NXT The Great American Bash Night 1 Results & Review (July 30th, 2024)

On July 30th, 2024 NXT aired the 1st Night of The Great American Bash live in Orlando Florida inside WWE Performance Center & can watch the show on USA Network (United States) & Sportsnet 360 (Canada).

-Kicking off Night 1 of The Great American Bash with Hank Walker & Tank Ledger outside of the Performance Center on a mission to become the hosts of The Great American Bash.

Women’s Tag Team Titles Match
The Unholy Union (Isla Dawn & Alba Fyre) (c) vs. Meta 4 (Jakara Jackson & Lash Legend)

Meta 4 pose while being introduced by the ring announcer Mike Rome The Unholy Union blindsides them from behind.

The Unholy Union send Lash Legend crashing into the barricade before Alba Fyre joins Jackson in the ring and the bell sounds. Jackson rolls up Fyre but Fyre kicks out and tags in Dawn.

Dawn hits Jackson with a Meteora then tags Fyre back in.

Fyre lands a right hand on Jackson’s head then sends her crashing into the top turnbuckle and tags in Dawn. Dawn wears down Jackson and tags Fyre back in.

The Unholy Union hits a double suplex to Jackson but Legend hits Dawn with a pump kick and sends Fyre crashing out of the ring to join Dawn.

She then holds the middle rope open as Jackson hits a tope suicida to take down The Unholy Union as we go to a break.

After the break Legend tags in and levels Dawn with a chop then clocks her then connects with a clothesline and levels Fyre using Dawn.

Legend then hits a fallaway slam to Dawn and a backbreaker to Fyre then hits a chokeslam on Dawn and goes for a pin but Dawn kicks out.

Fyre lands a kick on Legend’s head from the apron while the referee is distracted then tags in Dawn.

Dawn hits a backstabber to Legend & Fyre follows it up with a Swanton Bomb off the top rope.

Jackson lands a sling blade on Dawn on the outside and Fyre hits a tornado DDT to Legend out of the corner back in the ring.

Legend whips Fyre into the corner and fires off a shoulder on her midsection then gets her in an electric chair position and tags in Jackson.

Jackson hits an assisted cutter to Fyre with Legend but Dawn & Legend then brawl on the outside and Dawn hits a Meteora to Legend off the apron.

The Unholy Union then sends Jackson crashing into the mat for the win.

Winners & Still Women’s Tag Team Champions: The Unholy Union (9:56) (STILL CHAMPIONS!!!!)
Rate: 6

-After the match NXT Champion Ethan Page’s music hits and he makes his way out. He points out Meta 4 coming up short and tells Jackson & Legend to pay attention next week when Mensah challenges him for the NXT Title. He says there won’t be any lucky wins or accidental wins then gives Mensah an up close look at his title. He looks to clock Mensah with the NXT Title but Mensah sees him coming and rolls him up. Legend and Jackson then count to 3.

-We then head over to a video of Cedric Alexander giving some advice to some up and coming wrestlers. Shawn Spears walks in to make to make it clear that he doesn’t think Alexander’s advice is worth listening to, and a verbal confrontation between Alexander & Spears ensues. Brooks Jensen then appears and gets in Alexander’s face before the challenge to a match later tonight is thrown out.

-Hank Walker interviewed Tavion Heights backstage where Heights said he was not afraid of big time matches because of his amateur wrestling background and looked forward to the match.

-Tank Ledger interviewed The Family where Heritage Cup Champion Tony D’Angelo put over Heights as a legit guy and looked forward to the match.

-After the break we head over to a video from Pete Dunne & he gives some insight into his recent shift in attitude and sends a message to Trick Williams before he challenges him to a match next week at Night 2 of The Great American Bash.

-Trick Williams appeared backstage where he accepted Dunne’s challenge and declared to forget whoop that trick he would whoop that ass.

Heritage Cup Title Match
Tony D’Angelo (c) vs. Tavion Heights

Round 1

Match starts off with a lock up before they wear one another down and pin each other but Tavion Heights connects with an arm drag on Tony D’Angelo.

D’Angelo tackles Heights and sends him crashing into the mat then hits a shoulder tackle and wears him down with a submission hold.

D’Angelo connects with a 2nd shoulder tackle on Heights and wears him down with another submission but Heights cinches in a side headlock on D’Angelo.

D’Angelo locks in a knee bar on Heights as the round comes to a close.

Round 2

Wren Sinclair appears in the crowd to cheer Heights on as we go to a break.

After the Round 2 comes to a close as D’Angelo connects with a superplex on Heights.

Round 3

Heights looks to send D’Angelo crashing into the mat. D’Angelo counters into a crossbody, then hits Forget About It to score the fall.

D’Angelo 1-0

Round 4

Myles Borne looks to hype up Heights heading into Round 4 but Sinclair slides in the ring and gets him fired up.

Round 4 kicks off and Heights hits D’Angelo with a clothesline then hits a sling blade and a suplex to score a fall.

Heights 1-1

Round 5

D’Angelo goes after Heights but Heights gets him on his shoulders and sends him crashing into the mat with a Military Press.

He sends D’Angelo crashing into the mat with a t bone suplex and pins him but D’Angelo kicks out.

Heights then hits a belly 2 belly suplex to D’Angelo and pins him but D’Angelo kicks out and sends Heights crashing into the ring ropes.

He then connects with a couple right hands and sends Heights crashing into the mat before landing a pair of spinebusters for the win.

Winner & Still Heritage Cup Champion: Tony D’Angelo (R5) (2-1) (8:32) (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)
Rate: 6

-There was a video recap of the feud between Jacy Jayne, Jazmyn Nyx & Fallon Henley & Lola Vice, Sol Ruca & Karmen Petrovic ahead of their match tonight.

Brooks Jansen vs. Cedric Alexander

Cedric Alexander hits a hurricanrana to Brooks Jensen before Alexander lands a missile dropkick off the middle rope on Jensen then connects with a tope suicida on him on the outside.

Jensen clocks Alexander as he’s draped through the middle rope then fires off right hands on him as Shawn Spears emerges.

Jensen gets Alexander on one shoulder and sends him crashing into the corner then drapes him off the top turnbuckle by his knees and charges at him. He goes for a pin but Alexander kicks out.

Jensen then wears down Alexander with a submission hold but Alexander connects with a jawbreaker and a forearm on him.

He follows it up with a German suplex and a flying right hand then hits a missile dropkick and a Michinoku Driver then goes for a pin but Jensen kicks out.

Alexander & Jensen teeter on the ropes before Jensen shoves Alexander off them and hits a leg drop to him then goes for a pin but Alexander kicks out.

Jensen becomes frustrated and sends Alexander crashing into the announce desk midsection first on the outside.

He looks to fly off the apron to send Alexander through the table but Alexander moves out of the way and Jensen is sent crashing into the side of the announce desk.

Alexander then gets Jensen back in the ring and hits Lumbar Check for the win

Winner: Cedric Alexander (5:01)
Rate: 5

-There was a video vignette of Je Von Evans recapping how he got into wrestling, detailing how wrestling helped him escape from his family issues. More of the vignette will be aired soon.

-Joe Hendry spoke with multiple Performance Center recruits ahead of his concert tonight. Ashante Adonis met with those same recruits saying he believed in whatever they believed.

-After the break The Rascalz were in the NXT Treehouse where Wentz & lee wanted to get a shot at the NXT Tag Team Titles after winning the 6 Man Tag Team match last week.

-Joe Hendry says that if you say his name then he appears and welcomes fans to his 1st ever concert in WWE. He says he can feel the buzz in the air and knew he had to create something special because the world believes in him.

-Hendry begins playing the guitar and singing a song in which he says he’s made things better in NXT, Triple H & Shawn Michaels summoned him and says Booker T is president of his fan club. Hendry then sings about hating Gallus, their awful facial hair and them being sent back to Scotland because of it. Hendry suggests performing an encore and fans agree with him. He looks to start playing it but Gallus’ music hits and they make their way out.

-Joe Coffey says there will not be an encore and says someone will pay if he hears Hendry’s song 1 more time. Gallus gets inside the ring and tells Hendry to come and get some if he wants it. Hendry clocks Joe Coffey but Mark Coffey & Wolfgang attack Hendry. Joe Coffey grabs Hendry’s guitar and hits him with it.

-Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez before she was interrupted by Hank Walker & Tank Ledger. Perez scolded Ledger & Walker were doing a sticky notes challenge while she was preparing for her title match tonight but Jaida Parker appeared and said it was for a title she may not have tonight.

-General Manager Ava moderated a contract signing backstage where Oro Mensah declared Ethan Page was always the victim of his pinfalls. Page said none of those pins counted and stated he would retain his NXT Title next week.

Kendal Grey vs. Jaida Parker

Match starts off with a lock up before Jaida Parker lands a knee on Kendal Grey’s midsection but Grey hits a crossbody to her off the middle rope and wears her arm down with a submission hold.

Parker drapes Grey across the top rope and fires off a few strikes on her then drags her back into the ring and sends her crashing into the top turnbuckle face first.

She then hits a suplex to her and goes for a pair of pins but Grey kicks out of both pins and Parker wears Grey down with a submission.

Grey lands a couple back elbows on Parker as Myles Borne & Wren Sinclair appear at ringside still arguing. They get in each other’s faces but Grey takes down Borne with a suplex.

She lands one on Parker back in the ring and pins her but Parker kicks out and hits a backbreaker to her.

She drapes her across the middle turnbuckle and sends her crashing into the mat then runs the ropes and hits a Hip Attack for the win.

Winner: Jaida Parker (4:03)
Rate: 4

-Ridge Holland gave Thea Hail some counseling ahead of her match tonight against Roxanne Perez for the Women’s Title by telling her to do whatever it takes to win the title tonight.

-NXT Tag Team Champions Nathan Frazer & Axiom spoke with LWO & Axiom signed a contract to make the NXT Tag Team Titles bout between them & MSK official. Frazer scolded Axiom for signing the contract without his consent and for getting pinned last week but Axiom said he was locked in for next week.

6 Woman Tag Team Match
Karmen Petrovic, Sol Ruca & Lola Vice vs. Jazmyn Nyx, Fallon Henley & Jacy Jayne

Match starts off with Sol Ruca & Fallon Henley lock up before Henley hits a back elbow to Ruca and trips her then mocks her by surfing on her spine.

Ruca connects with a facebuster on Henley and surfs on her spine then tags in Karmen Petrovic.

Petrovic hits a kick to Henley’s midsection as Ruca holds her in place but Jazmyn Nyx tags in and Petrovic lands a pair of kicks on her spine and her chest.

She then hits a blockbuster and goes for a pin but Nyx kicks out.

Petrovic hits a kick to Nyx’s face, then whips her into the corner and lands a boot on her head.

Lola Vice & Jacy Jayne then tag in and Jayne rolls up Vice but Vice kicks out and exchanges chops with Jayne then sends her crashing into the mat and goes for a pin but Jayne kicks out.

Petrovic tags back in and double teams on Jayne with Vice before Henley tags back in and looks to land a double suplex on Petrovic. Ruca provides a hand to Petrovic and double teams with her on Jayne and Nyx.

Henley gets in the ring, but Vice takes her down.

Ruca then hits a moonsault off the ropes to the outside to take down Jayne, Nyx & Henley as we go to a break.

After the break Nyx levels Petrovic and whips her into the corner then Jayne & Vice tag in and Vice catches Henley with her signature rapid fire kicks.

She takes her and an interfering Nyx down before Ruca and Petrovic help her out.

Vice, Ruca & Petrovic then hits a triple hip attack to Henley, Jayne & Nyx and Ruca lands a powerbomb on Henley.

Ruca looks to tag out but Nyx & Jayne pull Petrovic & Vice off the apron before she can.

Nyx tags in and Jayne hits a neckbreaker to Ruca off the ropes then Nyx sends Ruca crashing into the mat.

Nyx lands a pair of kicks on Ruca but Ruca responds with a few kicks of her own.

Nyx connects with an enzuigiri on Ruca & Petrovic tags in & she fires off kicks on Nyx’s midsection and thigh then hits a bulldog to her. Nyx lands the Pele Kick on Petrovic then tags in Jayne.

Jayne tags out to Henley then lands a forearm on Petrovic before Henley then hits Petrovic with a Shining Wizard for the win.

Winners: Jazmyn Nyx, Fallon Henley & Jacy Jayne (12:57)
Rate: 6

-Tatum Paxley met with Women’s North American Champion Kelani Jordan where she told her she wanted to play for the Women’s North American Title. Jordan told Paxley she did not play with the title but Paxley said she did not either.

-After the break Joe Hendry challenges Joe Coffey to a match next week outside of the Performance Center.

Women’s Title Match
Roxanne Perez (c) vs. Thea Hail

Thea Hail offers her hand to Roxanne Perez but Perez kicks it away and they take turns pinning each other. Perez lands a boot on Hail’s midsection but Hail connects with an arm drag and a suplex on her.

She then hits a moonsault off the middle rope to take down Perez on the outside as we go to a break.

After the break Hail rolls up Perez but Perez kicks out then Perez berates Hail and shoves her head but Hail fires off forearms on her and hits her with a pair of back elbows.

She then sends Perez crashing into the mat and hits a slam, then follows it up with a senton and looks to deliver a springboard senton.

Perez avoids it and locks in a crossface but Hail rolls under the bottom rope to break the hold.

Perez hits a tope suicida to Hail on the outside then dumps her back in the ring and gets into the rest of Chase U’s faces.

Hail blindsides her with a tope suicida then dumps her back inside the ring and ascends to the top rope.

Hail then hits a crossbody to Perez and connects with a Michinoku Driver before going for a pin but Perez kicks out.

Perez hits a bot to Hail’s midsection and sets up for Pop Rox but Hail avoids the hold and cinches in a Kimura Lock. Perez counters into a crossface but Hail cinches in a 2nd Kimura Lock.

Perez then locks in yet another crossface but Hail powers up to her feet and gets Perez up on her shoulders.

She sends her crashing into the mat and hits a springboard senton then goes for a pin but Perez kicks out.

Hail drags Perez back into the ring from under the bottom rope but Perez grabs the ring apron.

The referee fixes it but Perez rakes Hail’s eyes while he’s looking away.

Hail then manages to send Perez crashing into the ring post shoulder first and cinches in Kimura Lock but Perez rolls under the bottom rope to break the hold.

Perez sends Hail crashing into the ring steps twice on the outside then dumps her back inside the ring and locks in a crossface. Hail counters into a pin but Perez taps out.

Hail cinches in another Kimura Lock but Perez counters into another crossface.

Hail looks to crawl over to the bottom rope but Perez drags her away from it then connects with Pop Rox for the win.

Winner & Still Women’s Champion: Roxanne Perez (11:21) (STILL CHAMPION!!!)
Rate: 7

Night 2 Card (August 6th)

NXT Title Match
Ethan Page (c) vs. Oro Mensah

Trick Williams vs. Pete Dunne

Joe Hendry vs. Joe Coffey

Women’s North American Title Match
Kelani Jordan (c) vs. Tatum Paxley

NXT Tag Team Titles Match
Nathan Frazer & Axiom (c) vs. MSK (Zachary Wentz & Wes Lee)

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