Sunny Is Furious Regarding Reports About Her Arrest

Tammy Sytch (Formerly known as Sunny) has been in the news for all the wrong reasons of late. She has been arrested and charged with nine different charges in relation to a car crash earlier this year that lead to the death of an elderly man. Sytch was released on bail after posting a bond of over 200,000 dollars. It has also been revealed Sytch’s blood alcohol level was over 3.5 times the legal limit.

Sytch has now taken to her Facebook page to insult reporters due to the reporting of her arrest and subsequent charges:

“If ANYONE says ANYTHING negative about me, you will be blocked and NEVER unblocked. You don’t know the real story so don’t act like you’re some f***ing journalist when all you do is type from your moms basement. Done.”

Tammy Sytch on Facebook

It seems odd Sytch would lash out at reporters simply reporting the facts of her case. Her actions lead to the death of another human being – all while under the influence and driving with reckless abandonment. There is no excuse for her actions.

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