MLP Forged In Excellence Night 1 Results (October 19th, 2024)

On October 19th, 2024 MLP aired the 1st of 2 nights of Forged In Excellence live in Windsor Ontario Canada inside St Clair College & can watch it on TrillerTV.

Note: This review will be shorter then normal as it be the last few mins of the match.

-Kicking off Night 1 of Forged Of Excellence with a video showing the history of Maple Leaf with comments from talent appearing on today’s show and narration from Mauro Ranallo.

6 Man Tag Team Match
El Phantasmo, Josh Alexander & Stu Grayson vs. Rocky Romero, Trevor Lee & Alex Zayne

Stu Grayson takes out Alex Zayne with Nightfall before everybody else runs in and continues nonstop.

Josh Alexander & Rocky Romero go into a sequence before Alexander escapes out of an armbar, right into a backbreaker followed by C4 Spike to get the win.

Winners: El Phantasmo, Josh Alexander & Stu Grayson (13:31)
Rate: 7

-We go to the back where McKenzie Mitchell is with Mike Bailey & Bailey talks about feeling scared about facing one of the best wrestlers in the world tonight Konosuke Takeshita but it’s also scary to leave your home country without a title. Tonight he has the homecourt advantage and he will make this country proud.

-We get a video narrated by Bret Hart about the history of Maple Leaf Wrestling with clips showing such talent as Ric Flair, Bruno Sammartino, Andre The Giant, Roddy Piper, Harley Race, Killer Kowalski, and more. Hart talks about them defining a generation and making Maple Leaf Wrestling a household name. Hart talks about it being a time to reignite the flame of the wrestling dynasty with MLP Wrestling being forged in the past, living in the present and ready to dominate the future. 

QT Marshall vs. Bhupinder Gujjar

Bhupinder Gujjar reverses a Diamond Cutter attempt for a backslide to get two.

A bit of back & forth until Gujjar hits a jumping knee and sets up for Gargoyle Spear but Harley Cameron is there to hold his leg to stop him.

QT Marshall takes advantage hitting a forearm follow by Diamond Cutter to get the pin

Winner: QT Marshall (8:24)
Rate: 4

-We go to earlier today, where McKenzie is in the locker room with Kylie Rae. Rae says she took the first flight to Canada when this match was announced and she’s been here for 3 months training and got to the building at 6am when it doesn’t even open until 10am. Rae says she’s excited about all her opponents tonight in Laynie Luck, Aurora Teves & Taylor Rising before bringing up other females on the shows such as Miya Yamashita, Gisele Shaw & Athena. Mitchell says she’s excited for Rae as they share a hug

Fatal 4 Way Match
Laynie Luck vs. Kylie Rae vs. Taylor Rising vs. Aurora Taves

Taylor Rising takes out Kylie Rae & Aurora Taves with a tope suicida on the outside but Luck is right there to take them all out with a rolling senton from the top rope.

Rising hits a Pedigree before all 4 go at it ending with Rae taking out with a superkick before making the cover on Teves who just got taken out by a cutter from Luck to get the win.

Winner: Kylie Rae (6:53)
Rate: 6

-McKenzie Mitchell is in the back with Josh Alexander & he is proud to be back in Canada and is happy that Canadians have a home now in Maple Leaf Pro Wrestling and that means Canadian wrestling is back. Alexander talks about making history by winning the 1st match in MLP’s resurgence and tomorrow he will make more history with Konosuke Takeshita.

IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Titles Fatal 4 Way Match
Jett Setters (Kevin Knight & Kushida) (c) vs. Rouge Squadron (Rohit Raju & Sheldon Jean) vs. El Reverso & Aiden Prince vs Johnny Swinger & Brent Banks

Everybody starts taking turns hitting offense in the ring before Jet Setters take over but as Kevin Knight dives to the outside Johnny Swinger rolls up Kushida only getting a two.

They quickly go after Johnny Swinger by hitting Perfect Timing to get the win.

Winners & Still IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions: Jett Setters (16:10) (STILL CHAMPIONS!!!)
Rate: 6

PWA Champions Grail Title Match
Jake Something vs. Rohan Raja

Rohan Raja reverses out of The Void and hits a backstabber and brainbuster for a two of his own.

Jake Something comes back with a Thesz Press just for Raja to fight back and hit Seek & Destroy to get the win.

Winner & New PWA Champions Grail Champion: Rohan Raja (13:30) (NEW CHAMPION!!!)
Rate: 6

-After the match McKenzie Mitchell meets Raja at the top of the ramp and asks what winning this title means to him. Raja says he knows he is going to be champion because it’s his destiny and everywhere he goes he ascends to the throne. Raja says he will take this title all over the world because he wants to face the best and from now on he will be known as Raveneous Rohan Raja.

-We cut to Bully Ray in the back who says he’s the reason why everybody is here tonight and the 1st ever MLP show sold out and why everybody is watching this on Triller TV. Ray says he has 0 clue why Raj Dhesi would sign up for a Tables match against him and calls him a washed up former World Champion and Dhesi will never put him through a table.

Tables Match
Raj Dhesi vs. Bully Ray

With the referee down Raj Dhesi puts Bully Ray through a table with a chokeslam.

As he tries to wake up the referee QT Marshall runs into the ring with a chain and takes out Dhesi placing him on top of the broken table. The referee comes to sees that and calls the match.

Winner: Bully Ray (8:53)
Rate: 2

-We get a video promoting TNA Bound for Glory before cutting to commentary where Mauro Ranallo asks Don Callis how he feels about Konosuke Takeshita’s match tonight as he says they have a surprise for Mike Bailey. 

-We see footage of McKenzie Mitchell getting a word with Gisele Shaw earlier today about how Miyu Yamashita can enter herself in the ROH Women’s Title match tomorrow with a win over Shaw tonight which Shaw says won’t happen.

Miyu Yamashita vs. Gisele Shaw

If Yamashita wins she gets added to the ROH Women’s Title match on Day 2.

Miyu Yamashita & Gisele Shaw start trading forearms which gets harder and faster and quickly transitions into kick exchanges as both ladies fall to the mat.

Shaw stays on top of Yamashita with a headbutt and a forearm before hitting Denouement to get the win.

Winner: Gisele Shaw (12:36) (Since Yamashita lost she doesn’t get added to the ROH Women’s Title match on Night 2)
Rate: 7

Non Title Match
AEW International Champion Konosuke Takeshita vs. Mike Bailey

If Bailey wins he gets a International Title Match.

Konosuke Takeshita & Mike Bailey start trading kicks and strikes before Bailey hits Green Tea Plunge just for Takeshita to reverse it into a deadlift German suplex and a lariat as Bailey kicks out at two.

Bailey hits a Poisonrana, Tornado Kick and barely connects with Ultima Weapon as Takeshita kicks out.

Takeshita reverses out of a Flamingo Driver and hits the Inhuman Driver for two.

Back to back & forth offense until Takeshita hits Power Drive Knee then a cover but Bailey kicks out and Takeshita follows with Raging Fire to get the win.

Winner: AEW International Champion Konosuke Takeshita (24:39) (Since Bailey lost he doesn’t get a AEW International Title match)
Rate: 11 (Recommend)

-After the match Josh Alexander came out and had a face off with Takeshita

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