Marigold World Champion Sareee Comments On Critical Messages Concerning Her Uranage Signature Move

Image Courtesy of Tokyo Sports

Back on November 14th in Tokyo, Japan, the Marigold World Champion was scheduled to defend her title against the challenge of Nanae Takahashi. Unfortunately Takahashi suffered an injured neck after Sareee used her signature move the Uranage on her. Takahashi was subsequently replaced in the 11/14 title match by Nao Ishikawa.

For the past 3-4 days, Sareee has been receiving unpleasant direct messages from individuals who are seemingly upset that Takahashi was injured, an injury that was by no means intentional.

Some of the messages she has received due to the Uranage are “Quit being a wrestler” and “Are you trying to kill someone?”.

Sareee commented on Takahashi’s injury and her usage of the Uranage move while speaking with Tokyo Sports:

“I’m sorry that I ended up injuring her (Nanae Takahashi), but I didn’t do it with the intention of injuring her. Of course, the Uranage is an important move for me, so I will continue to use it in the future. I’m truly sorry for causing concern to both the fans and the other wrestlers but I’m fine. I’ll continue to show my strength in the ring.”Sareee

Sareee did receive some good news, Puroresu legend Kenta Kobashi named her as a strong candidate for the Women’s Pro Wrestling Grand Prize in the Tokyo Sports Newspaper’s 2024 Pro-Wrestling Awards.

Sareee gave a comment on that to Tokyo Sports as well:

“I’m so happy. I’m so glad that you were watching me. But right now, I don’t care about awards or anything else, I’m just going forward with the kind of pro wrestling I believe in.” – Sareee

Nanae Takahashi will receive her Marigold World Title shot against Sareee on December 13th.

(H/T goes to meraWrestling for English translation for 1st quote, 2nd quote translated via Deepl)

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