NXT Results & Review (September 24th, 2024)

On September 24th, 2024 WWE aired the 752nd episode of NXT live in Orlando Florida inside WWE Performance Center.

Note: This review is shorter then normal as it be the last few mins of the match.

Women’s North American Title Match
Kelani Jordan (c) vs. Wren Sinclair

Wren Sinclair planted Kelani Jordan with a few suplexes before Jordan rolls up Sinclair for a two count.

Myles Borne & Tavion Heights trash talked to Jordan.

Sinclair accidentally hits Borne & Heights with a crossbody.

Jordan caught Sinclair with a spinning heel kick and One of a Kind for the win.

Winner & Still Women’s North American Champion: Kelani Jordan (STILL CHAMPION!!!)

-We go to the NXT Press Conference started by NXT Champion Ethan Page. Page talked about becoming the face of the company and doing a good job carrying the company on his back. He said he’s on one of the stacked rosters in the industry and a cut above. A media member asked Page about the positives with Trick. He said Trick is a former champion but not as good as him. Another press person asked how CM Punk will effect the match? Page said Punk will be a non factor. Page quickly sent it back to Vic Joseph & Booker T.

-CM Punk chatting with Je Von Evans then talking with Trick Williams in the locker room. Williams talks about how Ethan Page is going to be underhanded in his upcoming match. Punk talked about watching Williams win and lose the NXT Title but Williams is still in the mix. Punk said he’s going to call the match down the middle. He said he’s not playing favorites and if Page wins, Page wins. Both men dapped it up.

-A Town Down Under introduce NXT Tag Team Champions Nathan Frazer & Axiom and they make their way down to the ring.

-Grayson Waller says he thinks that Axiom & Frazer would be great additions to Smackdown as individual competitors. Frazer assures A Town Down Under that he & Axiom are fine but the same cannot be said for A Town Down Under. A Town Down Under oppose Axiom & Frazer’s disrespect and Waller says that no one wants him & Austin Theory to breakup while everyone wants to see Frazer & Axiom breakup. He reiterates that Frazer & Axiom work better as singles competitors and Axiom says while he and Frazer didn’t plan on being a tag team, they are the grim reapers of NXT. Frazer says in 2 weeks A Town Down Under will be sent down 6 feet under.

-Theory tells Frazer & Axiom to remember that there’s levels to this game and Waller says while he understands that Frazer & Axiom put on bangers, they’re nothing compared to him & Theory. Frazer stares down Waller then asks him why Theory’s name isn’t included in the talk show name of The Grayson Waller Effect. Theory says it’s a good idea to have his name in it again and Waller protests him. A Town Down Under then beat down Frazer and hold up the NXT Tag Team Titles.

-Meta 4 hanging out backstage. Lexis King showed up to chat with Oro Mensah. King said he actually agonized over Mensah’s dad issues and can relate. King talks about how his father was never around but if he was, he’ll want King to be the bigger man. King respectfully shook hands with King. Mensah told King to make his Dad proud.

-We get a Hank Walker & Tank Ledger promo where they hyped up going against the Good Brothers.

-After the break we see Karmen Petrovic was warming up with a bunch of developmental women. Ashante Thee Adonis showed up with a rose to hit on the women. Adonis talked about how Tatum Paxley excites him. Paxley said her heart belongs to someone else.

-We get a picture in picture promo aired about Good Brothers cutting a promo to hype up their match where they called Hank Walker & Tank Ledger nerds.

Tag Team Match
Good Brothers (Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows) vs. Hank Walker & Tank Ledger

Luke Gallows gets Tank Ledger up on his shoulders and Karl Anderson runs the ropes but Ledger trips him from the outside. Ledger & Hank Walker then hits Collision Course on Anderson for the win.

Winners: Hank Walker & Tank Ledger

-Je Von Evans chatted with Cedric Alexander backstage about having the biggest match of his life in a few weeks against one of his heroes. A Town Down Under showed up to talk trash calling Cedric Alexander an uncle. Evans faked out A-Town Down Under by scaring them by saying Kevin Owens was behind them.

Oro Mensah vs. Lexis King

Oro Mensah connects with a springboard moonsault and sends Lexis King’s face repeatedly bouncing off the top turnbuckle. King pins Mensah with his feet on the ropes but Mensah kicks out.

Mensah then returns the favor and pins King with his feet on the ropes for the win.

Winner: Oro Mensah

-We go to a random building where The D’Angelo Family were having a training montage. Tony D’Angelo was working out, doing pullups, rope climbs, and such to get ready to face Oba Femi. At one point D’Angelo pushed a pickup. They then boxed against a random dude in a gym. He got knocked out at first but then made a comeback and knocked the guy out. 

Ridge Holland vs. Riley Osborne

Riley Osborne dumps Ridge Holland back in the ring and connects with a roundhouse kick off the top rope then looks to fly off the top rope. Holland avoids it then connects with a cradle DDT for the win.

Winner: Ridge Holland

-After the match Holland continues beating down Osborne and sends him crashing into the ring steps. Holland grabs the barricade but Osborne knocks it out of his hands and they continue to brawl.

-We get a Miz tweet video where he talked about wanting to host the Oba Femi vs. Tony D’Angelo contract signing on MizTV next week.

-After the break we go to North American Champion Oba Femi at a press conference. The first question was about Femi’s thoughts on him appearing on MizTV next week. He said he has no thoughts. The next person asked about the Tony D’Angelo training montage. He said she still sees D’Angelo as broken. Femi then ended the conference.

-We get the split screen interview with Wes Lee & Zachary Wentz. Wentz calls Lee a piece of shit. Lee said he wonders how Trey Miguel is doing? Wentz calls Lee a bitch for jumping Miguel in Ohio and how he’s going to beat the fuck out of Lee. Lee told Wentz to shut the fuck out and make sure that Gigi Dolin doesn’t watch their Street Fight. Wentz told Wes to keep his fiance’s name out his fucking mouth. Lee calls Wentz a punk ass bitch and told him to come and see him. Both men got up and brawled backstage.

-Vic Joseph apologized for the vulgar language used in the interview.

-Joseph & Booker T then thanked USA network for airing NXT over the years. A montage aired of NXT highlights.

-We see Ava chatting with Lola Vice & Jaida Parker as they are bickering. Ava calmed them down and booked them in a Tag Team match against Fatal Influence. Parker & Vice continued to bicker. Ava told them to figure things out

Tag Team Match
Rosemary & Wendy Choo vs. Karmen Petrovic & Brinley Reece

Ashante Thee Adonis makes his way out to ringside but Karmen Petrovic asks him what he’s doing.

Brinley Reece doesn’t having anyone to tag out to.

This opens the door for Rosemary to connect with As Above, So Below on Reece for the win.

Winners: Rosemary & Wendy Choo

-CM Punk was chatting with Sol Ruca backstage. Ruca left when Ethan Page showed up. Page referenced being in the same company as Punk before and how he doesn’t appreciate Punk getting in his business. Punk said he’s calling things down the middle. He said he doesn’t appreciate Page cheating in past matches and how he won the title by just falling on somebody. He said he’ll raise Page’s hand if he’s the guy, but if he doesn’t win, he won’t raise nothin.

-After the break we see Fatal Influence at the press conference. One of the press members asked them if they decided who will face Jaida Parker & Lola Vice. Fallon Henley said yep and said everyone will find out next week. Jacy Jayne talked about how they are about to get to the top of the division by winning championships. Jayne said Kelani Jordan doesn’t deserve to be champ. Jaida Parker & Lola Vice then pulled up and had to be dragged off by security.

Tag Team Match
A Town Down Under (Austin Theory & Grayson Waller) vs. Je Von Evans & Cedric Alexander

Nathan Frazer & Axiom march down to ringside but Grayson Waller clocks both of them.

He looks to land a Rolling Stunner when he gets back inside the ring but Je Von Evans sees him coming and catches Waller with a springboard kick.

Evans ascends to the top rope but Frazer distracts him as Axiom pulls Frazer off the apron and trips Evans in the process.

This opens the door for Theory to tag in and hits A Town Down to Evans for the win.

Winners: A Town Down Under

-After the match Frazer & Axiom argue with each other in the ring.

-We head back to the press conference with Trick Williams. Williams talked about how big the win will be for him. He said he wants to be a part of the small group of 2x NXT Champions. He said NXT is reaching new heights and it needs to involve him, not Ethan Page. A person asked about Punk getting involved as ref. He said he’s cool with Punk after what Punk ensured. Williams said he’s going to have to control his emotion and you best believe he’s going to be the new champion. Sarah Schreiber then said that the rest of the Press Conference will take place in the Performance Center.

-Byron Saxton introduces Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez & Giulia then begins taking questions from the reporters at ringside. Perez interrupts a question geared at Giulia & Saxton tells her to let Giulia speak. Giulia responds to the question in Japanese and Funaki translates her answer. Perez then answers a question geared towards her and reveals that she was a fan of Giulia’s long before anyone else was. She continues bragging about her own abilities and Giulia asks Perez if she’s considered what happens when she beats her.

-Giulia takes another question and reflects on moving to America. Stephanie Vaquer interrupts Perez & Giulia on the Titan Tron then puts the winner of next week’s Women’s Title match between them on notice. She warns them that she’s coming for the title to close out NXT.

Next Week’s NXT

NXT Title Match
Ethan Page (c) vs. Trick Williams

Women’s Title Match
Roxanne Perez (c) vs. Giulia

Chicago Street Fight
Zachary Wentz vs. Wes Lee

Tag Team Match
Fatal Influence vs. Jaida Parker & Lola Vice

NXT (Oct 8th)

Randy Orton vs. Je Von Evans

NXT Tag Team Titles Match
Nathan Frazer & Axiom (c) vs. A Town Down Under (Austin Theory & Grayson Waller)

North American Title Match
Oba Femi (c) vs. Tony D’Angelo

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