AEW Grand Slam Night 1 Results & Review (September 25th, 2024)

On September 25th, 2024 AEW aired the 1st night of the 4th annual Grand Slam live in New York City inside Arthur Ashe Stadium.

-Kicking off Grand Slam Night 1 with Nigel McGuinness comes out first for his match against Bryan Danielson but as Danielson’s music hits, he doesn’t come out. Nigel gets on the mic and says he hasn’t seen Danielson all day and the American Coward drop the ball and he tells Paul Turner to make the 10 count, declare himself the winner, and strip Danielson of the AEW World Title. Turner starts counting and once he gets to 6, we now hear The Final Countdown by Europe play and this time Danielson does come out.

Non Title Match
AEW World Champion Bryan Danielson vs. Nigel McGuinness

Match starts off with a lock up and trade uppercuts as Nigel McGuinness stays yelling that this is too easy.

They lock up again and go back & forth with wrist control until McGuinness catches Bryan Danielson on the ropes and kicks away before keeping Danielson in the corner with slaps.

Just for Danielson to hit a slap right back.

They start trading uppercuts before Nigel acts as if he got kicked a bit too low and starts to sell it.

They get on the ground and start trading body shots before Danielson is able to put on the LeBell Lock.

They start fighting on the outside, where McGuinness tries to drop the steel steps on Danielson but he is able to dodge them before they end up back in the ring.

McGuinness stays in control until Danielson stops him in the corner with a knee before he keeps kicking away at him.

Danielson heads to the top rope where McGuinness stops him and tries Tower Of London but Danielson escapes and hits the Busaiku Knee.

Danielson starts kicking away before hitting a roundhouse kick but McGuinness kicks out at two.

Danielson catches McGuinness upside in the corner and starts twisting his neck, but Nigel escapes out and hits a neckbreaker for two.

McGuinness encourages Danielson to hit an uppercut which he does but it’s from his injured arm as he sells the pain after.

They go back & forth on the ropes as McGuinness bounces back with a clothesline but Danielson kicks out at one.

Danielson goes to hulk up but McGuinness pokes him in the eye and hits a ripcord lariat for two.

McGuinness comes back with the Tower Of London for another two.

McGuinness keeps working on Danielson’s injured arm with the London Dungeon but Danielson escapes and hits elbow strikes as both men are now laid out.

They go back & forth until McGuinness catches Danielson off the ropes with a clothesline for two.

Danielson tries to put on the LeBell Lock as McGuinness keeps trying to escape before eventually giving in and tapping out

Winner By Submission: AEW World Champion Bryan Danielson (18:51)
Rate: 8 (Recommend)

-After the match Christian Cage comes out with his championship contract and goes to sign it just to have his pen stolen from behind by Kip Sabian. Christian goes to chase after him but sees Claudio Castagnoli & PAC in the way before avoiding them and chasing after Sabian.

FTW Title FTW Rules Match
Hook (c) vs. Roderick Strong

Hook takes Roderick Strong to the mat right away where Mike Bennett & Matt Taven are there to pull him out to safety on the outside. Hook chases after Strong and starts attacking him against the barricades.

Strong comes right back and sends Hook into the barricade himself before he goes to grab a Kendo stick.

Hook takes it away from him and goes to attack all of Undisputed Kingdom with it including using it for a Russian leg sweep to Strong against the barricade.

He goes to take out Taven & Bennett but Strong takes advantage and sends Hook into the ring post and steel steps as we go to picture in picture.

After the break they are in the ring where Hook is in control by attacking Strong in the corner with body shots.

Taven tosses a chair into the ring and Strong wedges into the corner but as Hook tries to put on Redrum but Strong sends him headfirst into the chair before hitting a knee and a suplex for a two.

More chairs get set up as Hook throws Strong onto them.

Strong picks up Hook and sends him onto a chair with a gut buster before hitting a running kick for two.

Hook escapes out of an End Of Heartache attempt and puts on the Redrum as Strong taps out.

Winner By Submission & Still FTW Champion: Hook (8:57) (STILL CHAMPION!!!)
Rate: 6

-After the match Strong helps Hook up and shakes his hand before bringing him in for a hug, to everybody’s surprise.

-Tony Schiavone gets a word with Hook and talks about how back in 1998, the FTW Title was born by his father Taz not too far from here at the Elk’s Lodge. Hook says with that being said all good things come to an end. On behalf of his family, he thinks of everybody who’s ever competed for this championship and the fans who supported the FTW Title. At this very moment the FTW Title is officially retired, he hands it over to his father and he & Taz hug.

AEW World Tag Team Titles Match
Young Bucks (Matthew Jackson & Nicholas Jackson) (c) vs. United Empire (International Champion Will Ospreay & Kyle Fletcher)

Nicholas Jackson & Will Ospreay starts the match but Matthew Jackson joins in right away as they start double teaming on Ospreay before Kyle Fletcher joins in.

All 4 start going at it as Young Bucks end up stacked on top of each other.

Ospreay flips off of Fletcher onto them, before the Bucks head to the outside where United Empire take them out with moonsaults from the top rope as we head to picture in picture.

After the break Fletcher is able to escape and make the tag to Ospreay & he hits a standing Sky Twister Press on Matthew for a two count.

Young Bucks follow with a senton/powerbomb combo on Ospreay but Fletcher is there to break it up before he gets sent to the outside.

They pick Ospreay up for an EVP Trigger attempt but Ospreay fights them off with a double OsCutter.

Rick Knox takes too long to go for the count as it’s a two.

Fletcher enters and takes out the Bucks with a double clothesline as all 4 go at it with a sequence ending with a Hidden Blade from Ospreay as all 4 are now laid out.

They start fighting the apron and outside before Young Bucks end up hitting TK Driver to Fletcher on the apron.

Fletcher is able to beat the count right before ten but Nicholas is there to meet him with a running kick as we go back to picture in picture.

After the 2nd break United Empire catch Young Bucks into a Double Styles Clash followed by Hidden Blade & Storm Breaker from Ospreay to Matthew then a cover but Nicholas is there to break it up.

Ospreay looks to the crowd & they give him the okay to go for the Tiger Driver ’91 but isn’t able to get it done.

Fletcher starts attacking Young Bucks in the corner but they come right back as Nicholas hits a bulldog.

Ospreay stops Nicholas off the ropes with a cutter before they hit a TK Driver on Matthew but he is able to kick out. They follow with Coriolis but Matthew kicks out again.

Fletcher hits a turnbuckle brainbuster on Matthew but Nicholas & Ospreay crash onto to them breaking it up. They all start fighting by the commentary table as Don Callis hands Fletcher the screwdriver.

Callis starts distracting Rick Knox as Fletcher goes to stab Matthew with it but Ospreay takes it away and hands it to the referee.

During all this distraction Young Bucks start using the AEW World Tag Team Titles on United Empire.

Young Bucks hits a double superkick on Fletcher and EVP Trigger to get the win.

Winners & Still AEW World Tag Team Champions: Young Bucks (19:27) (STILL CHAMPIONS!!!!)
Rate: 9 (Recommend)

-Renee Paquette is in the back with The Conglomeration and Rocky Romero as Orange Cassidy officially makes Romero a member. Mark Briscoe says they can expect some new cool Conglomeration shirts for their match on Collision but he is wearing a #DemBoys shirt as they are in the same city where The Briscoes had their last match together.

-Tony Schiavone brings Prince Nana to the ramp for an update on Swerve Strickland. Nana says nothing can stop Strickland but physically he is not cleared to come back but he is fighting each and every day for the fans. Nana gets cut off by MVP & he reintroduces himself before agreeing with Nana about Strickland being the most dangerous man in AEW. MVP goes through all the accolades of Strickland and everybody he beat before asking why Nana is smiling after what happened to Strickland. MVP says it’s not a failure on Strickland but a failure on his management who’s more concerned about selling his coffee and dancing for these people. MVP tells Nana to tell Swerve when he’s ready to be taken seriously again to let him know that he will be ready to talk business as he hands Nana his card.

-We see TNT Champion Jack Perry driving his Scapegoat bus around New York City.

Women’s Title Match
Mariah May (c) vs. Yuka Sakazaki

Yuka Sakazaki attacks Mariah May as she is making her entrance before sending her back inside to officially start the match.

They quickly take it back to the outside where May hits a shotgun dropkick to Sakazaki before sending her right back inside. May follows with a spinning side slam for two.

They fight in the corner where Sakazaki traps May’s neck with headscissors.

They go back & forth going for pin attempts with Sakazaki coming really close with one of them.

May escapes out of an airplane spin and hits a headbutt followed by a German suplex for two.

Sakazaki comes back with a thrust kick and Northern Lights Bomb before trying Magical Girl Splash but May is able to get her knees up and hits another knee followed by Storm Zero to get the win.

Winner & Still Women’s Champion: Mariah May (6:11) (STILL CHAMPION!!!)
Rate: 5

-After the match May goes to attack Sakazaki again after but Willow Nightingale runs out and gets in May’s face. Mina Shirakawa’s music hits which distracts Nightingale enough for May to take her out with the title before May goes and embraces Shirakawa who is all confused before Sakazaki chases May away.

Darby Allin’s AEW World Title Shot
Darby Allin (h) vs. Jon Moxley

Jon Moxley attacks Darby Allin right away and starts punching away at him in the corner.

Moxley stays on the attack inside and out before whipping Allin into the corner as he goes spilling to the outside.

They start fighting on the apron where Allin puts Moxley’s arm inside the ring post and starts punching away at it.

Marina Shafir is there to help him get it out but Allin meets Moxley on the outside with the Coffin Drop.

Allin is bleeding from the face as he goes after Moxley on the outside and sets up a chair but Shafir gets in between him and the chair.

As Moxley is being checked on by the referee, Shafir starts attacking Allin on the outside.

Moxley starts attacking Allin against the ring post as we go to picture in picture.

After the break Allin takes out Moxley who was on a chair on the outside before they take it back inside.

Moxley stops Allin with a John Woo dropkick before they go back & forth with pin attempts before Allin puts on an arm breaker.

Shafir starts removing the padding from the floor in front of the ring as all the wood is exposed but Allin avoids the Death Rider and sends Moxley into the steel steps.

Allin tries to dive onto Moxley but goes crashing into the wood instead before Moxley drops him onto the steel steps. Allin crawls back into the ring.

They start trading slaps before Moxley runs into an exposed turnbuckle as Allin gets a two count.

Allin tries a Coffin Drop but drops right into a sleeper hold from Moxley.

Moxley turns it into the Bulldog Choke but Allin is able to crawl to the bottom rope to break it up.

They head to the top rope but Allin gets distracted by Shafir on the apron as Moxley hits an avalanche Death Rider for the win.

Winner & New #1 Contender To The AEW World Title: Jon Moxley (18:43)
Rate: 7

-After the match Bryan Danielson runs in from the crowd and starts choking out Moxley with a tie, before Shafir, Claudio Castagnoli & PAC run out to break him off. Private Party & Komander run out to fight them off before Moxley gets pulled out as Danielson is trying to hit him with Busaiku Knee. Danielson gets on the mic and makes it official that he will defend his title against Moxley at WrestleDream.

Friday’s Rampage

Tag Team Match
House Of Black (Buddy Matthews & Malakai Black) vs. Action Andretti & Lio Rush

Anna Jay vs. Robyn Renegade

Konosuke Takeshita vs. Angelico

Tag Team Match
The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens & Max Caster) vs. TJ Crawford & Ryan Clancy

Willow Nightingale vs. Taya Valkyrie

Grand Slam Night 2 (Spoilers)

TNT Title Match
Jack Perry (c) vs. Minoru Suzuki

Brody King vs. Action Andretti

Tornado Trios Match
The Learning Tree (Chris Jericho, Bryan Keith & Big Bill) vs. The Conglomeration (Kyle O’Reilly, Orange Cassidy & Mark Briscoe)

Saraya’s Rules Match
Saraya vs. Jamie Hayter

Lumberjack Strap Match
Jeff Jarrett vs. Hangman Page

Trios Titles Match
Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta) & PAC (c) vs. Private Party (Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen) & Komander

Triple Threat Match
The Beast Mortos vs. Dralistico vs. Hologram

Non Title Match
Continental Champion Kazuchika Okada vs. Sammy Guevara (If Guevara wins he gets a Continental Title match)

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