Still X Division Champion: Mike Bailey (STILL CHAMPION!!!)

-Backstage Gia Miller is with Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace & Grace says Ash By Elegance is lucky that she gets not one but 2 opportunities. She said she doesn’t know what a Match By Elegance is but the result will be the same. She said she will still walk out the Knockouts Champion.

-Joe Hendry gets on the mic and says there are people who respect Brian Myers and if they respect him, they should not chant Edge’s bitch and everyone started chanting it. He said if they respect him, they chant We believe.

Joe Hendry vs. Brian Myers

Joe Hendry hits an uppercut and a sunset flip for two then Brian Myers hits a back elbow for two.

Hendry hits uppercuts and Myers drops him with a drop toe hold then locks in a sleeper hold but Hendry fights out of it. Myers hits a superkick for two.

Myers with a knee in the midsection and a belly 2 back suplex.

Myers goes for a Spear but Hendry hits a pop up cutter.

Hendry hits punches and an uppercut and running back elbows followed by a fallaway slam.

Hendry hits a clothesline followed by Standing Ovation for the win.

Winner: Joe Hendry

-After the match Eddie Edwards runs in and attacks Joe Hendry with Brian Myers but Mike Santana’s music hits and he runs in through the crowd. Myers leaves the ring.

Mike Santana vs. Eddie Edwards

Eddie Edwards & Mike Santana exchange chops before Edwards whips Santana in the corner but Santana flips over and hits a superkick. Santana hits the Rolling Buck 50 for two.

Santana hits OIC followed by a running senton to Edwards on the outside.

Santana hits a Frog Splash on Edwards for two then Santana goes for Spin The Block but Edwards blocks it and hits a Blue Thunder Bomb for two.

Edwards goes for a Tiger Driver but Santana fights out of it. Edwards hits a Tiger Bomb for two.

Edwards removes his elbow pad and hits an elbow for two. Santana spits on Edwards & Edwards hits knees in Santana’s face.

Edwards pulls down his knee pad and goes for a Boston Knee Party but Santana gets out of the way.

Santana hits Spin The Block for the win.

Winner: Mike Santana

-Matt Cardona with a backstage promo and he says he is still not medically cleared to compete at Emergence. Santino Marella walks in and Cardona said that it is his doctors that wouldn’t clear him. Marella said Cardona had promised him. Cardona said he is almost ready.

Alex Hammerstone vs. Eric Young

Eric Young hits a Death Valley Driver for two then Young goes for a Piledriver but Alex Hammerstone gets out of it and hits a powerslam for two. Hammerstone goes for a Torture Rack but Eric Young gets out of it.

Hammerstone hits a German suplex followed by a powerbomb for two.

Hammerstone whips Young to the corner but Young flips over the turnbuckle and hits a forearm.

Young goes to the top rope but Hammerstone gets up and leaps over Hammerstone.

Hammerstone hits a boot to the face followed by Nightmare Pendulum for the win.

Winner: Alex Hammerstone

Non Title Match
TNA World Tag Team Champions ABC vs. Jake Something & Cody Deaner

Jake Something hits spears Ace Austin in the corner and tags to Cody Deaner & he hits an elbow for two and tags back to Something. Something hits a scoops slam and tags to Deaner.

Jake scoop slams Deaner onto Austin for two then Austin rolls through and tags to Chris Bey.

Bey hits a running uppercut on Deaner in the corner then Something throws Bey in the corner but Bey hits an enzuigiri. Something hits a forearm smash.

Something clotheslines both ABC and throws Cody onto them from the top rope.

Austin drives Something face first onto the apron then ABC hits 1, 2 Sweet onto for the win.

Winners: TNA World Tag Team Champions ABC

-After the match First Class run out and hit a combination cutter on Austin & AJ Francis hits Down Payment on Bey to leave them both laying. First Class pose with the TNA World Tag Team Titles.

-Backstage we see the personal concierge talking with Knockouts Tag Team Champions The Malisha.

Knockouts Title Match By Elegance
Jordynne Grace (c) vs. Ash By Elegance

The Personal Concierge sprays the hair spray in Jordynne Grace’s eyes.

He sets up the table with Ash By Elegance. Ash goes to the top rope but Grace follows her.

The Personal Concierge gives Ash the jewels and punches Grace before Grace catches her with the World’s Strongest Slam followed by the Vader Bomb for two.

Grace gets a protein shaker and pours diamonds out of it onto the ring.

Ash with a drop toe hold onto the steel chair followed by a champagne bottle to the head for two.

Ash chokes Grace with a string of roses.

The Personal Concierge gets heels and is about to attack Grace but Rosemary comes up from behind and spears Ash and chases away The Personal Concierge. Grace covers Ash for two.

Alisha runs in with a kendo stick but Grace spears her before Masha Slamovich hits a package piledriver and Ash pins her for two. Spitfire run out and go after The Malisha and hit stereo suicide dives.

Ash on the top rope and Grace hits her with the steel chair followed by Muscle Buster onto the table outside the ring for the win.

Winner & Still Knockouts Champion: Jordynne Grace (STILL CHAMPION!!!)

-After the match Jordynne Grace celebrates with Spitfire.

-Matthew Rehwoldt in a sit down interview with Josh Alexander & TNA World Champion Nic Nemeth who will face off in a 60 Minute Iron Man match at Emergence. Rehwoldt talks about Josh Alexander not going 5 more minutes. Alexander says everything is on his time. He says he is the flag bearer of this company. Rehwoldt asks Nemeth if he can handle the pressure. Nemeth says he is honored. Nemeth says he is intent on proving himself every week. Nemeth says he wonders why so many people know his name but not Alexander’s. Nic Nemeth said Josh could’ve come straight to him and told him to fight him. He says he doesn’t think Alexander has it anymore. Rehwoldt asks what has gone wrong. Alexander says everything else is wrong but him. Alexander says everyone in the back calls him champ and he doesn’t even have the belt. Alexander names all the TNA legends and says he is above them all. He says what is wrong is people like him. He says Nemeth got a title shot in 3 months and lost. He says tomorrow he will take that belt right back where it belongs around his waist. Rehwoldt asks what Nic Nemeth is going to do. Nemeth says it doesn’t matter what he did in the past. Nemeth says weeks and months later he’s going to look him in the eye and tells him to fight. Nemeth says this is the one match he’s good at. Alexander says he is the heart and soul and he says Nemeth is in for the hardest match of his life. Nemeth says he used to be one of the best ever and now it’s him and it stays right there. He says he is staying the champion and he will fight to the death for it. He says every night counts and he is the champ and Alexander is not. 

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