TNA Victory Road Results & Review (September 13th, 2024)

On September 13th, 2024 TNA aired the 18th annual Victory Road live in San Antonio Texas inside Boeing Center & can watch it on TNA Plus.

Note: This review will be shorter then usual as it be the last few mins of the match.

Kushida vs Leon Slater (Pre Show)

Leon Slater blocks a Hoverboard Lock and puts Kushida on the apron where he kicks him off with a boot but as he goes to dive Kushida gets out of the way.

Slater reaches him with a twisting dive from over the corner to the outside.

They head to the top rope and Kushida crashes down with a Spanish Fly into the Hoverboard Lock where Slater taps out.

Winner By Submission: Kushida (7:52)
Rate: 7

-Gia Miller tries to get a word with Josh Alexander about his match with Joe Hendry as Alexander says this fairy tale of Hendry ends tonight and this isn’t Hendry’s story as Alexander is the hero and Hendry is the court jester. Alexander calls himself the righteous one, god gifted as a great professional wrestler and Hendry makes it a mockery. Being all show and no go like Hendry is, the bell will ring and Alexander will put him in an ankle lock then hit C4 Spike and end this all for all and Hendry will be lucky to ever make a song again. Miller says Alexander is sure of himself, as Alexander says it’s not ego, it’s confidence.

Tag Team Match
Alex Hammerstone & Jake Something vs. Steve Maclin & Eric Young (Pre Show)

Alex Hammerstone is able to tag in and take out Eric Young & puts him on the top rope but Young is able to knock him down into the tree of woe position.

He rolls out and tags out to Steve Maclin where Hammerstone is in the perfection position for Maclin’s Crosshairs followed by Young’s top rope elbow drop but Something breaks it up just in time.

All 4 go at it until Something catches Young off the ropes & hits Into The Void to get the win.

Winners: Alex Hammerstone & Jake Something (6:56)
Rate: 6

Tag Team Match
The Hardys (Matt & Jeff) vs. First Class (AJ Francis & KC Navarro)

AJ Francis fights off a Twist Of Fate and catches The Hardys trying to hit a double chokeslam but it gets blocked as he gets hit with a double DDT and then clotheslined to the outside.

The Hardys hit a Twist Of Fate/neckbreaker combo on KC Navarro before Matt hits another Twist Of Fate followed by the Swanton Bomb as Jeff gets the cover on Navarro for the win.

Winners: The Hardys (9:39)
Rate: 6

X Division Title Match
Zachary Wentz (c) vs. Mike Bailey

Mike Bailey catches Zachary Wentz in the corner by hitting a powerbomb then heads back to the top rope and hits a Shooting Star Press but Wentz kicks out at two.

Tornado Kick by Bailey but he misses Ultima Weapon so Wentz takes control but Bailey stops him with a poisonrana.

Bailey tries another Tornado Kick but gets stopped with a knee and the headlock DDT but Bailey kicks out yet again. Bailey counters a UFO Cutter followed by Flaming Driver to get the win.

Winner & New X Division Champion: Mike Bailey (17:43) (NEW CHAMPION!!!)
Rate: 8 (Recommend)

Tag Team Match
Digital Media Champion PCO & Rhino vs. Matt Cardona & Steph De Lander

Steph De Lander gets on the mic and says this is the only way she could get Matt Cardona & PCO in the same place and says her career so far has felt like a dream sometimes from a young girl in Australia to this is magic.

She continues to say that she’s proud to be in a TNA ring with her heroes and in front of 2,000 sold out fans of San Antonio, Texas.

Her career has been a roller coaster and the fans have been there every step of the way with her but this issue between Cardona & PCO needs to be sorted out as it’s hurting her.

She admits it’s not the only thing hurting her, as she needs neck surgery and she’s needed it for a long time, waking up every day in pain but she fought through it to not let anybody down but it has come to that point and it’s something she needs to do to take care of herself.

SDL says even though Cardona has been a jerk recently, he’s still her best friend and he found her at her lowest and took her to her highest so she says ‘thank you’ to him.

As far as PCO goes, she is so glad that she found true love in him and this friction and fighting is not healthy for her or them and she needs them both to stand up and figure it out without her.

SDL says this is not a retirement speech as she has more to give to this business and company and to each and every one of the fans.

She ends by saying this is not goodbye but see you later before giving PCO a hug and leaving along with PCO.

As Rhino goes to leave also, Cardona kicks the rope from up under him and hits him with Radio Silence.

Cardona says it’s all about him

Winners: No One (Match Never Got Started) (0:00)

-Gia Miller is in the back with TNA World Champion Nic Nemeth & he admits that Moose had his number and kicked his ass but now he feels rejuvenated as TNA is the place to be and he will proudly defend the TNA World Title. He will take the most of what matters to Moose as this title stays right here and The System is out and this is how it all goes down with the Wanted Man walking out as your fighting TNA World Champion.

Knockouts Tag Team Titles Match
Masha Slamovich & Tasha Steelz (c) vs. Spitfire (Jody Threat & Dani Luna)

If Spitfire loses they must disband.

Both teams in here as Dani Luna blocks a Sliced Bread and sends Tasha Steelz onto Masha Slamovich & Threat breaking up that pin after Slamovich hits Snow Plow.

Luna stops another Magic Killer attempt before they hit Pop Shove It & Luna Landing at the same time.

They follow with the Pressure Drop on Slamovich as Threat gets the win.

Winners & New Knockouts Tag Team Champions: Spitfire (11:09) (NEW CHAMPIONS!!!)
Rate: 5

-After the match Alisha Edwards starts yelling at Slamovich for embarrassing her and calls her a piece of shit but Slamovich stops a slap attempt from Edwards as Steelz runs in and takes out Slamovich with a cutter, as Alisha encourages Steelz to keep attacking her.

We go to Hammerstone & Jake Something in the back as Something says this is the start and their win on the Countdown was a statement. Hammerstone says Eric Young & Steve Maclin were the first on a very long list as everyone who gets in their way will suffer the same fate.

Josh Alexander vs. Joe Hendry

Josh Alexander escapes out of Standing Ovation and hits a low blow but it’s revealed that Hendry has on a cup with his face on it.

He follows with a Standing Ovation and puts the ankle lock back on as this time the referee is there to see Alexander tap out.

Winner By Submission: Joe Hendry (16:52)
Rate: 7

TNA World Tag Team Titles Match
ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) (c) vs. The System (Eddie Edwards & Brain Myers)

Eddie Edwards is able to block 1,2 Sweet with a Blue Thunder Bomb to Chris Bey as Brian Myers is holding Ace Austin back.

Austin gets free but Myers chases after him & hitting the Roster Cut.

Alisha gets involved in distracting Bey as he gets hit with a spear from Myers followed by Boston Knee Party from Edwards to get the win.

Winners & New TNA World Tag Team Champions: The System (15:31) (NEW CHAMPIONS!!!!)
Rate: 6

Knockouts Title Match
Jordynne Grace (c) vs. Wendy Choo

Jordynne Grace comes back with a trap suplex for two but Wendy Choo comes back by trapping the Cobra Clutch into a German suplex and Full Nelson slam before putting on the sleeper once again.

Grace powers her way out of it and catches Choo off the corner into a powerbomb followed by Juggernaut Driver to get the win.

Winner & Still Knockouts Champion: Jordynne Grace (11:05) (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)
Rate: 5

-After the match Rosemary runs out and takes out Grace with a spear followed by As Above So Below as Choo puts the sleeper back on.

-Santino Marella is in the back and very excited when his daughter Arianna Grace walks in. Grace says that he wants to be professional about this but Marella is very excited and says he is very proud of her as they both say they take their jobs very seriously and are professionals. Marella says how he’s about to cry about his little liaison as Arianna shouts ‘Santino!’ at him.

TNA World Title Match
Nic Nemeth (c) vs. Moose

John Layfield shows up and takes out both Eddie Edwards & Brain Myers with Clotheslines From Hell.

Nic Nemeth is caught off guard by this as he gets hit with a clothesline and spear but Nemeth kicks out yet again.

They get into a chop off and go back & forth until Nemeth hits another Danger Zone for the win.

Winner & Still TNA World Champion: Nic Nemeth (19:39) (STILL CHAMPION!!!)
Rate: 6

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