NXT Heatwave Review (July 7th, 2024)

WWE’s NXT Heatwave PLE took place on July 7th, 2024 from the Scotiabank Arena in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Below is my review of the event:

Tag Team Match
Karmen Petrovic & Arianna Grace vs. Jazmyn Nyx & Jacy Jayne (Pre Show)

Arianna Grace & Jazmyn Nyx lock up before Jacy Jayne takes down Grace then gloats.

Karmen Petrovic tags in and lands a clothesline on Jayne with some assistance from Grace.

Nyx tags in and Petrovic trips her. She whips her into the corner then lands a kick.

Grace tags in and delivers a shoulder to Nyx’s midsection then follows it up with a suplex and an elbow drop.

She sends Nyx crashing into the top turnbuckle face first then tags in Petrovic.

Petrovic hits a bulldog to Nyx but Jayne gets in her face & this opens the door for Nyx to clock Petrovic and tag in Jayne.

Jayne lands a neckbreaker on Petrovic and fires off a couple right hands on her before Nyx tags back in and continues wearing down Petrovic.

Jayne tags in and hits a cannonball to Petrovic in the corner then locks in a submission on her.

Jayne connects with a thrust kick on Petrovic then tags Nyx back in. Nyx & Jayne hit a double suplex before Jayne keels Petrovic from tagging out to Grace.

Petrovic breaks free of Jayne’s grasp and tags in Grace.

Grace fires off strikes on both Jayne & Nyx then lands a back elbow off the middle rope on Jayne.

Petrovic tags in and lands a spinebuster/kick combination on Jayne with Grace before Nyx tags in and hits a drop toe hold on Petrovic.

Nyx & Jayne double team on Petrovic but Nyx rolls up Petrovic but Grace pulls on Nyx’s hair opening the door for Petrovic to reverse the fall for the win.

Winners: Karmen Petrovic & Arianna Grace (7:40)
Rate: 5

North American Title Match
Oba Femi (c) vs. Wes Lee

If Lee loses he can’t challenge for the North American Title so long as Femi is champion.

Wes Lee lands a boot on Oba Femi’s midsection then looks to land a 2nd one but Femi catches it and trips him.

Lee fires off right hands on Femi’s midsection but Femi whips Lee in the corner and looks to land a boot.

Lee moves out of the way and hits a kick then connects with an enzuigiri off the ropes.

Femi connects with a gutbreaker on Lee then sits him on the top rope before knocking him to the outside.

Lee quickly recovers and hits a missile dropkick on Femi back inside the ring.

Femi gets Lee up on his shoulders and sends him crashing into the mat.

The action spills to the outside and Femi fires off a right hand on Lee’s midsection. He sends him crashing into the ring apron and partially under the ring then gets back in the ring.

The referee begins a 10 count but Lee beats it then Femi lands an uppercut on Lee in the corner and follows it up with a backbreaker.

He stands on Lee’s spine before he hits a stomp to it then hits another gutbreaker and connects with a right hand on Lee’s spine. Femi whips Lee into the corner then charges at him.

Lee ducks out of the way and Femi is sent crashing into the ring post.

Femi clotheslines Lee on the apron then hits a chokeslam/backbreaker combination on him back in the ring.

He continues wearing down Lee’s previously injured spine but Lee rocks Femi with an enzuigiri and fires off a few right and left hands on him.

Lee then hits a DDT to Femi and a pair of tope suicidas to him on the outside then looks to fly off the top rope but Femi catches Lee but Lee connects with a hurricanrana and goes for a pin but Femi kicks out.

Lee hits a Meteora to Femi off the top rope then looks to fly off it but Femi intercepts him with an uppercut and goes for a pin but Lee kicks out.

Femi then gets Lee on his shoulders and ascends to the top rope but Lee escapes and looks to land a hurricanrana on Femi.

Femi blocks him and powerbombs him off the middle rope but Lee catches Femi with Kardiak Kick and goes for a pin but Femi kicks out.

Lee hits a Frog Splash off the ropes to Femi but Femi clotheslines himself & Lee out of the ring.

Lee lands on the apron and looks to fly but Femi catches him with a shoulder breaker and gets him back inside the ring.

Lee rocks Femi with a knee to the side of his head then hits a double stomp to his spine and looks to land Kardiak Kick but Femi catches him but Lee escapes and connects with a thrust kick on him.

Lee once again looks for Kardiak Kick but Femi sees him coming and sends him crashing into the mat then hits a sit out powerbomb for the win.

Winner Still & North American Champion: Oba Femi (16:19) (STILL CHAMPION!!!) (Since Lee lost he can’t challenge for the title so long as Femi is champion)
Rate: 7

Women’s North American Title Match
Kelani Jordan (c) vs. Sol Ruca

Match starts off with a lock up then they take turns trying to take one another down and locking in submissions in on one another before Jordan hits a crossbody to Ruca out of the corner.

Ruca lands a drop toe hold on Jordan but Jordan responds with a low crossbody then Ruca hits a facebuster to Jordan then locks in a Bow and Arrow on her.

Jordan hits an arm drag to Ruca then follows it up with a hurricanrana and flies over the top rope to level her on the outside. They get back inside the ring and Jordan connects with a facebuster on Ruca.

Ruca then lands a pair of crossbodies on Jordan and connects with a kick on her head before hitting a 450 Splash from the apron.

Jordan & Ruca exchange forearms with one another but Jordan hits a Pele Kick on Ruca.

She follows it up with a poisonrana and a springboard moonsault on Ruca on the outside but Ruca hits a kick to Jordan’s chest off the apron.

She lands a moonsault on Jordan out of the corner and the referee begins a 10 count.

Both women beat it and Ruca then gets Jordan on her shoulders but Jordan escapes and rolls up Ruca but Ruca kicks out.

Ruca & Jordan take turns unsuccessfully pinning one another before Ruca hits a powerbomb to Jordan.

She sits Jordan on the top rope and joins her up there but Jordan fights Ruca off and hits a 630 Splash to her. Ruca gets Jordan in an electric chair position and Jordan looks to escape.

Ruca hangs on to her and catapults her into the corner, then ascends to the top with her still in an electric chair position.

Jordan hits a poisonrana to Ruca off the top rope then follows it up with a split legged moonsault for the win.

Winner & Still Women’s North American Champion: Kelani Jordan (11:36) (STILL CHAMPION!!!)
Rate: 9 (Recommend)

After the match, Jordan helps up Ruca. Ruca holds up Jordan’s hand as a show of respect to her and Jordan celebrates her win with the NXT Universe.

We then head backstage to Ava & she tells Karmen Petrovic & Arianna Grace that they make a good tag team together. After Grace voices her confidence about being a better in ring competitor than Petrovic, Ava makes a match between them official for this coming Tuesday’s edition of NXT.

NXT Tag Team Titles Match
Nathan Frazer & Axiom (c) vs. Chase U (Andre Chase & Duke Hudson)

Match starts off with Axiom & Andre Chase lock up before they take turns locking one another in submission holds and pinning each other before Axiom connects with a dropkick on Chase.

Chase pins Axiom but Axiom kicks out then Chase hits a dropkick to Axiom.

Nathan Frazer tags in and Chase connects with a pair of arm drags on him before Duke Hudson tags in and lands a belly 2 belly throw on Frazer. Chase tags back in and double teams on Frazer with Hudson.

Axiom tags in and double teams on Chase with Frazer before Axiom sends Chase crashing into the mat and tags in Frazer. Frazer hits an enzuigiri to Chase & Axiom connects with a suplex on him.

Axiom & Frazer then hit a double superkick on Chase then Frazer wears Chase down with a submission hold then trips him and tags Axiom back in.

Axiom locks in an ankle submission on Chase but Chase looks to escape with an enzuigiri.

Axiom hangs on and cinches in a Knee Bar but Chase escapes and sends Axiom crashing into the middle turnbuckle.

Hudson & Frazer tag in and Hudson runs over Frazer & Axiom with a pair of double clotheslines.

He hits a chokeslam to Axiom then sends Frazer crashing into the mat face first then hits a gutbuster to Frazer landing on top of Axiom in the process and pins Frazer.

Frazer kicks out and dropkicks Hudson out of the ring, but Hudson lands a belly 2 belly suplex on Frazer and looks to land a Razor’s Edge.

Frazer counters with a hurricanrana that sends Hudson crashing into the corner then Axiom tags in and flies with Frazer to level Chase U on the outside.

Axiom then gets Hudson back in the ring and ascends to the top rope & connects with a Frog Splash on Hudson then tags in Frazer. Frazer flies off the top rope with a 450 Splash on Hudson.

Axiom looks to fly off the top rope but Hudson gets his boots up then Hudson hits a sidewalk slam to Frazer and goes for a pin but Frazer kicks out.

Frazer and Hudson teeter on the top rope but Frazer fights off Hudson and lands a missile dropkick on him. Axiom tags in and sits Hudson on the top rope with Frazer.

Frazer tags himself in and Axiom hits a Spanish Fly to Hudson.

Frazer follows it up with a Phoenix Splash on Hudson and goes for a pin but Chase breaks the fall by landing a Code Red on Axiom. Chase & Axiom tag in and exchange right hands with one another.

Chase lands an enzuigiri on Axiom and a chop on Frazer before Frazer looks to land a kick on Chase but accidentally hits Axiom.

Hudson takes down Frazer with a right hand and Chase rolls up Axiom but Axiom kicks out.

Frazer dropkicks Hudson into the ring steps on the outside as Chase hits a Russian leg sweep to Axiom back in the ring.

He connects with the Chase U stomps on him then ascends to the top rope and hits a crossbody then goes for a pin but Frazer breaks the fall.

Chase dumps Frazer out of the ring and looks to send Axiom crashing into the mat.

Frazer tags in and looks to fly off the top rope but Chase sees him coming and ascends up the top rope.

Frazer joins him up there and hits a superplex to him before Axiom tags in and double teams on Chase with Frazer.

Frazer flies over the top rope to level Hudson on the outside and Axiom connects with Golden Ratio on Chase inside the ring for the win.

Winners & Still NXT Tag Team Champions: Nathan Frazer & Axiom (16:49) (STILL CHAMPIONS!!!!)
Rate: 8 (Recommend)

We then head backstage to Wes Lee where he vents his frustrations about being unable to dethrone Oba Femi as North American Champion and never getting to challenge for the title as long as he holds the title. He says he’s at a loss for words and says he needs some time to figure things out then says he’ll see fans on this coming Tuesday’s episode of NXT.

Women’s Title Match
Roxanne Perez (c) vs. Lola Vice

Roxanne Perez lands an open palm strike on Lola Vice & Vice responds by shoving Perez and locking in a submission hold on her. Vice looks to land a cross armbreaker on Perez but Perez counters into a roll up.

Vice kicks out then hits a mat return on Perez and dumps her across the ring then looks to land 305 on Perez but Perez rolls out of the ring to avoid it.

Vice flies off the apron to level Perez then gets her back inside the ring then Perez sends Vice crashing into the middle turnbuckle.

She rains down right hands on her then sends her crashing into one of the other turnbuckles and stomps on her chest.

Vice sends Perez’s face repeatedly bouncing off the turnbuckles but Perez hits a hair whip to Vice and pulls on her hair.

She whips Vice into the corner then connects with an uppercut and a Russian leg sweep then goes for a pin but Vice kicks out.

Vice hits a series of rapid fire kicks to Perez’s thighs then connects with a hip attack and a Scissor Kick.

Vice lands a right hand on Perez’s midsection but Perez lands an uppercut.

Vice intercepts Perez and locks in a submission but Perez counters into a pinfall to escape.

Vice then locks in a Sleeper on Perez but Perez rolls out of the ring and sends Vice crashing into the announce desk spine first to break the hold.

Perez then sends Vice crashing into the ring post arm first and stomps on her hand before she hits a suplex.

Perez & Vice get back in the ring and Perez stomps on Vice’s injured arm then she sends it bouncing off the mat and goes for a pin but Vice kicks out.

Perez then continues wearing down Vice’s arm and steps on it but Vice lands a kick on Perez.

Perez responds with a back suplex and looks to land a back elbow but Vice catches it and hits 305 sending Perez crashing out of the ring.

Vice gets Perez back in the ring and pins her, but Perez gets her boot on the bottom rope to break the fall. Vice rains down right hands on Perez but Perez sends Vice crashing into the ring post shoulder first.

Perez looks to land Pop Rox on Vice but Vice avoids it and fires off a few roundhouse kicks on Perez.

She looks to land 305 but Perez counters with Pop Rox and goes for a pin but Vice kicks out.

Perez dumps Vice out of the ring and clears the announce desk.

She gets Vice on top of it and hits Pop Rox to her then dumps her back in the ring and goes for a pin but Vice somehow manages to kick out.

Perez rains down Hammer & Anvil elbows on Vice’s arm and locks in a crossface then hits 4 Pop Rox for the win.

Winner & Still Women’s Champion: Roxanne Perez (13:08) (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)
Rate: 6

NXT Title Fatal 4 Way Match
Trick Williams (c) vs. Je Von Evans vs. Ethan Page vs. Shawn Spears

Ethan Page hops out of the ring wanting to let Trick Williams, Je Von Evans & Shawn Spears brawl amongst themselves.

Evans hits a tope suicida to him to take him down on the outside as Williams & Spears brawl in the ring.

Williams hits a bodyslam to Spears and sends him crashing to the outside as Evans & Page exchange right hands with each other.

Spears & Page send Williams & Evans bouncing off the ring steps and get inside the ring to form an alliance. Page & Spears instantly turn on one another by hitting eye rakes to one another.

Evans levels Spears & Williams hits a neckbreaker to Page before Williams & Evans show their respect for one another before Evans hits an arm drag to Williams and rolls him up.

Williams kicks out and Evans lands a dropkick on him then Evans rolls up Williams but Williams kicks out.

Williams hits Evans with a clothesline and a bodyslam but Spears looks to level him with a chair.

Williams sees him coming and hits him with a leg lariat then hits one on Page then Williams lands a clothesline on Page and a double flapjack on him & Spears.

Evans flies off the top rope to take out Spears & Page but Williams hits a uranage to Evans.

Page lands a right hand on Evans and sends him crashing into Spears then whips him into the corner then lands a right hand and sits him on the top rope.

Page pulls Evans off the top rope and sends him crashing into Williams & Spears then hits a powerslam to him and goes for a pin but Evans kicks out.

Page ascends to the top rope but Spears catches him with a pair of chops and joins him up there.

Evans knocks Spears off the ropes but Williams gets Evans in an electric chair position.

He cinches in a headlock on Spears, and Page flies off the top rope to level everyone before Williams & Page pin Spears & Evans respectively, but they both kick out.

Williams & Page exchange right hands but Spears hits them both with his chair.

He looks to hit Evans with it but Evans sees him coming. Evans flies off the ropes but Spears catches him with the chair. He sets the chair up in the corner and looks to land C4 on Evans through it.

Williams saves Evans but Spears hits C4 to him onto the chair and goes for a pin but Williams kicks out.

Spears gets Williams up on his shoulders but Williams escapes. Spears hits a superkick to Evans but Page catches him with a kick of his own.

Williams then takes down Page before he clears the announce desk and looks to send Page crashing through it with a flapjack.

Page fires off right hands on Williams to escape and sends him crashing into the ring post then sets up for Ego’s Edge.

Williams escapes and sends Page crashing into the ring post then fires off right hands on him.

Evans flies over the top rope and sends Williams crashing through the barricade near the timekeeper’s area. Spears gets Evans on his shoulders on the middle rope and hits C4 to him.

Page tosses Spears out of the ring and pins Evans but Evans kicks out then Page ascends to the top rope but Spears trips him and lands a chop on him.

He joins Page on the ropes but Williams pulls him down and they are sent crashing out of the ring.

Evans then hits a Spanish Fly to Page off the top rope then connects with a cutter off the top and pins Page. Williams breaks the fall then exchanges right hands with Evans.

They then level one another with kicks before Evans looks to fly off the top rope but Spears trips him and drags Evans up to the top to join him.

Evans connects with a neckbreaker on Spears then hits a tornado DDT to him and goes for a pin but Williams breaks the fall and Evans looks to fly from the apron.

Williams sees him coming and pushes him away, sending him crashing through the announce desk.

Williams looks to takedown Spears but Spears sees him coming and locks in a Sharpshooter.

Page breaks the hold then hits Ego’s Edge to Williams and goes for a pin but Evans breaks the fall by getting Williams’ foot on the bottom rope.

Page drags Evans into the ring and rains down right hands on him then looks to land Ego’s Edge on Evans but Spears pulls Evans down. Williams then hits Spears & Evans with Trick Shot then hits one on Page.

Page falls on top of Evans to pin him and the referee completes the 3 count before Williams can break the fall.

Winner & New NXT Champion: Ethan Page (17:24) (STILL CHAMPION!!!!!)
Rate: 8 (Recommend)

After the match a quick clip of Joe Hendry is shown to close out Heatwave 2024.

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