Windsor, Ontario Councillor Kieran McKenzie Gets Roughed Up At NCG Wrestling Event

Photo Courtesy of Jose Castillo Photography

Windsor, Ontario Ward 9 Councillor Kieran McKenzie stepped into an element he obviously was not prepared for on August 31st at Noble Champions Group’s “BAD TEMPER” event in Leamington, Ontario.

Councillor McKenzie was a special guest of NCG Wrestling and opened the show to greet the fans packed into the Nature Fresh Farms Recreation Centre. As he was in the ring addressing the fans in attendance, Councillor McKenzie revealed that he had accepted the job of General Manager for NCG Wrestling and looked forward to beginning his new role for the company.

The Councillor then introduced “Irish” Bobby Clancy who is a legendary figure within the pro wrestling scene in Windsor, Ontario. The crowd cheered Clancy as he made his way to the ring but the fans quickly found out what Clancy’s true intentions were once he began speaking to the Councillor.

Bobby Clancy revealed that he wanted to be the GM of NCG Wrestling and demanded that Councillor McKenzie transfer that title over to him. When McKenzie refused, Clancy brought out his “insurance policy” Giant Orion who proceeded to enter the ring and put a chokehold on the Councillor as Clancy forced him to sign over the role of NCG Wrestling GM.

NCG Wrestling Security rushed out to the aid of the Councillor and chased off Clancy and Orion.

Councillor McKenzie was photographed later in the evening with his arm in a makeshift sling.

It was unclear if this will be a one off appearance by the Councillor or if he will be returning looking for a bit of revenge on Bobby Clancy and Giant Orion. Either way, I am sure he will remember this experience for a very long time.

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