Unsurprisingly, Alberto Del Rio Defends Vince McMahon Amid Sexual Assault and Human Trafficking Allegations and We Can’t Imagine Why

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Somebody’s looking for a job, which is funny because the guy who could offer said job isn’t even the boss anymore.

Former WWE Champion Alberto Del Rio was recently interviewed by Sportskeeda WrestleBinge, and he spoke on a variety of topics; from his own career and aspirations, to AEW, to the allegations levied against former WWE Chairman of the Board, Vince McMahon.

In a move that shocked absolutely nobody, Del Rio defended McMahon against the allegations he’s been accused of.

“To be honest, I don’t know what’s gonna happen because the law system works in different ways in every state, but I can tell you this, the law system in America works and it’s fair and they always find the truth,” Del Rio told Sportskeeda WrestleBinge.

Okay well that first statement is demonstrably false.

According to the Georgia Innocence Project, between 4-6% of people who are incarcerated in US prisons are actually innocent. That means, roughly one out of every 20 criminal cases result in wrongful conviction. And that’s just for people who are innocent.

Let’s say, hypothetically, for no reason at all, a sexual assault occurs. Mick Foley’s favorite organization, RAINN, reports that only 310 out of every 1,000 sexual assaults are reported to the police. 50 of those reports lead to arrest. 28 of those cases lead to a felony conviction. And only 25 out of every 1,000 perpetrators will actually be incarcerated.

So, no, Alberto Del Rio — the law system in America doesn’t work, and it doesn’t always find the truth.

“Whenever they find the truth, whatever the truth is, for one side or the other, it will be a matter of people deciding if they can take the truth or not,” Del Rio continued.

No idea what that even means. Moving on…

Del Rio referenced himself, and the charges that he faced when his ex-fiancée accused him of sexual assault and kidnapping. Eventually, the ex dropped the charges and admitted that she lied about the incident, which has seemingly made Del Rioo an expert on all matters of sexual assault allegations.

“I’m saying this because that’s exactly what happened with me,” Del Rio said. “The truth is out there. It’s just for the people to see it, but there’s still some people that doesn’t want to see the truth. And they, for whatever stupid reason, they want to continue attacking a man that doesn’t do anything more than work, work, work, and provide to his family and continue giving his best to the wrestling business.”

Del Rio was referencing McMahon. But, according to a lawsuit filed by former WWE employee Janel Grant, Vince doesn’t just work, work, work. He also, allegedly, rapes, rapes, rapes. And that’s just coming from one woman. It’s unknown if there are others.

Actually, it’s not unknown. Rita Chatterton, a former WWF ring announcer, also accused Vince McMahon of raping her. He would end up settling the matter with Chatterton for an undisclosed amount, according to the Wall Street Journal.

But that’s not all!

It was also revealed that McMahon had paid at least $19.6 million in nondisclosure agreements to at least four different ex-WWE employees.

Still, Del Rio said that the truth is out there, and that he thinks it’s unfair that “the world” is mad at Vince McMahon.

“So, when it comes to Mr. McMahon, it’s gonna happen the same way,” Del Rio continued. “The law system will find the truth and they will put the truth out there, and then it’s gonna be a matter of the people believing in that truth or continue to attack Mr. McMahon. Whatever it is, whatever happens, I have to say this because I don’t find it fair that these days the world is just destroying him. They’re just destroying Mr. McMahon and they’re forgetting about the fact that none of this, none of this beautiful business would be here today, the way it is, if it wasn’t for him.”

Two things can be true: Vince McMahon can be the man that completely changed the world of professional wrestling, for better or worse. He could also be an alleged serial rapist who gets off on pooping on women and who thought that money could get him into, or out of, anything. Except now, he’s finding out that is not actually how it works. And despite what former WWF wrestler Ted Dibiase says, not everybody has a price. And Vince McMahon is learning that the hard way. Whether he is actually convicted of anything remains to be seen. But the accusations have been enough to force McMahon to step down from his position as the Chairman of the Board and the Head of Creative. And whether he’s convicted of anything or not, WWE — and pro wrestling as a whole — is better because of it.

The full video of Del Rio’s interview with Sportskeeda WrestleBinge can be seen below:

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