WWE Raw Results & Review (August 5th, 2024)

On August 5th, 2024 WWE aired the 1,628th episode of Raw live in Baltimore Maryland inside CFG Bank Arena & can watch the show on USA Network (United States) & Sportsnet 360 (Canada).

-Kicking off this week’s Raw with a recap of SummerSlam.

-Ludwig Kaiser introduces the new World Heavyweight Champion Gunther & Gunther then makes his way down to the ring.

-Gunther introduces himself and rattles off some of his accomplishments in WWE then adds World Heavyweight Champion to the mix. He says if fans think that his Intercontinental Title reign was historic, they’ll have to watch and see what he does with the World Heavyweight Title. He says he is above everyone in the ring and says he is ready and prepared for everyone. He calls himself greatness personified then says from this day 4th Raw, the legacy of professional wrestling and the legacy World Heavyweight Title belong to him.

-Randy Orton’s music hits and he makes his way out & Gunther admits that he was caught off guard by Orton & Orton says he wanted to come to the ring to congratulate Gunther on being the new World Heavyweight Champion. He says the World Heavyweight Title looks good on Gunther but says he can’t help but think about how he’s the only reason Gunther is the World Heavyweight Champion in the 1st place.

-Orton says Gunther beat him in the Finals of King Of The Ring Tournament to secure his title shot at SummerSlam then questions if Gunther really won their match given that his shoulders weren’t fully down on the mat. He says Triple H himself watched the footage and granted him a future shot at Gunther’s title then says he’s cashing in on that. He says Gunther calls himself a living legend and while that’s fine, he’s made a career out of killing legends. He says he’ll kill another legend at Bash At Berlin and walk out as the new World Heavyweight Champion. Gunther then accepts Orton’s challenge and they shake hands. Gunther then pulls in Orton close and tells him that nothing catches him out of nowhere. Orton says he wants Gunther to see it when he hits an RKO.

-Sheamus was interviewed by Jackie Redmond on the Gorilla Position set. Sheamus spoke about facing Ludwig Kaiser and referred to him as a human Ken doll. Sheamus asked the Baltimore crowd if they were ready for a banger and then made his entrance.

Sheamus vs. Ludwig Kaiser

Ludwig Kaiser & Sheamus begin brawling on the ramp.

Sheamus sends Kaiser crashing into the barricade but Kaiser fires off right hands on him.

Sheamus returns the favor then dumps Kaiser inside the ring and joins him & Kaiser fires off a couple chops on Sheamus.

Sheamus hits Kaiser with a right hand then fires off chops and a couple stomps on him in the corner.

Sheamus sends Kaiser crashing into the mat and ascends to the top rope but Kaiser rolls out of the ring holding his ribs.

The referee checks on him and calls for medical officials to come down to the ring but Kaiser then clocks Sheamus and rains down right hands on him revealing it was all a ruse.

Kaiser then dropkicks Sheamus into the ring steps and gets back into the ring.

The referee begins a 10 count but Sheamus beats it.

Kaiser continues wearing down Sheamus in the corner then hits a dropkick to his knee.

Sheamus sends Kaiser tumbling out of the ring but Kaiser lands an overhand chop on Sheamus as he hangs from the bottom rope.

Kaiser connects with 10 Beats Of The Bodhran on Sheamus but Sheamus intercepts one of the beats and levels Kaiser.

Kaiser lands an overhand chop on Sheamus but Sheamus responds with a series of right hands on Kaiser.

Sheamus runs over Kaiser with a pair of back elbows then connects with a clothesline on him in the corner and follows it up with an Irish Curse Backbreaker.

Sheamus gets Kaiser up for the Celtic Cross, but Kaiser escapes and hits an open palm strike to him.

He follows it up with a right hand to Sheamus’ spine but Sheamus responds with a White Noise and goes for a pin.

Kaiser kicks out and Sheamus locks in a Cloverleaf on Kaiser but Kaiser crawls over to the bottom rope to break the hold.

Kaiser levels Sheamus with a clothesline and goes for a pin but Sheamus kicks out.

Kaiser & Sheamus then slap one another but Sheamus turns Kaiser inside out with a clothesline and dumps him onto the apron.

He lands 10 Beats Of The Bodhran on him then ascends to the top rope and hits a clothesline to him on the outside.

Sheamus dumps Kaiser back in the ring but Pete Dunne appears out of nowhere and looks to hit Sheamus with a shillelagh.

Sheamus avoids it and hits a jumping knee to Dunne but walks into a step up enzuigiri from Kaiser when he gets back in the ring.

Kaiser goes for a pin but Sheamus kicks out and delivers a jumping knee to him then follows it up with Brogue Kick for the win.

Winner: Sheamus

-A video package aired on Bray Wyatt and The Wyatt Sicks.

-A brief SummerSlam video package recaps Finn Balor turning on Damian Priest

-Damian Priest wastes no time and calls Finn Balor down to take the beating coming to him like a man. Balor doesn’t appear and Priest asks when Balor went from a Prince to a backstabbing coward. He says he’s been on his own for most of his life until he found his way to Judgment Day. He says he’s come to realize his family has gotten a whole lot bigger with the WWE Universe then says he’s enraged that Balor took the World Heavyweight Title from his family. He says when Balor suffers, he’s responsible for his pain and calls him down to the ring a 2nd time.

-Balor appears on the Titan Tron and says Judgment Day was never supposed to have a leader until Priest won the World Heavyweight Champion. He says he almost became the World Heavyweight Champion a year ago but Priest ultimately cost him. He recalls Priest telling him to man up in the car after that happened then says he did just that a year later. He says he won’t be fighting Priest but World Tag Team Champion JD McDonagh will in his place. He says he’ll wait until Priest feels safe and comfortable before he strikes in order to repeatedly stab Priest in his back. He says it won’t just be him.

-Dominik Mysterio, Women’s World Champion Liv Morgan, Carlito & McDonagh walk into frame to join Balor. Priest then storms up the ramp and to the back.

-We then head over to Adam Pearce’s office, where Bronson Reed demands a shot against Sheamus. Pearce declines to give him such and Reed vows to take care of things himself.

Lyra Valkyria vs. Shayna Baszler

Shayna Baszler goes straight after Lyra Valkyria as she trips her then stomps on her tricep.

Valkyria hits a crossbody to Baszler and turns her inside out with a pair of clotheslines then hits a gutwrench sit out piledriver to her.

Zoey Stark hops up on the apron as Valkyria ascends to the top rope but Valkyria fights her off and dropkicks her & Sonya Deville through the middle rope.

Baszler looks to surprise Valkyria with a Kirifuda Clutch but Valkyria escapes and connects with Night Wing on Baszler. She goes for a pin but Deville & Stark break the fall to cause the disqualification.

Winner By DQ: Lyra Valkyria

-After the match Baszler, Deville & Stark continue beating down Valkyria. Damage CTRL’s music hits and they run down to the ring to brawl with them and even the odds.

-A Final Testament pre-tape aired. Karrion Kross spoke about how AOP would put an end to New Day. Kross said New Day stood the test of time but all good things must come to an end. Kross said it didn’t have to be this way for Xavier Woods who was too afraid to become his own man. Kross said he gave Woods opportunity after opportunity then added certainly more opportunities than I’ve been given.

-After the break we see Ivy Nile talking to Creed Brothers before Maxxine Dupri walks in and asks Nile where she’s been and while Dupri answers Chad Gable walks in and tells Dupri that herself, Akira Tozawa & Otis can keep the Alpha Academy name because he’s done with them. Nile then leaves with Gable.

-CM Punk points out the fact that he’s smiling, then says that despite losing at SummerSlam, the Premium Live Event was never a guarantee for him due to his torn triceps as was him being in the ring to appear on tonight’s show. He says he gets back up every time he’s down then says some people in WWE hate him for not staying down. He says while doctor’s told him initially that his recovery window would be 9 months, he did it in 5 months.

-Punk addresses Drew McIntyre and everything he’s put him through and says SummerSlam was just the start. He says his journey to WrestleMania 41 started on Saturday then questioned where he’d be without the fans. He says fans deserve less of him talking and more of him fighting then says despite McIntyre vowing to put him in the ground, he’s still standing.

Seth Rollins’ music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. Rollins slides off his jacket and tells Punk that like him, he’s also in a good mood. He says that after 10 years, it’s finally time for him to put Punk in the dirt. Rollins looks to get in the ring but Drew McIntyre’s voice from the crowd stops him.

-McIntyre asks what’s with all the negativity because tonight is a night of celebration with his SummerSlam win. He says he’s earned Punk’s undivided attention then says he shocked both him and the world on Saturday when he proved that he still has it. He says Punk is no longer the Best In The World because he is now then says Rollins & Punk should be staring at him rather than each other.

-McIntyre holds up his arm with Punk’s bracelet leading to Punk jumping the barricade and charging at McIntyre through the crowd. McIntyre retreats but Punk follows him as Bronson Reed attacks Rollins in the ring. Rollins connects with a superkick on Reed but Reed hits a Death Valley Driver and a pair of sentons to him. Reed then ascends to the top and hits a pair of Tsunamis to Rollins. Officials appear at ringside to check on Rollins but Reed ascends to the top rope and hits 4 more Tsunamis as officials try stopping him. Reed slides out of the ring, but gets back inside and sits on the middle rope. He crosses his arms and stands tall but officials order Reed to the back and he follows what they say.

-After the break we get a recap of Bronson Reed attacking Seth Rollins

-We head backstage to Jackie Redmond is with Adam Pearce. Pearce gives an update on Rollins and says he’s on his way to a local medical facility but becomes distracted by Punk looking for McIntyre. Pearce then tells Punk that he personally escorted McIntyre out of the arena.

Tag Team Match
New Day (Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods) vs. Authors Of Pain (Akam & Rezar)

Kofi Kingston lands a dropkick on Akam before Akam whips Kingston into the corner then lands a kick on Rezar on the apron.

Akam lands a spinebuster on Kingston then tags in Rezar & he rains down right hands on Kingston as we go to a break.

After the break Kingston hits a DDT off the ropes to Akam before Xavier Woods & Rezar tag in and Woods lands a pair of forearms on Rezar.

Woods rocks Rezar with a superkick but Rezar sends Woods into the corner and sits him on the top rope.

Woods hits a series of headbutts to Rezar then lands a missile dropkick on him off the top rope.

He low bridges an interfering Akam out of the ring and Kingston flies to level Akam on the outside.

Scarlett hops up on the apron to distract the referee opening the door for Karrion Kross to trip Woods on the ropes.

Odyssey Jones marches down to the ring and attacks Kross then dumps him into the crowd opening the door for Woods to roll up Rezar for the win.

Winners: New Day

-After the match Authors Of Pain continue to beat down Woods but Jones goes after them and hits a double sidewalk slam to them. Kross looks to attack Jones but Jones lands a Black Hole Slam on Kross.

-A JD McDonagh video package aired. McDonagh said Damian Priest never wanted him in Judgment Day because he’s the only person that Finn Balor would listen to ahead of Priest. McDonagh said now he’s in Judgment Day and is a World Tag Team Champion while Priest has nothing.

-After the break we go backstage where Odyssey Jones told Kofi Kingston that he was honored to help out New Day. Kingston introduced Jones to Xavier Woods. Jones told Woods that Kingston said they needed help against Final Testament. Woods looked a little off but then Akira Tozawa, Otis & Maxxine Dupri showed up and Woods joined in while Tozawa did his dance.

-Highlights aired from SummerSlam of Jelly Roll chokeslamming Austin Theory followed by Jelly Roll & Awesome Truth doing a 15 Knuckle Shuffle on Theory

Tag Team Match
A Town Down Under (Austin Theory & Grayson Waller) vs. Awesome Truth (The Miz & R Truth)

Austin Theory & R Truth lock up before Truth hits Grayson Waller with a back body drop and levels both him & Theory then tags in The Miz.

Awesome Truth hits a double dropkick to Theory and one to Waller then clothesline them both out of the ring as we go to a break.

After the break A Town Down Under look to land a double dropkick on Truth but Truth avoids it then tags in Miz.

Miz runs over Theory and Waller with a series of clotheslines then hits a double flapjack to them and IT Kicks on them.

He hits A Town Down Under with a double dropkick then levels them both on the outside and dumps Theory back inside the ring. Miz fires off kicks on Theory’s chest before he ascends to the top rope.

Truth tags in and Miz flies with a crossbody. Miz (thinking he’s legal) pins Theory but the referee tells him that Truth is legal.

Truth then gets Waller up for an Attitude Adjustment and lands it but accidentally hits Miz with Waller in the process & this opens the door for Theory to land A Town Down Under on Truth for the win.

Winners: A Town Down Under

-After the match Miz helped Truth up and then shook his hand and hugs him.

-A Damian Priest promo package aired. Priest said he never wanted JD McDonagh in Judgment Day and only Finn Balor did. Priest said it amazes him that someone with a giant skull has such a tiny brain. Priest said Balor sent McDonagh to take the 1st bullet. Priest said he hoped that McDonagh confessed to his sins on Sunday because he planned to send his big headed ass straight to hell.

-After the break new Intercontinental Champion Bron Breakker was interviewed by Cathy Kelley in the backstage area. Breakker said all the wrestlers in WWE like to talk about their title reigns and how long they lasted. Breakker said it’s taken him less than 3 years since he arrived in NXT to win the Intercontinental Title.

-Breakker said he still considers himself the hunter. Breakker said he feels sorry for whatever idiot thinks he can take the title away from him. Breakker said the championship was born to be on his shoulder. Breakker showed off the side plate with his name on it. Breakker said there’s not a man on the planet who can take his name off his title.

World Tag Team Champion JD McDonagh vs. Damian Priest

Damian Priest hits JD McDonagh with a boot then whips him into the corner and hits an open palm strike.

Priest whips McDonagh into the opposite corner then sends him crashing into the mat face first and connects with a right hand but McDonagh fires off shoulders on Priest’s midsection.

Priest and McDonagh then exchange strikes, but Priest sends McDonagh crashing out of the ring with a kick to his chest. He follows him out there then gets McDonagh up on one of his shoulders.

McDonagh escapes and sends Priest crashing into the ring post then hits a tope suicida to level him as we go to a break.

After the break Priest sets up for South Of Heaven on McDonagh but McDonagh avoids it and hits a moonsault off the ropes then goes for a pin but Priest kicks out.

Priest then levels McDonagh but McDonagh fires off strikes on him.

Priest responds with a couple kicks and strikes of his own then connects with a back elbow on him in the corner and a Broken Arrow that sends McDonagh out of the ring.

Priest follows McDonagh out of the ring and pushes him over the announce desk then drags him back into the ring and a springboard clothesline.

Finn Balor appears out of nowhere and blindsides Priest causing the disqualification.

Winner By DQ: Damian Priest

-After the match Dominik Mysterio & Liv Morgan join the rest of Judgment Day at ringside. Carlito, Balor & Carlito beat down Priest but Priest takes down Mysterio, Carlito & McDonagh. He looks to level Balor but Morgan helps Balor out. Mysterio & Morgan then beat down Priest but Rhea Ripley’s music hits and she runs down to the ring. Mysterio & Morgan look to retreat but Ripley pulls Morgan back into ringside. She sends her crashing into the ring post twice then clears the announce desk and looks to send Morgan crashing through it with a Razor’s Edge. Mysterio saves Morgan before Ripley gets in the ring and hits a headbutt to McDonagh. Priest follows it up with a South Of Heaven then hugs Ripley.

-We get a recapped the return of Roman Reigns at SummerSlam during the Undisputed WWE Title Bloodline Rules Match.

-We then head backstage where Sonya Deville, Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark attack Damage CTRL. Baszler stomps on Kai’s knee.

-After the break Deville got a mic and said she didn’t think they would see Dakota Kai in the ring. Deville said it was so sad and assumed that Kai was a little under the weather.

Iyo Sky vs. Sonya Deville

Sonya Deville hits a kick to Iyo Sky’s midsection then fires off a couple knees on it but Sky takes her down with a hurricanrana and runs the ropes.

Zoey Stark distracts her but Sky dropkicks her through the ropes.

Deville takes advantage of the distraction and sends Sky crashing into the ring steps as we go to a break.

After the break Sky rolls up Deville but Deville kicks out.

Sky connects with a Dragon Screw and a shoulder tackle on Deville then lands a dropkick on her knee and connects with a splash in the corner then ascends up the ropes and hits a missile dropkick.

She goes for a pin but Deville kicks out then Sky lands a stomp on Deville’s chest then follows it up with a Meteora and goes for a pin. Stark gets Deville’s foot on the bottom rope to break the hold.

Kairi Sane takes down Stark with a back elbow and Sky hits a dropkick to Baszler through the ropes.

Sky dumps Deville out of the ring then joins Sane on the top rope.

Sky hits Over The Moonsault to Deville on the outside as Sane lands In Sane Elbow on Stark & Baszler.

Sky then gets Deville back in the ring and hits a 2nd Over The Moonsault for the win.

Winner: Iyo Sky

-Backstage Ilja Dragunov sang the praises of Sami Zayn & he thanked him and said he would make a fine champion himself. Jey Uso showed up after Dragunov left and said it was a tough night for Zayn at SummerSlam. Jey spoke about Zayn being able to pick himself up by getting his rematch and regaining the title. Zayn fired up and said he spoke with Adam Pearce and he’ll get his rematch next week. Jey said that Zayn would be a double champion once he wins the Intercontinental Title and then they finish things with Judgment Day.

-Michael Cole then provides an update on Seth Rollins after Bronson Reed’s attack on him earlier tonight and says Rollins is undergoing a CAT scan, X-rays and an endoscopy.

-We then head over to a VHS tape from the Wyatt Sicks centered on Joe Gacy.

-Creed Brothers & Chad Gable walked backstage. Gable spoke about having a new family and said they would take care of the freak show. Gable dubbed his new group American Made and then they made their entrance.

6 Man Tag Team Match
The Wyatt Sicks (Erick Rowan, Dexter Lumis & Joe Gacy) vs. American Made (Julius Creed, Brutus Creed & Chad Gable)

The Wyatt Sicks go after American Made out of the ring as they dump them outside and American Made look to retreat but they are stopped by Uncle Howdy sitting on a rocking chair on the ramp.

Dexter Lumis hits a back elbow on Julius Creed then hits a double ax handle and a leg drop then tags in Joe Gacy. Gacy hits a monkey flip to Julius then tags in Lumis.

Lumis & Gacy double team on an Brutus Creed before Chad Gable tags in.

Creed Brothers clock Gacy & Erick Rowan on the apron but Rowan & Gacy get inside the ring.

Lumis levels Gable using Julius as a weapon before Gacy hits a bodyslam to Brutus & Rowan sends Julius crashing on top of Brutus.

Gacy then hits a double senton to Creed Brothers and powerbombs Lumis with Gacy over the top rope and onto American Made on the outside as we go to a break.

After the break Gacy hits a shoulder to Gable’s midsection before Brutus tags in and gets Gacy up on his shoulders then sends him crashing into the mat.

Julius tags in and Brutus hits a standing moonsault to Gacy then Gable tags in and Julius hits a moonsault to Gacy off the middle rope.

Gable lands a moonsault of his own off the top rope on Gacy and pins him but Lumis breaks the fall.

Creed Brothers send Lumis crashing into the ring post shoulder first.

Brutus tags in then immediately tags out to Julius. Gacy hits a double Upside Down to Creed Brothers then tags in Rowan.

Rowan levels American Made then clotheslines Brutus out of the ring and hits a high back body drop to Gable.

Rowan sends Gable crashing into the barricade face first on the outside then gets him back in the ring and flies over the top rope to take down Gable.

He lands a powerslam on Gable and goes for a pin but Creed Brothers break the fall.

Julius rocks Rowan with a jumping knee and beats down Gacy then sends him crashing out of the ring and continues beating him down on the outside.

Lumis flies off the top rope and hits Creed Brothers with a senton on the outside.

Back in the ring Gable hits a German suplex to Rowan and pins him but Rowan kicks out.

On the outside Gacy & Lumis send Creed Brothers crashing into the announce desk with uranages as Rowan sends Gable crashing into the mat with a Mandible Claw style chokeslam.

Gacy tags in then immediately tags out to Lumis.

Gacy powerbombs Lumis on top of Gable. Lumis then ascends to the top and hits a splash to Gable

Winners: The Wyatt Sicks

Next Week’s Raw

Intercontinental Title 2 Out Of 3 Falls Match
Bron Breakker (c) vs. Sami Zayn

Women’s Tag Team Titles #1 Contenders Match
Damage CTRL (Kairi Sane & Iyo Sky) vs. Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark

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