Drew McIntyre Calls Out Superstars Who Complain Over Extra Media Work During WrestleMania Week

WrestleMania week is one of the busiest weeks of the year for a WWE Superstar. In addition to their usual work in the ring and the biggest show of the year, there’s media commitments for the Superstars. While appearances and interviews are hardly unusual for the talent, the requests come up in larger numbers this particular week, with some stars who don’t normally get a large number of requests get flooded with them.

For some of these stars, it seems like a lot of extra work they’re not particularly crazy about. One person who thinks they should be thankful for it is Drew McIntyre. McIntyre was on WWE’s YouTube channel, talking about his busy schedule this week before slamming those who complain about the extra work.

“This week was stepped up another level. There’s been a few 6 a.m. starts for eight hours at a time, couple of the days with the WrestleMania media, but I can’t possibly complain. A lot of our superstars do but a very minimal amount. I want to smack them upside the head. You’re literally talking about yourself, you’re talking about WWE, you’re talking about WrestleMania. If you’re lucky enough to be on WrestleMania, then what the hell have you got to complain about? It’s a dream, as far as I’m concerned.”

McIntyre also gave his thoughts and felt many Superstars sit in catering to wait for a chance while he is busy promoting himself and the WWE in any way possible to make his chances. Despite not regaining the WWE Championship last night at WrestleMania, you can be sure McIntyre will be hustling for his next opportunity.

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