NXT No Mercy Results & Review (Sept 1st, 2024)

On Sept 1st, 2024 NXT aired the 2nd annual No Mercy live in Denver Colorado inside Ball Arena & can watch it on Peacock (United States) & WWE Network (Everywhere Else)

Note: This review is shorter then normal its the last few mins of the match.

NXT Tag Team Titles Match
Chase U (Andre Chase & Ridge Holland) (c) vs. Nathan Frazer & Axiom

Nathan Frazer sits Andre Chase on the top rope and joins him up there then hits a superplex to him.

Axiom (who made the blind tag in) hits a superkick to Chase’s midsection as Frazer sends him crashing into the mat with a suplex. Axiom then sets up for Golden Ratio on Chase but accidentally hits Frazer.

He turns around into a clothesline from Ridge Holland & Chase follows it up with a backstabber.

Holland goes for the pin but Axiom kicks out.

Axiom rolls up Chase but Chase kicks out and sends Axiom crashing into the mat.

He ascends to the top rope but Axiom rocks him with an enzuigiri.

Frazer tags in and Axiom sends Chase crashing into the mat with a Spanish Fly off the top rope and Frazer follows it up with a 450 Splash to score the win.

Winners & New NXT Tag Team Champions: Nathan Frazer & Axiom (13:33) (NEW CHAMPIONS!!!!)
Rate: 7

-After the match Chase U embraces each other in the ring. Duke Hudson & Riley Osborne look to leave the ring but Holland attacks them out of nowhere. He then clocks Chase in the ring and sends Hudson crashing into the barricade before he sends Osborne crashing into the ring steps and dumps Chase out of the ring over the top rope. He clears the announce desk then gets Chase on top of it and hits a Cradle DDT to him. Medical officials run down with a stretcher in hand looking to load Chase on it.

Wes Lee vs. Zachary Wentz

Wes Lee lands a Meteora on Zachary Wentz then clears the announce desk and sends Wentz crashing into the ring steps.

He then sends him crashing through the announce desk and ascends up the top rope then hits a double stomp to Wentz to him on the floor.

Lee then sends Wentz crashing into the ring post shoulder first and grabs the X Division Title but opts to grab a chair instead.

He looks to hit Wentz with the chair but Trey Miguel appears out of nowhere and grabs the chair from him.

This opens the door for Wentz to get Lee back in the ring and send him crashing into the floor with a Canadian Destroyer.

He then sends him crashing into the mat with a springboard UFO Cutter for the win.

Winner: Zachary Wentz (13:38)
Rate: 7

Women’s North American Title Match
Kelani Jordan (c) vs. Wendy Choo

Wendy Choo drapes Kelani Jordan off the top rope by her knees then charges at her.

Jordan catches her with a kick and hits Choo with a clothesline then follows it up with a pair of back elbows and a handspring back elbow.

Jordan lands a kick on Choo and a tornado DDT her off the ropes then follows it up with a facebuster and a low crossbody.

She ascends to the top rope and connects with a splash then goes for a pin but Choo kicks out.

Choo sends Jordan crashing into the mat before she locks in a Sleeper on her.

Jordan escapes and gets fired up then fires off forearms on Choo and sends her crashing into the mat.

She then ascends to the top and lands a 450 Splash before landing a split legged moonsault for the win.

Winner & Still Women’s North American Champion: Kelani Jordan (13:19) (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)
Rate: 6

-After the match Jordan retreats up the ramp as Tatum Paxley sneaks up on Choo in the ring and locks in a Sleeper on her in the ring. Paxley then leaves Choo a doll of herself in the ring.

North American Title Match
Oba Femi (c) vs. Tony D’Angelo

Tony D’Angelo hits a suplex on Oba Femi but D’Angelo gets Femi in an electric chair position and sends him crashing into the mat with a Japanese Ocean Cyclone Suplex.

Femi responds with a right hand and gets in Luca Crufisino’s face on the outside then grabs a car jack but Stacks grabs it from him.

When Femi & D’Angelo get back inside the ring D’Angelo levels Femi and goes for a pin.

Femi kicks out and sends D’Angelo crashing into the mat with a powerbomb then looks to land a 2nd one.

D’Angelo escapes and Femi fires off right hands on D’Angelo but D’Angelo connects with a spinebuster.

Femi lands a running uppercut on D’Angelo in the corner and follows it up with a powerbomb then hits a sit out powerbomb for the win.

Winner & Still North American Champion: Oba Femi (13:46) (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)
Rate: 8 (Recommend)

Women’s Title Match
Roxanne Perez (c) vs. Jaida Parker

Jaida Parker escapes and lands a suplex then looks to hit a hip attack but Perez rolls up Parker but Parker kicks out.

Perez then transitions into a crossface but Parker powers up to her feet and lands a fallaway slam on Perez. She looks to hit a Vader Bomb but Perez moves out of the way and pins Parker.

Parker kicks out and Perez sets up for Pop Rox but Parker avoids it and sends Perez crashing to the outside with a hip attack then looks to land a 2nd hip attack on her on the outside.

Perez avoids it and Parker is sent crashing through the barricade near the timekeeper’s area.

Perez then lands Pop Rox on her on top of the barricade and both women slide in the ring to beat the referee’s 10 count. Perez then hits Parker with a 2nd Pop Rox for the win.

Winner & Still Women’s Champion: Roxanne Perez (14:49) (STILL CHAMPION!!!)
Rate: 7

-After the match the lights dim as mysterious music echoes through the Ball Arena. Smoke appears as Giulia walks through it to make her WWE debut. She stares down Perez as she gets into the ring and Perez holds up her Women’s Title in response.

NXT Title Match
Ethan Page (c) vs. Joe Hendry

Joe Hendry hits Ego’s Edge of his own to Ethan Page and pins him but Page kicks out.

Hendry & Page then exchange strikes with one another but Hendry lands a clothesline and a fallaway slam on Page.

He kips up and hits Standing Ovation then goes for a pin but Williams catches Page’s foot under the bottom rope forcing himself to stop the count.

Hendry gets in Trick Wiliams’ face and Page sends them crashing into one another.

He then hits Standing Ovation to Hendry and pins him as a 2nd referee runs down to the ring but Hendry kicks out. Page grabs the NXT Title but the referee grabs it from him.

Hendry rolls up Page but Page kicks out and hits a DDT to Hendry on top of the NXT Title.

The 2nd referee begins a 3 count but Williams stops him.

An enraged Page gets in Williams face and looks to clock him but accidentally clocks the 2nd referee instead.

Hendry looks to land a 2nd Standing Ovation but Page low blows him while Williams is distracted checking on the 2nd referee then hits Ego’s Edge to Hendry for the win

Winner & Still NXT Champion: Ethan Page (15:07) (STILL CHAMPION!!!)
Rate: 7

-After the match Williams reluctantly holds up Page’s hand. Pete Dunne then attacks Williams and connects with Bitter End on him. He stands tall over Williams as a smiling Page watches on to close out No Mercy.

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