AEW Dynamite Results & Review (September 4th, 2024)

On September 4th, 2024 AEW aired the 257th episode of Dynamite live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin inside UW Panther Arena.

-Kicking off this week’s Dynamite with Daniel Garcia rushes to the ring and calls out MJF saying he doesn’t want to wait until All Out and wants to break his neck tonight. We then hear MJF who is sitting up in the crowd and says the reason he is up there is that he doesn’t want to ruin their big match on Saturday by whooping his ass but he would deal in great pleasure in doing that but doesn’t want any excuses made when he paints the canvas in blood and breaks his pencil neck. And unlike Garcia, he doesn’t attack people from behind like a coward and won’t look like a skinhead hooked on Ozempic.

-Garcia says nobody believes anything that comes out of MJF’s mouth and everything about him is fake, like his tan, makeup to cover up his acne and his trip to Turkey to give him a hair transplant that didn’t even work. The thing that makes Garcia mad is the fake love that MJF has for AEW and he doesn’t care about it or these people like Garcia does. He can get all the fake tattoos he wants, but they don’t believe MJF and tell him to shut up while he tries to talk. Garcia says he wants MJF and the people who love him to suffer and if he can find a woman who pretends to love him for more than an hour and marry her and have a kid whenever MJF picks up that ugly ass baby to feel a tingle in his toes and think of Garcia. Garcia says MJF’s kid will ask if he was a wrestler to which MJF says I was until Daniel Garcia ended my career. 

-MJF claps it up and says that Danny learned how to speak but he still has a whole lot to learn and maturing to do. MJF says when he cost Garcia the match against Will Ospreay, he was trying to do him a solid because you can’t trust anybody in this world. MJF talks about how these people used to love him and tells them too little, too late when they try to cheer for him. MJF says when he got too big, they turned on him like rats, and Garcia doesn’t want their love, affection or win championship gold, because the more you rise up in this sport, the more these fickle bastards want to see him fall. He’s going to do Garcia a favor by putting him in a wheelchair and there’s only one person in this world Garcia can trust, his mother and she will take care of him when he’s laid up in bed because he won’t be the first man lying in his back on her bad, that she happily attended to. This causes Garcia to run through the crowd and up after MJF while taking out the security guards on the way. Garcia works his way up but as soon as he gets to him, MJF cracks him over the head with a champagne bottle. Garcia is busted open as MJF takes a seat right next to him on the steps, puts his arm around him and says in this life every man must go through hell before he reaches paradise. He thanks him for waking up something in him that has been dormant for far too long, and as a token of his gratitude, he will send Garcia straight to paradise and for that, he can thank me later.

-Backstage Renee Paquette is with The Conglomeration and tells Willow Nightingale that she will have a face 2 face with Kris Statlander on Collision before bringing in International Champion Will Ospreay as he’s teaming up with Kyle O’Reilly & Orange Cassidy tonight and asks Mark Briscoe for some words of wisdom. Briscoe talks about O’Reilly telling him about this match on the phone and getting his blessing. When Briscoe heard it was Will Ospreay, he said hell yeah as the word of the day is stupendous and gets everybody all amped up except for Cassidy.

Continental Title Match
Kazuchika Okada (c) vs. Kyle Fletcher

Kazuchika Okada & Kyle Fletcher start the match by running the ropes and dodging each other until Fletcher snaps out from a Rainmaker attempt.

Fletcher kicks Okada off the apron to the outside followed by a tope suicida as we go to picture in picture.

After the break Fletcher is able to catch Okada off the ropes & hitting a powerslam for two.

Okada comes right back with a neckbreaker then heads to the top rope and hits an elbow drop.

Okada does his flip off taunt before going for the Rainmaker again but this time Fletcher reversing it into a Michinoku Driver.

Okada spills to the outside and plays possum as Fletcher heads to him just to get hit with a DDT.

They take it to the apron where Fletcher counters out of a Tombstone and hits a brainbuster to Okada instead as they both spill back to the outside going right back to picture in picture.

After the 2nd break Fletcher is on the top rope but Okada sends him to the outside with a dropkick as we hear the 15 minute warning.

Okada sends Fletcher to the other side of the barricade with a boot but Fletcher comes right back with a brainbuster off the apron sending Okada now to the other say before setting up a chair that cannonballs off of, right onto Okada.

Back inside Fletcher hits a top rope elbow drop then taunts the Rainmaker pose and hits a kick to the back of Okada’s shoulder. Okada escapes out of a Tombstone attempt and hits a lariat.

Okada holds on by hitting another lariat followed by a Rainmaker attempt but Fletcher ducks and walks right into a dropkick.

They go back and forth until Fletcher hits a half & half suplex and the jumping spinning Tombstone then a cover but Okada kicks out at two.

We get the 1 minute warning as Okada uses the referee in between them to hit a low blow followed by the Rainmaker to get the win. 

Winner & Still Continental Champion: Kazuchika Okada (STILL CHAMPION!!!) (Recommend)

-After the match Konosuke Takeshita runs out and wants a piece of Okada but he escapes to the back.

-We see a video from earlier this week of Swerve Strickland & Prince Nana & Strickland says it’s a special day as we see they are in front of Strickland’s childhood home and him showing family photos from when he was young. Strickland said his family lost their home and he made a promise to be successful enough to buy back his property and after signing his AEW contract extension, he can say he is the proud owner of the house.

Jamie Hayter vs. Robyn Renegade

Robyn Renegade gets right in Jamie Hayter’s face just to get knocked down.

Hayter knocks down Renegade with a shoulder block before trying a suplex that Renegade gets out of and hits a dropkick.

Hayter comes right back with a clothesline but Renegade is able to take control and attack Hayter in the corners with double knees. After the 3rd attempt, Hayter stops her with a big boot.

Renegade attacks Hayter in the ropes before jumping off the top rope just to be caught and hit with a powerslam. Hayter comes right back with Hayter Breakers before hitting Hayterade for the win.

Winner: Jamie Hayter

-Renee Paquette is in the back with Roderick Strong & Christopher Daniels as Strong is showing Daniels that his foot was under the rope but the referee said she didn’t see it. FTW Champion Hook walks in and says Strong isn’t wrong so suggest they settle it for the FTW Title here tonight. Strong says Hook is funny and he’s not fighting him in this dumpty town of Milwaukee but he will call for his shot, real soon and Hook will be the first to know when.

-We cut to the back where we see Marina Shafir taking out some people as Jon Moxley joins her. They bump into AEW World Tag Team Champions Young Bucks & TNT Champion Jack Perry as Moxley says he doesn’t care what they say and calls Perry a sweet kid.

-After the break Moxley & Shafir make their way to the ring through the crowd. Moxley says he wonders if Darby Allin is somewhere out there in Milwaukee tonight before saying he doesn’t think so. He talks about how he wrestled him a couple of years ago and beat the absolute piss out of him for 20 minutes and after that, he smiled which made him think that kid is special and he still thinks that. Moxley says Darby plays the game it was meant to be played with reckless abandonment and knows the chance to be in this business is a privilege and not something you are entitled to and how quickly we forget that. He is not an impatient man but the clock is ticking and he just wants to talk to Allin and doesn’t want to apply any pressure but he will so don’t make him before saying again that he just wants to talk. Moxley drops the mic and leaves.

-Renee Paquette is in the back with The Learning Tree as Chris Jericho has something he wants to get off his chest. Jericho talks about the severity of Orange Cassidy ruining his $7,000 jacket years ago as they show highlights when Cassidy dumped the vat of orange juice over Jericho. Jericho says that on Friday, Bryan Keith will freshly squeeze the money out of Cassidy’s hide. Big Bill talks about making good on his debt before Cassidy walks in and tells Keith that if he beats him on Friday, he will give Jericho the $7,000 in cash and just ignores Jericho and walks off. Keith ends it by saying that Cassidy will pay the price.

Women’s Title Match
Mariah May (c) vs. Nyla Rose

Nyla Rose goes right after Mariah May with a Beast Bomb attempt that May slips out of and starts slapping away at Rose. Rose stops May with a big cross body before mocking her pose.

Rose starts hitting body slams followed by a leg drop then a cover but May kicks out at two.

May stops Rose by snapping her on the rope and hits her with a missile dropkick but only gets one as we go to picture in picture.

After the break May hits a low dropkick, but again Rose kicks out at one.

They end up connecting with headbutts, as they both fall down.

Rose stops May on the ropes but May comes right back with an elbow strike.

Rose sends May down with a German suplex before hitting a splash in the corner and a clothesline for two.

Rose tries a Beast Bomb but May escapes, gets on ropes and dives just for Rose to catch her pick her up and slam her down as May goes rolling to the outside.

Aubrey Edwards goes to check on May & she holds onto Edwards’ boot just to sweep Rose off the steel steps followed by a running knee.

Rose is able to just beat the 10 count but when she enters May goes right after & follows with Storm Zero to get the win.

Winner & Still Women’s Champion: Mariah May (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)

-We go to a Deonna Purrazzo video where she talks about every great artist having to go through phases. She then starts breaking glass and says she’s not done making art and she’s only just begun as they announce she will go against Hikaru Shida on Friday.

-TBS Champion Mercedes Mone asks if they like her dress and that she is feeling some type of way just like Hikaru Shida is feeling a certain way after her victory on Collision. Mone’ asks how Shida can call herself the ace if she is not the face. Mone calls herself not only the face of TBS but the entire company and Shida will learn there is a price to pay when you mess with Mone’. We cut to Shida on the screen who says in their last match, she was one second away from winning and Mone knows that she can’t beat the ace before revealing her own shirt. Christopher Daniels walks in and says that Kamille is banned from ringside for the match at All Out as Mone gets enraged. Shida says since Mone understands some Japanese, she’ll say Sayonara bitch.

-We go backstage to The Elite, as Nicholas Jackson says Jack Perry has something to say. Perry talks about All Out 2021 being in the ring the very first time Bryan Danielson stepped foot in an AEW ring and that he promised himself that one day it’ll be his day to step in the ring with him. Fast forward to earlier this year when he was sitting at home when he heard the news that Danielson’s career was coming to an end and the way things were playing out he’ll probably never get a chance but he didn’t give up. He changed the man he was, by going to Japan and starting over, selling his own t shirts to do anything he could to be back here. He says Danielson could have helped him but he didn’t because he only cares about his own fairytale ending and this Saturday 3 years after it begins it will end. Matthew Jackson says they will do anything to make sure the AEW World Title will go back to where it belongs in The Elite.

Non Title Match
Trios Champions Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta) & PAC vs. International Champion Will Ospreay & The Conglomeration (Kyle O’Reilly & Orange Cassidy)

Wheeler Yuta & Kyle O’Reilly starts the match as they go back & forth with hammerlocks until O’Reilly is able to drop Yuta down into the Juji Gatame but he’s able to escape.

Orange Cassidy tags in and gets dropped by Yuta before PAC tags in and sends Cassidy right into his corner asking for Will Ospreay.

PAC & Ospreay test each other by running the ropes and dodging each other before Ospreay connects with a dropkick sending PAC right into his corner.

All 6 men enter and face off as we go to picture in picture.

After the break Cassidy is able to escape out of a waistlock from Yuta and hits him with a German suplex but before he can make the tag he gets stopped by Claudio Castagnoli.

He runs in and suplexes Cassidy onto the top turnbuckle then hitting him with an uppercut.

PAC tags in and tries a superplex but flips off and catches Cassidy in a diving DDT attempt & throws him off and puts on the Brutalizer.

Ospreay enters and breaks up the move as BCC jump him and toss him to the outside.

They hit Fastball Special on Cassidy but O’Reilly is able to run in and break up the pin attempt from Yuta.

Cassidy is able to kick off PAC and make the hot tag to Ospreay who goes right after PAC just to be attacked from behind by Yuta. Ospreay takes out Yuta then gets popped up by Castagnoli.

He hits him with a hurricanrana.

Ospreay continues with a springboard kick to Yuta before he and O’Reilly start double teaming on PAC going back to picture in picture.

After the 2nd break Cassidy sends Castagnoli to the outside with Deja Vu but then gets taken out by a dive from Yuta as everybody else joins them on the outside with dives ending with Ospreay leaping on PAC.

Ospreay & PAC work their way up the ramp but Yuta stops them.

As Ospreay goes to hit Hidden Blade but he gets stopped by PAC with a poisonrana attempt sends PAC off the ramp and dives onto him.

In the ring Cassidy hits a diving DDT to Castagnoli and Stundog Millionaire.

After some help from O’Reilly, Cassidy is able to hit Beach Break then a cover but Castagnoli kicks out at two.

The Conglomeration start kicking away at Castagnoli but as Cassidy tries Orange Punch, he gets held back by Yuta.

O’Reilly puts the Guillotine choke on Castagnoli as he tries to batter his way out as O’Reilly keeps holding on.

Eventually Castagnoli powers out and takes out O’Reilly with an uppercut and hits Giant Swing along with the dropkick from Yuta for the win.

Winners: Trios Champions Blackpool Combat Club & PAC (Recommend)

-After the match Danielson goes to celebrate with Castagnoli & Yuta but they get attacked from behind by The Elite in a 4 on 3 attack. Young Bucks hold Danielson as Jack Perry goes to take him out with a chair, just to be stopped by Castagnoli & Yuta. Danielson goes to kick Perry’s head in but he gets pulled out. Claudio gets on the mic and says The Elite made the biggest mistakes of their lives. Castagnoli says he’s been in the mood to collect gold and since he doesn’t have anything to do at All Out, how about he and Yuta challenge the Bucks for the AEW World Tag Team Titles before Danielson says a lot of people have been so frustrated, sick and tired of seeing Perry and all his crap and he guarantees one thing for this Sunday at All Out, that Danielson is going to kick Perry’s fucking head in.

-We cut to Ospreay & PAC as they ended up fighting all the way to the back where PAC takes out Ospreay right on top of the technical equipment before PAC starts screaming into Ospreay’s face before getting the day right saying he will see Ospreay on Saturday.

-Tony Schiavone is in the ring for the contract signing and brings out Swerve Strickland & Prince Nana. They then call out Hangman Page who doesn’t come out so they reset his music and again, he doesn’t come out.

-We cut to Page who is at Strickland’s childhood home that he just purchased. Page enters the house and says that Strickland is a hard man to find as he looked all over Florida & Washington state but he slipped up by showing the world and himself, something important to him. Page talks about the memories here and says that Strickland’s dad probably didn’t love him and regrets having him at all and what a better world it would be if Strickland was never born. While Page is speaking, he’s walking around the house, pouring gasoline all over and he told Strickland for months that there was nothing he would want more from this life than to burn his world to the ground. Page says if he wasn’t the one to take the AEW World Title from him, he’s happy to help it slip from his fingers and on Saturday he will take his pride and dignity on his knees begging for his forgiveness but he will not give it to him. He says it’s time to say goodbye and tells Strickland to say goodbye to any idea of holding the AEW World Title again. This Saturday, he will say goodbye to his joy and happiness and tonight he gets to practice by saying goodbye to Strickland’s house as Page is sitting down on a chair and the house engulfs in flames behind him.

Friday’s Collision

Tag Team Friday Night Fashion Fight
MxM Collection (Mason Madden & Mansoor) vs. House Of Black (Buddy Matthews & Brody King)

Continental Title Qualifying Match
Orange Cassidy vs. Bryan Keith

Continental Title Qualifying Match
Lance Archer vs. Mark Briscoe

Continental Title Qualifying Match
Konosuke Takeshita vs. The Beast Mortos

Deonna Purrazzo vs. Hikaru Shida

8 Man Tag Team Champions vs. Champions Match
Blackpool Combat Club (Trios Champions Claudio Castagnoli, Wheeler Yuta & PAC & AEW World Champion Bryan Danielson) vs. The Elite (AEW World Tag Team Champions Matthew Jackson & Nicholas Jackson, Continental Champion Kazuchika Okada & TNT Champion Jack Perry)

All Out Card So Far (Sept 7th)

International Title Match
Will Ospreay (c) vs. Trios Champion PAC

Chicago Street Fight
Willow Nightingale vs. Kris Statlander

Lights Out Steel Cage Match
Swerve Strickland vs. Hangman Page

MJF vs. Daniel Garica

AEW World Title Match
Bryan Danielson (c) vs. TNT Champion Jack Perry

TBS Title Match
Mercedes Mone (c) vs. Hikaru Shida

Continental Title Fatal 4 Way Match
Kazuchika Okada (c) vs. Orange Cassidy or Bryan Keith vs. Lance Archer or Mark Briscoe vs. Konosuke Takeshita or The Beast Mortos

AEW World Tag Team Titles Match
Young Bucks (Matthew Jackson & Nicholas Jackson) (c) vs. Trios Champions Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta)

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