Bobby Fish Goes On Rant About How Much He Hates Leg Slapping In Pro Wrestling

One half of ReDragon has his say on one of most fans biggest pet peeves in wrestling.

Leg slapping in pro wrestling is nothing new to the sport. For years stars have slapped their legs while striking in wrestling in order to make it sound like a strike is landing hard. Mostly used in superkicks, it has developed to using it for many hard strikes in the ring.

Bobby Fish recently appeared on the Two Man Power Trip podcast and shared his disdain for leg slapping in wrestling.

“It makes me sick. It really makes me want to get sick, especially when people do it on a leg kick, because if you know anything about leg kicks, the ones that hurt the worst are the ones that don’t make noise. Those are the ones where the shin has really dug almost down to the bone,” 

“I get it, back in the day when Christopher Adams would throw the superkick and then Shawn Michaels with the sweet chin music and the slap, I get it, but like a lot of other things, especially in pro wrestling, too much of a good thing can be just that. Slapping was one of those, for sure. To see them on leg kicks, I think because I take so much pride in throwing proper leg kicks, it drives me nuts. If you understood anything about it, if you took five minutes to understand the actual art, you would know that slapping your leg defeats the purpose of doing that. If it makes that loud of the noise, it’s not what you’re going for. I think pro wrestling fans have been conditioned to react to sound, so it’s been overdone, and some people, they get to the point where they can’t not slap something. I don’t want to get into the tricks of the trade because there are a lot of slaps that go on in pro wrestling, but it’s overdone for sure.”

Bobby Fish to Two Man Power Trip

Bobby Fish is currently off AEW TV for unknown reasons, but is expected to return with Adam Cole once he is officially cleared.

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