MLW Summer Of The Beasts Night 2 Results & Review (September 7th, 2024)

On September 7th, 2024 MLW aired the 2nd night of Summer Of The Beasts live in New York City inside Melrose Ballroom & can watch it on YouTube.

Miyu Yamashita vs. Delmi Exo

Miyu Yamashita & Delmi Exo trade shots in the ropes before Exo sends Yamashita to the outside where she hits her with a suicide dive.

Yamashita escapes out of a Delmi Driver with a kick and starts working on Exo’s arm with more kicks.

Yamashita continues on the attack, keeping Exo in the corner until she eventually fights back.

Yamashita continues with the kicks until she traps Exo in the ropes upside down.

Yamashita hits a kick in the corner before fighting off another Delmi Driver attempt.

Exo starts yelling at the Azteca Henchmen to do something before actually going and hitting Delmi Driver to get the win.

Winner: Delmi Exo (6:15)
Rate: 6

-After the match Delmi Exo gets on the mic and says it’s been over a year since Janai Kai took her Featherweight Title but now Exo is the #1 contender and she runs the show and tells Kai she’s on her time now. 

Mads Krule Krugger vs. Mr Thomas

Mads Krule Krugger & Mr Thomas start by testing each other out with slaps and shoulder blocks.

They work in the corner where Thomas hits an tornado DDT followed with a dive to the outside on Krule.

Krule takes control from the apron before hitting a splash and vertical suplex for two.

They both try for a chokeslam before taking each other down with a double boot.

Thomas comes back with a big boot, slam, and splash for a two count.

The Sentai Death Squad comes out and jumps Alex Kane on the outside.

While Krule distracts the referee in the corner, Ikuro Kwon comes out and sprays Thomas in the face with blank mist. Krule follows with a Front Nelson Slam to get the win.

Winner: Mads Krule Krugger (5:37)
Rate: 5

Bobby Fish vs. Timothy Thatcher

Bobby Fish sends Timothy Thatcher to the outside and taunts him to get back in.

He does and goes right after Fish with an armbar.

They start trading kicks and uppercuts before Thatcher traps on a bow and arrow.

Fish can reverse it but the referee breaks them apart as they get caught in the ropes.

Thatcher goes right back to the bow and arrow before he starts working on Fish’s back with some forearms.

Fish goes after Thatcher and lands a low blow that he starts apologizing for over and over for which Thatcher eventually escapes.

They go back to trading kicks and uppercuts and as the referee tries to get in between he gets pushed off. Fish hits a now more blatant low blow before rolling up Thatcher for the win

Winner: Bobby Fish (11:21)
Rate: 7

-After the match Brett Ryan Gosselin goes and gets a word with Fish and says even though he just beat Thatcher, it would have been better in a real city like Boston. BRG says when he fights Paul London later he will show everyone why they are the epitome of excellence.

Fightland Card (Sept 14th)

MLW World Title Match
Satoshi Kojima (c) vs. Mads Krule Krugger

Semi Final Match Of The 2024 Opera Cup
Kenta vs. TJP

Champion vs. Champion Semi Final Match Of The 2024 Opera Cup
Middleweight Champion Mistico vs. National Openweight Champion Bad Dude Tito

Finals Of The 2024 Opera Cup
Kenta or TJP vs. Middleweight Champion Mistico or National Openweight Champion Bad Dude Tito

Tag Team Match
Bomaye Fight Club (Alex Kane & Mr Thomas) vs. The Anderson (Brock & CW)

Donovan Dijak vs. Timothy Thatcher

Adam Priest vs. Okumura

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