Billy Corgan Addresses Bringing NWA To WWE And AEW’s Level: “It’s proportional. I’m not running 4 to 5 hours of content a week.”

Billy Corgan speaks on the possibility of bringing the NWA to AEW and WWE’s level, whatever that may look like.

It is not a stretch to consider the NWA is one of the top 5 largest companies in the United States in the pro wrestling industry. The company is ran by Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan, and recently while speaking on INSIGHT with Chris Van Vliet, Corgan addressed the possibility of bringing the NWA to AEW and WWE’s level, stating that it was just not possible with how little TV content he produces.

“It’s proportional. I’m not running 4 to 5 hours of content a week; I am running an hour to an hour and a half. You have to look at things to scale, if you look at what the big companies spend and the oxygen they get from the media vs. what I spend and what I get, you can see that I am outpacing my costs, so we are ahead of the curve as opposed to behind it. It does feel frustrating when you feel like you are behind the curve but we are ahead of the curve. For example, I was talking to someone who is in the television business. He looked at all of my expenses and said ‘How the hell are you doing what you are doing. How are you producing over 100 hours of television a year at these numbers with this level of quality?’ I said that it’s culture, it’s building a team and finding the right talent. It is building an atmosphere where the talent feel that they can take chances and if they go off the beaten path for a second then someone is not going to knock them with a club. That takes time and people don’t necessarily believe you. I do deal with people who have had promises made to them and then have the rug pulled out from underneath them. So it takes time for the NWA to be a safe space to work both physically and emotionally. These are high strung, talented people who want to feel that their efforts in the gym and the ring being rewarded.”

Billy Corgan to Insight

Of course, it would take a substantial amount of time for the NWA to reach the levels of the two premiere promotions in the US. However, the NWA does have a long and storied history in the pro wrestling industry so time will tell if Corgan will be able to elevate the promotion back to the top of the business.

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