Jada Stone Isn’t the Transphobic One

Photo courtesy of Jada Stone Twitter/X


No, not that Jaida. She deserves every bit of flack that she’s currently on the receiving end of. But there’s another Jada in professional wrestling who is inadvertently catching strays for the alleged transphobia of NXT’s Jaida Parker.

Her name is Jada Stone. And there’s no ‘I,’ or transphobia, with this one.

The misunderstanding came about when NXT’s Jaida Parker ‘liked’ an Instagram post in support of banning transgender athletes from competing in women’s sports. Even though they are women.

When a Twitter user called Parker out on it, she not only doubled-down…she went for a straight flush.

And other Twitter users (including some of her peers), called her bluff.

Joey Janela, famous for being an outspoken kinda guy, also made his opinion on the matter known.

It’s independent wrestler, and NJPW Academy Graduate, Jada Stone, however, who is bearing some of the brunt of ‘Other Jaida’s’ comments.

Note the different spelling. There’s no ‘I’ in Jada Stone. There is also no ‘I’ in team. And if trans athletes want to be a part of a women’s sports team, who is Jaida Parker to say they can’t?

Incidentally, the definition of transphobia is as follows:  “discrimination against, aversion to, or fear of transgender people.”

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