Total Bellas: Bellas and the City

The first episode of Season Four of Total Bellas brought forth a lot of changes for both Nikki and Brie. Many things have changed in their lives since the viewers of the show saw them last and that only seems to be the beginning of the

Miz and Mrs. : Proud Papa

Throughout the first season in Miz and Mrs., The Miz has been beyond excited and really looking forward to becoming a father. While Miz and Mrs. will often show us family members from Maryse’s family, viewers have often seen Maryse’s Mom Fantasy Booking

Fantasy Booking. We've all done it right? Sat there, watched a show, and said "Hey I can book that better!". I know I have. Literally actually did it too, but that's for another time. So what if we took a fed, and made it our

Wrestlemania Weekend Aftermath

Talkamania has returned from New York City!!! On this week's episode we share our experiences from attending Wrestlemania week! We give our takes on NXT Takeover New York WWE Axxess Busted Open's 10th Anniversary Party Wrestlemania 35…