WWE Smackdown Review (June 28th)

Smackdown is airing live in New York City inside Madison Square Garden.

We see The Bloodline pull up to MSG as Paul Heyman stands by then they make their way down to the ring but as they do we see Undisputed WWE Champion Cody Rhodes, Kevin Owens & Randy Orton arrive at MSG. They storm down to ringside and begin brawling with The Bloodline down the ramp.

Orton & Tama Tonga brawl at ringside as Owens & Tonga Loa brawl through the crowd. Orton sends Tonga’s head bouncing off the ring apron as Owens hits a Swanton Bomb to Loa off a rail and through a table. Nick Aldis then runs down to the ring with a bunch of security guards to break things up.

After the break Aldis tries getting Rhodes, Owens & Orton calmed down now that The Bloodline has left ringside. A security guard slides in the ring but Orton lands an RKO at him. Other security guards get in the ring but Rhodes, Owens & Orton clear the ring. Owens lands a Stunner on one of them and Orton follows it up with a Stunner. Aldis storms to the back as Rhodes lands a Cross Rhodes on another security guard.

Rhodes, Owens & Orton then grab mics and Owens tells The Bloodline they aren’t waiting until Money In The Bank. Orton says he, Rhodes & Owens will put The Bloodline down for good at Money In The Bank and Rhodes says when The Bloodline looks at him, Owens & Orton in the ring, they see 3 victims. He rattles off Orton & Owens’ accomplishments in WWE and says he should be defending his Undisputed WWE Title in MSG instead of fighting a war with The Bloodline he thought he finished at WrestleMania 40.

Aldis returns back to ringside but this time with referees and police officers. Rhodes sends a message to Solo Sikoa and says he doesn’t see a Tribal Chief in him but rather a seat filler before he makes his way to the back with Owens & Orton as they are escorted by the police.

After the break we see Aldis and the police officers escort Rhodes, Owens & Orton to a car to drive them away from MSG. 

Triple Threat Women’s Money In The Bank Qualifying Match
Candice LeRae vs. Jade Cargill vs. Tiffany Stratton

Jade Cargill wastes no time firing off strikes on Tiffany Stratton & Candice LeRae. Stratton hits a dropkick to Cargill’s leg and LeRae follows it up with a step up senton.

They then hit a double suplex to Cargill and fire off stomps on her then look to land a 2nd double suplex.

Cargill escapes and levels them both with a double clothesline then hits a backbreaker and sends Stratton crashing into the mat face first.

She connects with a superkick on her and dumping LeRae on top of her on the outside.

Nia Jax storms down to the ring and stares down Cargill but Bianca BelAir follows and they begin yelling at each other as we go to a break.

After the break LeRae hits a tornado DDT to Stratton off of Cargill and pins her but Cargill breaks the fall and Stratton lands an Alabama Slam on LeRae in the corner.

She lands a handspring back elbow on Cargill and looks to land one on LeRae but LeRae avoids it.

Cargill lands a spinebuster on LeRae but Stratton connects with a dropkick on Cargill.

LeRae fires off right and left hands on Stratton & Cargill but Cargill sends Stratton and LeRae crashing into the opposite corners. Stratton sends Cargill crashing to the outside and Jax taunts her.

BelAir gets in Jax’s face and the referee slides out of the ring to break the fall.

Indi Hartwell takes advantage and sends Cargill crashing into the ring post but BelAir chases her to the back.

Back in the ring LeRae looks to take advantage and land a springboard moonsault on Stratton.

Stratton gets her knees up and hits Prettiest Moonsault Ever for the win.

Winner & Gets Into The Women’s Money In The Bank Ladder Match: Tiffany Stratton

After the break we head over to Nick Aldis’ office and see several superstars approach him with different requests including Street Profits & B Fab who are looking to face The Bloodline. Pretty Deadly interrupts the meeting to announce that they will be debuting a musical before Montez Ford pitches a Tag Team match between Street Profits & Pretty Deadly. Aldis makes it official.

Non Title Triple Threat Money In The Bank Qualifying Match
United States Champion Logan Paul vs. LA Knight vs. Santos Escobar

LA Knight wastes no time going after Santos Escobar & Logan Paul.

Escobar & Paul then both fire off stomps on Knight & Escobar lands a right hand on him.

Paul pushes Escobar out of the way and lands an uppercut on Knight.

Escobar connects with a hurricanrana on Knight but Paul lands a forearm on him and dumps him out of the ring then sends Knight crashing into the mat and goes for a pin but Knight kicks out.

Knight lands a dropkick on Escobar through the ropes then hits a knee over the top rope from the apron to Paul and fires off right hands on him.

Paul sends Knight crashing into the mat and flies over the top rope with a crossbody to hit Knight with a crossbody on the outside. Escobar then catches Paul with a tope suicida as we go to a break.

After the break Knight sends Paul’s head bouncing off the announce desk repeatedly.

Escobar gets Knight back in the ring and charges at him but Knight sees him coming and gets him up on his shoulders. He ascends to the top rope but Escobar escapes and catches him with a hurricanrana.

He goes for a pin but Paul breaks the fall then Escobar sends Knight crashing on top of Knight and pins both Escobar & Knight but both men kick out.

Knight fires off right hands on Paul then connects with a Russian leg sweep on him and a DDT to Escobar.

Paul lands a standing Frog Splash on Escobar but Knight sends him crashing into the mat.

Escobar catches Knight with a jumping knee but Knight lands a powerslam and an elbow drop on him.

Knight lands a running knee on Paul but Escobar catches Knight with Phantom Driver then goes for a pin but Paul breaks the fall. Paul hits a forearm to Escobar in the corner and fires off chops on him.

Escobar returns the favor and sits him on the top rope then connects with an enzuigiri.

Knight pulls Escobar off the ropes with a suplex and Paul lands a Swanton Bomb off the top rope on Knight. He goes for a pin but Knight kicks out.

Paul calls for Tyrese Haliburton to get his brass knuckles for him and he does but Jalen Brunson hops over the barricade and gets in his face.

Officials diffuse the situation allowing Escobar to land a pair of double knees on him.

Knight then lands BFT on Escobar then rolls up Paul.

Paul reverses the fall but Knight changes the momentum once again to get the 3 count on Paul.

Winner & Gets Into The Money In The Bank Ladder Match: LA Knight

After the match Paul & Haliburton circle Knight as Haliburton has the brass knuckles. Brunson slides in the ring with a chair in hand and Paul & Haliburton back down.

Wade Barrett & Corey Graves then throw it to a tribute video to Sika Anoa’i following his death earlier this week.

Triple Threat Women’s Money In The Bank Qualifying Match
Naomi vs. Blair Davenport vs. Indi Hartwell

Naomi lands a double dropkick on both Davenport & Indi Hartwell then Hartwell & Davenport overpower her but Naomi looks to land a crossbody on them.

Davenport & Hartwell catch her and send her crashing into the mat before Davenport rolls up Hartwell.

Hartwell kicks out and gets in Davenport’s face, then lands a powerbomb on Naomi.

All 3 women end up on the outside and Davenport sends Hartwell crashing over the ring steps then uses them to hit a double stomp to Hartwell as we go to a break.

After the break Naomi lands a kick on Davenport and hits a neckbreaker to Hartwell as Hartwell hits a DDT to Davenport. Nami ascends to the top and hits a double crossbody to Davenport & Hartwell.

She lands a neckbreaker on Hartwell and a split legged leg drop on her & Davenport.

Naomi lands forearms on Davenport & Hartwell in opposite corners but Hartwell catches Naomi & Davenport with a pair of spinebusters and pins them both but they both kick out.

Naomi lands a split legged moonsault on Hartwell out of the corner but Davenport connects with a Falcon Arrow on her and goes for a pin.

Hartwell breaks the fall before all 3 women exchange forearms with one another.

Davenport lands a kick on Naomi but Hartwell catches her with a big boot.

Davenport sends Naomi crashing into the corner face first but Naomi looks to land a split legged moonsault on her.

Davenport rolls out of the way but Hartwell sends her crashing into the ring steps shoulder first and sends Naomi crashing into the barricade.

Jade Cargill appears at ringside and sends Hartwell crashing into the ring post as payback for costing her earlier tonight. She gets her back in the ring where Naomi hits Bubba Bomb for the win.

Winner & Gets Into The Women’s Money In The Bank Ladder Match: Naomi

Paul Heyman introduces himself but before he can continue Solo Sikoa demands that he hand the mic over to him. Heyman obliges and Sikoa introduces his Enforcer Jacob Fatu. Fatu then makes his way down to the ring as we go to a break.

After the break Sikoa demands that MSG acknowledges him then calls for Tama Tonga to step forward and acknowledge him and he does. Sikoa then calls for Tanga Loa & Jacob Fatu to do the same and they oblige. Sikoa then stares down Heyman and demands that he acknowledges him. He extends his hand to him with a lei in it and tells Heyman once again to acknowledge him as his Tribal Chief. He hands the lei over to Heyman to place around his neck, and Heyman hesitates. Heyman then tells Sikoa he loves him then acknowledges that he’s not his Tribal Chief.

Sikoa connects with Samoan Spike on Heyman then calls for Fatu to ascend to the top rope. Fatu does as he is told and hits a diving headbutt to Heyman. Fatu then clears the announce desk then hits a Triple Powerbomb to him through it with Tonga & Loa. Fatu then grabs the lei and puts it around Sikoa’s neck and The Bloodline stands tall holding up the One symbol to close out Smackdown.

Next Week’s Smackdown

Tag Team Match
Bianca BelAir & Jade Cargill vs. Indi Hartwell & Candice LeRae

Tag Team Match
Street Profits (Angelo Dawkins & Montez Ford) vs. Pretty Deadly (Kit Wilson & Elton Prince)

WWE Tag Team Titles Match
A Town Down Under (Austin Theory & Grayson Waller) (c) vs. DIY (Tommaso Ciampa & Johnny Gargano)

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