Jerry Lawler Said To Have Suffered Another Stroke

Recent reports suggest Lawler has allegedly suffered a minor stroke. Following a stroke scare last year and subsequent paralysis, Lawler has been on a path to recovery, which included double knee surgery. Fans continue to be concerned about his well-being.

During a recent episode of “Story Time With Dutch Mantell,” Mantell was asked about Lawler’s condition following the stroke. Mantell stated that he had heard Lawler suffered a minor stroke within the last month.

“I heard he had another one, a minor one, but he did have another one within the last two or three weeks, I heard, or it may have been a month. But there must have been not a lot to it.”

Jerry “The King” Lawler, a WWE Hall of Famer, has been a prominent figure in the company for decades. He has been off television due to health issues but did send a pre-taped address for Andy Kaufman’s WWE Hall of Fame induction in 2023. Although his WWE announcer contract has ended, he remains under a WWE Legends Deal.
