WWE Main Event Results & Review (June 27th)

WWE aired Main Event from Indianapolis Indiana inside Gainbridge Fieldhouse.

Akira Tozawa vs. Joaquin Wilde

Akira Tozawa controls early with a side headlock before he gets shoved off but gets a shoulder tackle.

Joaquin Wilde gets a headscissors and fires off a chop. Springboard into an armdrag from Wilde.

He gets caught with an elbow in the corner and Tozawa gets a headscissors then he runs into boot in the corner and Wilde gets a springboard dropkick that sends Tozawa to the floor.

Suicide dive from Wilde then he goes for a cover but that gets a two count back in the ring.

Snap suplex from Wilde gets a one count then a stretch submission that works the arm and knee from Wilde. Tozawa is able to break and gets a rana.

Shinning Wizard and then a missile dropkick from Tozawa & its good for a two count.

Wilde gets a pin reversal for two and then flips into an armbar but Tozawa reverses into a pin for two.

DDT by Wilde for a two count then Wilde heads up top but Tozawa moves then he misses an enzuigiri but gets a back kick.

Another kick by Tozawa & Tozawa hits a Senton off the top rope for the win.

Winner: Akira Tozawa

Tag Team Match
Authors Of Pain (Akam & Rezar) vs. Creed Brothers (Julius & Brutus)

Julius Creed starts with Akam before he quickly tags out to Rezar then back to Akam.

Creed Brothers start with their double team offense and a clothesline sends Rezar to the floor.

Akam charges in and gets dumped as well before Julius hits a slingshot crossbody as we go to a break.

After the break Rezar planting Julius with a slam then goes to the ground and pound before backing Julius into the AOP corner. Julius fights but doesn’t last long as he eats a double team move for two.

Elbows from Akam and a tag back to Rezar & he hooks a choke but Julius powers him back to his corner.

Rezar hits a knee to the gut and then a clothesline before he misses a splash in the corner and hits Akam with an enzuigiri to make the hot tag to Brutus.

He goes wild with springboards and then a standing moonsault for two as Rezar makes the save.

Julius gets dumped to the floor & AOP drills Brutus to the mat with Last Chapter for the win.

Winners: Authors Of Pain

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