NXT Results & Review (September 3rd, 2024)

On September 3rd, 2024 WWE aired the 749th episode of NXT live in Orlando Florida inside WWE Performance Center.

Note: This review will be shorter then usual as it be the last few mins of the match.

-Kicking off this week’s NXT with a recap of No Mercy.

-Trick Williams tells Pete Dunne ahead of their match later tonight that while he stared things, he’s going to finish it now.

-NXT Champion Ethan Page’s music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. He brag about retaining the NXT Title and forcing Williams to raise his hand on Sunday. He says the titleholder traditionally opens the show but Williams tells him that while he called the match down the middle, he’s not done with Page yet. Page takes objection with Williams calling the NXT Title his then addresses his upcoming defense in 4 weeks when NXT makes its debut on the CW. Pete Dunne then appears out of nowhere and looks to blindside Williams with an attack but Williams sees him coming and they begin to brawl.

-Gallus argued with Hank Walker & Tank Ledger backstage.

-Fatal Influence confronted Jaida Parker to make fun of her losing at No Mercy. Parker then challenged Nyx to a match tonight.

NXT Tag Team Titles #1 Contenders Triple Threat Match
The Rascalz (Zachary Wentz & Trey Miguel) vs. Gallus (Wolfgang & Mark Coffey) vs. Hank Walker & Tank Ledger

After the break Mark Coffey lands a shoulder tackle off the middle rope on Hank Walker and goes for a pin. Walker kicks out and exchanges right hands with Mark before Zachary Wentz joins them.

Tank Ledger & Mark tag in and Ledger hits Mark with a clothesline.

Miguel connects with a double neckbreaker on Mark & Ledger.

Joe Coffey hops up on the apron but Je Von Evans attacks Joe on the outside as Good Brothers appears at ringside to distract Tank Ledger & Hank Walker.

Miguel hits a Meteora to Ledger off the top rope and Wentz follows it up with a Swanton Bomb for the win.

Winners & #1 Contenders To The NXT Tag Team Titles: The Rascalz

-Sarah Schreiber interviewed NXT Tag Team Champions Axiom & Nathan Frazer but The Rascalz interrupted and bowed to take the NXT Tag Team Titles to TNA next week.

-After the break we see Pete Dunne attack Trick Williams in the locker room and they begin to brawl.

Oro Mensah vs. Lexis King

Oro Mensah lands a few chops on Lexis King and looks to fly back in the ring but King pushes him off the apron and onto the floor.

He fires off right hands on Mensah and clocks him from behind then fires off right hands on King in the corner. King then rolls up Mensah with his feet on the ropes for the win.

Winner: Lexis King

-After the match Mensah chases King to the back out of frustration.

-We then head backstage and see a verbal exchange between North American Champion Oba Femi & The D’Angelo Family.

-Gallus complained about Je Von Evans interfering tonight before No Quarter Catch Crew interrupted. Gallus said that after dealing with Evans, they would come for the Heritage Cup.

Tatum Paxley vs. Rosemary

Tatum Paxley charges at Rosemary in the corner but Rosemary intercepts her and sends her crashing into the mat with a pair of fallaway slam then Paxley responds with a Crucifix Bomb for the win.

Winner: Tatum Paxley

-After the match Wendy Choo attacks Paxley & Rosemary joins in. Lyra Valkyria’s music hits and she runs down to the ring to even the score. Rosemary & Choo retreat as Valkyria & Paxley embrace in the ring.

-Pete Dunne & Trick Williams continued to brawl backstage before General Manager Ava told them to head to the ring immediately to solve this.

-Jordynne Grace cut a promo from her gym, where she said she would issue an Open Challenge for the TNA Knockouts Title next week.

Trick Williams vs. Pete Dunne

The action spills out of the ring and Trick Williams looks to land a boot on Pete Dunne.

Dunne avoids it and Williams is sent crashing into the barricade.

They then teeter on it but Williams looks to send Dunne crashing through the announce desk with a uranage.

Dunne prevents Williams from doing so then hits a Russian leg sweep that sends them both crashing through it. Alicia Taylor then announces that both men have been counted out of the match.

Winner: No One (Double Count Out)

-After the match Williams rains down right hands on Dunne but officials run down to the ring to break them apart. Dunne breaks free and rains down right hands on Williams but Williams lands a kick on him.

-Ridge Holland cut a promo backstage where he said Chase University was nothing without him and said that from here onward, he would start the step by step destruction of Chase University next week and he would love every second of it.

-Shawn Spears met with Brooks Jensen backstage where he thanked Jensen for avenging him. Spears then said he was committed to this and said he only cared about what Jensen thought regarding possible mentorship. Dion Lennox then interrupted and said Spears was gaslighting him.

Je Von Evans vs. Joe Coffey

Joe Coffey dumps Evans out of the ring and both Wolfgang & Mark Coffey look to attack him while Joe distracts the referee.

Cedric Alexander then runs down to the ring and gets in Gallus’ face opening the door for Evans to fly over the top rope to level Mark & Wolfgang on the outside.

Evans connect with a Twisting Splash to Joe for the win.

Winner: Je Von Evans

-Lyra Valkyria & Tatum Paxley spoke backstage where Valkyria said that she had Paxley’s back to get back at Rosemary & Wendy Choo.

-After the break we head over to Sarah Schreiber chatting with Ava & she announces that Trick Williams & Pete Dunne will compete in a Last Man Standing Match with the winner securing a shot at the NXT Title when NXT debuts on The CW.

Non Title Match
North American Champion Oba Femi vs. Stacks

Oba Femi hits Stacks with a right hand and lands a clothesline on the back of his neck then hits a bodyslam.

Stacks fires off strikes on Femi then sends him crashing into the mat and ascends to the top rope.

He looks to fly but Femi sends him crashing into the corner and follows it up with a powerbomb for the win.

Winner: North American Champion Oba Femi

-Ashante Adonis tried to steak with Karmen Petrovic & Brinley Reece before Eddy Thorpe interrupted. Adonis told Thorpe to let him do his work or Thorpe would get this work.

-After the break we head backstage and see Je Von Evans talk Wren Sinclair into granting him a shot at the Heritage Cup as Myles Borne stands by with earphones in having not heard what just happened. She then tells Charlie Dempsey what she just did and Dempsey becomes frustrated.

Jaida Parker vs. Jazmyn Nyx

Jazmyn Nyx fires off elbows on Jaida Parker to escape her grasp then runs the ropes.

Parker intercepts her and connects with a fallaway slam then follows it up with a pair of shoulder tackles and a hip attack in the corner. Nyx rolls up Parker but Parker kicks out and runs the ropes.

She then hits a 2nd Hip Attack for the win.

Winner: Jaida Parker

-After the match Jacy Jayne & Fallon Henley attack Parker. Parker gains the upper hand momentarily but Jayne clocks her from behind and Nyx lands a Pele Kick on her.

-Fatal Influence confronted Lola Vice, Kelani Jordan & most of the NXT Women’s Locker Room backstage where they called their shot at Jordan’s Women’s North American Title.

-Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez runs her mouth about retaining the Women’s Title against Jaida Parker at No Mercy then says she’s smashing all of Asuka & Iyo Sky’s records in NXT. She says while Parker proved herself as the future of the NXT women’s division, she proved that she can’t be touched. She then continues gloating about how great she is as a talent and says no one has the ability to dethrone her as the Women’s Champion.

-Chelsea Green’s music hits and she makes her way out. She asks Perez if she was expecting someone else then rags on one section of fans and says there’s been a lot of talk about Perez’s next challenger. She says she’s beloved by the WWE Universe and would do anything for most of her fans then says she’s here to interrupt and no one can tell her that she’s not Perez’s new #1 Contender.

-Giulia’s music hits and she makes her way out. Green gets in Giulia’s face and looks to slap her but Giulia intercepts it and takes down Green with a knee. She stares down Perez and grabs Green’s mic then tells Perez that she’ll see her at the debut of NXT on The CW. They stare one another down and Perez holds up her Women’s Title to close out NXT.

Next Week’s NXT

TNA Knockouts Title Match
Jordynne Grace (c) vs. TBD

NXT Tag Team Titles Match
Nathan Frazer & Axiom (c) vs. The Rascalz (Zachary Wentz & Trey Miguel)

NXT Title #1 Contenders Last Man Standing Match
Trick Williams vs. Pete Dunne

Heritage Cup Title Match
Charlie Dempsey (c) vs. Je Von Evans

Duke Hudson vs. Ridge Holland

NXT Card (Oct 1st)

Women’s Title Match
Roxanne Perez (c) vs. Giulia

NXT Title Match
Ethan Page (c) vs. Trick Williams or Pete Dunne

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