What Was Originally Planned For Dean Ambrose On RAW

WWE’s lackluster promo writers are why Dean Ambrose decided to leave WWE after April. He doesn’t like “hokey” promos at all.

Dave Meltzer noted on Wrestling Observer Radio that the original script for the promo was much longer than Dean Ambrose just saying ”Slay the beast” to Seth Rollins before exiting the ring. Here is what he said:

“Originally he was supposed to explain like why he said ‘Slay the beast,’ but he didn’t. So he just said, ‘Slay the beast.’”

“You know it was one of those about it was the deal of whatever, we started together and blah blah the whole Shield thing and Roman Reigns and all that which makes all the sense in the world considering the turn and everything. I just gotta say that Dean Ambrose turn, in hindsight, the heel turn it sure was a flop, wasn’t it?”

We will have to wait and see how Dean Ambrose will be till he leaves the company and what plans he might have for Wrestlemania.

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h/t to Ringside News for the transcription.
