Big E Continues To Wear Neck Brace As He Attends Tampa Bay Lightning Game

It appears that Big E still remains in a neck brace to fix the broken neck he suffered earlier this year.

Earlier this year in a match with Ridge Holland, Big E suffered a broken neck and would require immediate surgery to fix the injury. E is still in a neck brace, as he explained last month he wasn’t healing in the way he should have been according to doctors.

Now, it seems like E will continue to be in the Brace for the time being as he was spotted at a Tampa Bay Lightnings game. Titus O Neil took to Twitter and posted a pic of E in the brace:

Of course, Big E will likely not be a part of the WWE roster for some time still, with no apparent return date in site. Hopefully attending the game lifted Big E’s spirits while he’s out injured.

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