Brodie Lee Reveals How Vince McMahon Comparisons Hurt His Time In AEW

Brodie Lee signed with AEW as the Exalted One, leader of The Dark Order. His initial few promos seemed to be a spoof of Vince McMahon and that might have actually harmed him.

During AEW Unrestricted, Brodie Lee discussed those spoof skits of McMahon. He said that the spoofs were all that people talked about and he could not help it. The only thing fans cared about was what peculiar habit of McMahon Lee was going to make a parody of next.

“The Vince McMahon comparisons flew! That’s all people talked about the first 3 to 4 weeks of my AEW career, and that became I think detrimental to me, and I didn’t like it. I didn’t want it. So I tried to get away from the stuff that they were saying so as opposed to a multi-colored suit, I now went with a full tailored to me that I don’t think looks like a Vince McMahon or anybody else. This is my bi-monthly routine now is to go get a suit made, and I love it.”

In order to prevent McMahon comparisons, Brodie Lee started wearing custom suits. Despite it being costly, Lee was prepared to do it as he wanted to make sure it was unique to him.

h/t to  AEW Unrestricted for the transcription.
