ROH on Honor Club Results – 10/24/2024

We open with a very brief package with stills from last night announcing that Chris Jericho is indeed the new ROH World Champion. We did not all just experience a weird fever dream together. In any event, we then run down the events for tonight, including the celebration for Athena, coming only a mere 39 days after she passed Samoa Joe’s record for longest reigning champion in ROH history.

MATCH 1 – Gates of Agony vs. The Infantry
Two teams at a crossroads here, as we seem to be in the middle of a will they or won’t they with The Infantry, with Shane Taylor and STP trying to encourage them, if not actively courting them. Meanwhile, Gates of Agony recently took to social media to point out all the folks that have abandoned them over their run in ROH, from Tully Blanchard to Swerve Strickland to Brian Cage and beyond. At the risk of editorializing, I think they’d make a great choice to take the belts off Dustin and Sammy, but your mileage may vary. We see a bit more of an edge out of The Infantry as Carlie Bravo runs Kaun into the guardrail on the outside, with Bryce Remsburg distracted. Toa hitting a fallaway slam/samoan drop combo by himself will never not be impressive. But again, The Infantry pulls Kaun off the apron to prevent a tag. Nevertheless, the power of the Gates of Agony takes over, as they hit Open the Gates (double team crucifix powerbomb) for the win.
Gates of Agony def. The Infantry (Toa Liona pins Shawn Dean) with Open The Gates in 8:16.

MATCH 2 – Reyna Isis vs. Viva Van
Ian talks about this as a CMLL vs. NJPW match, with Van being trained in the NJPW Dojo, and having worked New Japan Strong. In keeping with her ring name, Isis at one point featured a sort of a veil like mask, but she lost that in a match back in September of 2022 at CMLL’s 89th Anniversary show. ROH continuing to be a low key home for lucha libre in the United States is a cool differentiating factor for a brand desperately in search of an identity. Viva hit a spinwheel kick that was almost a koppu kick to take control early on. Isis takes back control after an upkick in the corner, and hits a few Mil Mascaras running headbutts to set up a cross body to the outside. Isis hangs up Van in the ropes and hits a second rope legdrop for the win.
Reyna Isis pins Viva Van with a second rope legdrop in 6:39.

Backstage we have comments from Leyla Hirsch! She pledges to regain all the momentum she had before being injured in the Texas Death Match at Death Before Dishonor, and to be a champion in ROH.

MATCH 3 – Rocky Romero vs. Brandon Cutler
Rocky is accompanied by the mascot of the NBA G-League Stockton Kings, Dunkson. Sure, why not. Cutler interrupts and calls Rocky a mascot of professional wrestling–not sure how that’s supposed to be a dunk, but go ahead. Cutler says he learned lucha libre in the mean strets of Rancho Cucomunga, and says he can wrestle circles around Rocky. He also mentions that we have rules in ROH, and Rocky can’t do anything until he shakes Cutler’s hand. Deeply weird that Brandon is trying to big time being in ROH, when Rocky Romero made his ROH debut in 2004, and is one of a handful of guys to hold the ROH Tag Team Titles with THREE different partners. Bonus points if you can name all three of them. Either way, after a pretty standard match, Rocky hits the running Shiranui for the pin.
Rocky Romero pins Brandon Cutler with a running Shiranui in 4:44.

MATCH 4 – Lee Johnson & EJ Nduka vs. Bret Hankins & Jiah Jewell
Caprice calls them LeeJ, and that works for me. As I’m thinking how Hankins’s gear reminds me of old Mike Rotuna Varsity Club era ring wear, Ian name drops Syracuse, which is close enough for me to call parallel thought. EJ Nduka comes in as does Jewell, and it ends badly for Mr. Jewell. He tries to clothesline Nduka and hurts his arm. The crowd chants “One more time.” I love when a crowd gets in on the joke. Ian puts the cart before the horse a bit saying he’d like to see LeeJ challenge for the tag titles, while Caprice pumps the brakes, saying he’d like to see them have a few more matches.
Lee Johnson & EJ Nduka def. Bret Hankins & Jiah Jewell (Lee Johnson pins Jiah Jewell) with a spinebuster/neckbreaker combination in 4:39.

Our historic match is Athena defeating Mercedes Martinez for the ROH Women’s World Title at Final Battle 2022. A great match that went on second that night, while the ROH World Title closed, with Claudio Castagnoli ending the reign of Jericho. One year later, Athena was in the main event defending against Billie Starkz, while the ROH World Title was not even defended. Eddie Kingston wrestled Anthony Henry in a Proving Ground match. On pay-per-view.
Athena pinned Mercedes Martinez in 13:06.

We come back to the championship celebration! Billie Starkz is already in the ring, to announce the champion, who comes out, yes, still chained to Lexy Nair. I see a cake in the ring too, so that’s going in someone’s face somehow. Lexy introduces the MIT Dance Team. Who is terrible. Athena sends them out, furious, because they talked about having Ja Rule. She cuts a long promo about how furious she is, how the party sucks, and it’s all Billie’s fault. She turns verbally on Billie, saying she’s been jealous of everything Athena has done in her career. Billie shoves Athena and simply says “I’m done,” before walking off. Lexy desperately tries to salvage things by showing Athena her special surprise: the original ROH Women’s World Championship belt fixed with an Athena picture in the middle–WHICH SPINS! She’s thrilled and hugs Lexy, only for ABADON’s music to hit. Athena hides Lexy under the ring, and when Abadon doesn’t come out, Athena goes to retrieve Lexy, and, naturally she’s now chained to Abadon. Abadon hits Black Dahlia in the ring, and sure enough, Chekhov’s cake goes into Athena’s face. Abadon celebrates with the Women’s World Title belt before leaving.

Another video package on Chris Jericho winning the ROH World Title last night, and being confronted afterward by Tomohiro Ishii. We then cut to Mark Briscoe backstage after the match who simply winces in pain and walks away.

MATCH 5 – Brian Cage vs. Komander – ROH World TV Championship Match
Komander won this opportunity last week by defeating longtime Brian Cage rival Willie Mack. Personally, I don’t mind the idea of Cage as ROH World TV Champion. But it would be nice if it was built on ROH TV or indeed even happened on ROH TV. This could be sneaky good because Cage is a fantastic base and is used to working with luchadores. And sure enough, it’s power vs. speed. Cage tosses Komander round with ease but Komander is able to take control with his usual high flying. But Cage’s power keeps him in control. Wild that Komander hits a corkscrew moonsault but Cage kicks out at one! Komander gets him back in the ring, hits his rope walk shooting star, but instead of kicking out at two, Cage simply sits up with Komander in his arms. He rolls back and through, and hits a QUADRUPLE powerbomb, and then turns him into a fireman’s carry and hits a release F5 for the win.
Brian Cage def. Komander with a release F5 in 10:15.

Cage celebrates with the ROH World TV Title as Ian wishes us HAPPY WRESTLING, EVERYBODY!

Total Show Time: 1:19:06
Total Match Time: 47:39 (60.2%)
Average Match Time: 7:56
