MLW Fightland Results & Review (September 14th, 2024)

On September 14th, 2024 MLW aired Fightland live in Atlanta Georgia inside Center Stage & can watch it on YouTube

Note: This review is shorter then normal as its the final few mins of the match.

Semi Final Match Of The 2024 Opera Cup
Kenta vs. TJP

After they go back & forth trading strikes TJP hits a tornado DDT but misses Mamba Splash again.

They tussle for a bit but the referee is distracted as Kenta lands a couple of low blows followed by GTS to get the win.

Winner: Kenta (10:23)
Rate: 6

Champion vs. Champion Semi Final Match Of The 2024 Opera Cup
Middleweight Champion Mistico vs. National Openweight Champion Bad Dude Tito

Bad Dude Tito blocks La Mistica by hitting a powerbomb for two but Mistico escapes out of the Tequila Screwdriver attempt and bounces off the ropes into a crucifix pin to get the win.

Winner: Middleweight Champion Mistico (8:05) (He will face Kenta in the Finals)
Rate: 6

-We go to earlier this week where Brett Ryan Gosselin, Bobby Fish & The Andersons are in New York as BRG is making fun of Paul London for complaining about his injured ribs and Bomaye Fight Club thinking they run Atlanta. CW Anderson says they are warriors in a garden while the rest of them are just gardeners in a war because you can’t have the view without the climb as Brock Anderson says that if anybody in the locker room think Atlanta is their city, that The Andersons have been running Atlanta for half a century. BRG tells Alex Kane to calm down and he is tearing his weight through him and Atlanta and they will run them through the goddamn ground.

-We get a vignette for Kevin Knight coming soon to MLW.

Donovan Dijak vs. Timothy Thatcher

Back in the ring Timothy Thatcher hits a back suplex and right into an armbar and rear naked choke hold, but Donovan Dijak breaks it up by backing into the corner twice.

Discuss boot from Dijak followed by Feast Your Eyes to get the win.

Winner: Donovan Dijak (8:18)
Rate: 6

-After the match Joe Dombrowski enters the ring to get a word with Saint Laurent & Dijak as Laurent says Dijak is a world class athlete who will fight anybody. And just like Thatcher has accepted the open contract, they have more and call out anybody. Dijak says anyone, anytime, anywhere before calling out Tom Lawlor, Minoru Suzuki, Matt Riddle & Satoshi Kojima and says they aren’t shoot fighters but shit fighters and tells them when ‘they sign on the line, their ass is mine’ unless they are just a little bit chicken and if so, he’ll bring an uninvited fight to them.

-We got a promo for Pit Fighters will air on September 26th. They announce that Matt Riddle will face off against Tom Lawlor in a Vale Tudo Rules match in the main event for Pit Fighters.

Tag Team Match
Bomaye Fight Club (Alex Kane & Mr Thomas) vs. The Andersons (Brock & CW)

Kevin Knight comes out and dives off the stage onto BRG, Bobby Fish & CW Anderson as Mr Thomas sets his eyes on Brock Anderson in the ring.

John Layfield comes out unexpectedly and he takes out Thomas by hitting him with the Clothesline from Hell before whispering something in Brock’s ear before leaving.

Brock goes to cover Thomas as the referee wakes up and makes the pin.

Winners: The Andersons (10:39)
Rate: 5

-After the match BRG gets on the mic and says everyone is witnessing history and they had another ace up their sleeve and calls them 4 a championship franchise in the making and nobody in the back could hold a candle to any of them. They walk together into war, kick ass, make the ladies fall in love and break their hearts. And they will continue to do this, week after week, night after night as they are the best. CW takes the mic and tells MLW they need to be cleaned up and you are looking at the janitors. CW starts talking about how he used to be part of the Extreme Horsemen in MLW, as Brock’s father created The 4 Horsemen but this is their apocalypse and you are looking at the rise of The Rogue Horsemen.

-We see Bad Dude Tito in the back angry that he lost his match earlier as he bumps into Matthew Justice and tells him to watch where he’s going. They get into a shoving match as officials go to keep them apart.

Okumura vs. Adam Priest

Back in the ring Adam Priest starts stomping away and hits a snapping suplex for two.

Okumura stops his momentum with a backbreaker before putting Priest on the top rope where he hits a Cozy Cutter for two.

Okumura stays on top blocking a suplex from Priest before hitting an uppercut and the Fisherman Buster to get the win. 

Winner: Okumura (6:42)
Rate: 5

-After the match Contra Unit does indeed come out as it’s Ikuro Kwon & Sentai Death Squad on the ramp but Akira runs out with a kendo stick and takes them all out.

-We see Matt Riddle and Satoshi Kojima in the back as Riddle tells Kojima he wished he could stay and watch but he has to take care of some business for MLW in California but when they fight it will be a SuperFight for Kojima’s championship as they get into another Bitch ass Contra chant. As Kojima leaves, Saint Laurent & Tom Lawlor walk in and say if Riddle has any balls, he will put up his guaranteed title shot from winning Battle Riot against Lawlor at the main event of Pit Fighters. Lawlor says it’s good to see Riddle and he remembers hanging out with Riddle in the stands at UFC and he thought Riddle was a fan. Riddle tells Lawlor he’s on for the match stipulation.

MLW World Title Match
Satoshi Kojima (c) vs. Mads Krule Krugger

Mads Krule Krugger attempts to throw a fireball into Satoshi Kojima’s face but it unfortunately falls way short and hits closer to Kojima’s feet instead.

The referee grabs a towel and water for Kojima before calling off the match.

Winner By DQ & Still MLW World Champion: Satoshi Kojima (7:08) (STILL CHAMPION!!!)
Rate: 2

-After the match Krugger holds up the MLW World Title before Kai brings in a body bag but Kojima is nowhere to be found. Matt Riddle’s music hits as he actually hasn’t left for California as he comes out now & has a face off with Krugger. Ikuro Kwon comes out and tries to stop Riddle but he knees him and takes him to the back. Akira shows up in the ring and takes out Krugger & Kai with a lead pipe as they all head to the back.

-We have a very angry Bomaye Fight Club in the back as Alex Kane challenges Brett Ryan Gosselin to an Atlanta Street Fight

Finals Of The 2024 Opera Cup
Middleweight Champion Mistico vs. Kenta

Kenta hits a DDT and goes to grab a chair from under the ring.

Mistico is able to dodge the chair shot and dropkick Kenta in the face with the chair in between.

Kenta comes back with a low blow and Busaiku knee as the referee wakes up just in time but only gets a two count.

Mistico takes control and hits a springboard crossbody followed by La Mistica as Kenta taps out.

Winner Of The 2024 Opera Cup: Middleweight Champion Mistico (17:43)
Rate: 7

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