NXT Results & Review (September 10th, 2024)

On September 10th, 2024 WWE aired the 750th episode of NXT live in Orlando Florida inside WWE Performance Center.

Note: This review is shorter then normal as it be the last few mins of the match.

NXT Tag Team Titles Match
Nathan Frazer & Axiom (c) vs. Street Profits (Angelo Dawkins & Montez Ford)

Axiom tags in and double teams on Montez Ford with Nathan Frazer but Angelo Dawkins tags in.

Axiom catches him with a Spanish Fly off the top rope but Dawkins gets Frazer in an electric chair position.

Ford tags in and ascends to the top rope then lands a blockbuster and goes for a pin but Tama Tonga breaks the fall forcing the disqualification.

Winners By DQ: Street Profits (Frazer & Axiom retains)

-After the match Tanga Loa & Jacob Fatu join Tonga to beat down Street Profits, Axiom & Frazer. Fatu ascends to the top rope and flies to level Dawkins.

-There was a vignette of Tony D’Angelo paying off someone backstage asking them to take care of Oba Femi.

-There was a vignette for Giulia ahead of her match tonight against Chelsea Green.

Giulia vs. Chelsea Green

Chelsea Green dumps Giulia back in the ring and ascends to the top rope but Giulia moves out of the way and sends Green crashing into the mat.

She rocks her with a running knee and sends her crashing into the mat with Glorious Driver for the win.

Winner: Giulia

-Trick Williams was interviewed backstage where he promised to show that Pete Dunne was always a butch.

-TNA Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace cut a promo ahead of her match tonight asking NXT to bring her best.

-There was a vignette of Lexis King getting a haircut while talking about his greatest hits in NXT. King then bragged about his beard before Oro Mensah attacked King.

-Women’s North American Champion Kelani Jordan spoke with Lola Vice backstage saying she was excited for whoever challenged Jordynne Grace. Fatal Influence made fun of everyone in the locker room before they were kicked out of the locker room.

Heritage Cup Title Match
Charlie Dempsey (c) vs. Je Von Evans

Round 1

Charlie Dempsey lock in another submission on Je Von Evans and they go back & forth.

Evans lands a hurricanrana on Dempsey as the round comes to a close.

Round 2

Dempsey responds with a Half Nelson suplex and transitions into a pinfall to score the 1st point.

Dempsey 1-0

Round 3

After the break Round 3 has come to a close and Evans has scored a point.

Evans 1-1

Round 4

Evans connects with a suplex on Dempsey but Dempsey responds with one of his own and locks in a submission on Evans as round 4 comes to an end.

Dempsey keeps the hold locked in for a few more seconds after the clock has run out but Cedric Alexander pulls him off and Myles Borne gets in his face.

Round 5

Evans flies over the top to level Dempsey on the outside and dumps him back in the ring.

Tavion Heights surprises Evans with a belly 2 belly suplex as he looks to get back in the ring and Dempsey pins Evans for the win.

Winner & Still Heritage Cup Champion: Charlie Dempsey (Round 5) (2-1) (STILL CHAMPION!!!)

-We then head over to an unsettling video of Rosemary & Wendy Choo playing with a dollhouse and some dolls.

-NXT Champion Ethan Page was interviewed backstage where he stated he would pick up the scraps out of whoever wins between Trick Williams and Pete Dunne tonight.

Non Title Match
North American Champion Oba Femi vs. Alex Hammerstone

Alex Hammerstone levels Oba Femi and hits a pair of belly 2 belly suplexes on him then follows it up with a chokeslam and goes for a pin but Femi kicks out.

Femi sends Hammerstone crashing into the mat face first then hits a slam and a powerbomb for the win.

Winner: North American Champion Oba Femi

-Hank Walker & Tank Ledger confronted Robert Stone & Stevie Turner demanding a match against Good Brothers 

-Duke Hudson cut a promo backstage where he promised to give Ridge Holland a Chase U Sized Ass Whooping for Andre Chase.

-Jaida Parker met with Lola Vice as she was looking for Fatal Influence and did not need help. Parker had none of it and said she would deal with Vice later.

Duke Hudson vs. Ridge Holland

Ridge Holland follows it up with a belly 2 belly suplex then hits a slam but Duke Hudson rolls him up.

Holland kicks out and connects with an elbow on Holland but Holland catches him with a crossbody and a delayed vertical powerslam then follows it up with Redeemer for the win.

Winner: Ridge Holland

-After the match Holland continues beating down Hudson as Thea Hail pleads with him not to. Holland sends Hudson crashing through one of the barricades then uses it to hit Hudson with and sends him crashing on top of it with a 2nd Redeemer. Medical officials then check on Hudson with a stretcher in hand.

-Pete Dunne cut a promo with a shinner on his eye where he said he had been scrapping all of his career and promised to would continue to do so tonight.

-After the break Wes Lee takes Vic Joseph’s headset and tells Zachary Wentz that he’s responsible for taking out Trey Miguel. He challenges Wentz to a rematch in a Street Fight at the upcoming NXT Chicago show on October 1st.

TNA Knockouts Title Match
Jordynne Grace (c) vs. Sol Ruca

Sol Ruca then hits a moonsault off the ropes to level Jordynne Grace and dumps her back in the ring then connects with a splash and goes for a pin. Grace kicks out as we go to a break.

After the break we see Wendy Choo with a sleeper locked in on Grace as Rosemary eerily laughs.

Winner: No One (No Contest)

-Lyra Valkyria & Tatum Paxley spoke backstage regarding Paxley’s action figures and dolls to which Valkyria responded by saying they needed to focus on Wendy Choo & Rosemary next week.

-We then head over to Ava’s office where Ava congratulates Giulia on her win as Funaki stands by. Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez interrupts and begins running her mouth about Giulia jumping the line to get a shot at the Women’s Title and Giulia tells Perez that she’s doing this because she’s scared.

-We then head over and see Brooks Jensen inquire with Dion Lennox about what exactly gaslighting is. Shawn Spears interrupts and assures Jensen that Lennox isn’t being forthcoming with him.

-Ashante Thee Adonis confronted Eddy Thorpe backstage calling him a hypocrite for hanging out with female members of the NXT Roster.

NXT Title #1 Contenders Last Man Standing Match
Trick Williams vs. Pete Dunne

Pete Dunne pulls down 1 of the barriers then looks to send Trick Williams crashing through a table beneath it.

Williams blocks it but they are then sent crashing through the table when Dunne lands a Russian leg sweep on Williams.

NXT Champion Ethan Page appears at ringside to cheer Dunne on as the referee begins a 10 count.

Williams makes his way up to his feet at the count of 9 and sends Page crashing through the announce desk with a back body drop to become the new #1 Contender.

Winner & #1 Contender To The NXT Title: Trick Williams

-We then head backstage to Ava’s office where Ava informs Stevie Turner & Mr Stone that CM Punk will be appearing on next week’s show to make a special announcement about the upcoming NXT Chicago show on October 1st.

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