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Miz and Mrs. : Cowboy Miz

Though it was confusing at first as to how the seasons of Miz and Mrs. were being divided up, it was announced the season one’s mid-season finale would be episode six entitled ‘Cowboy Miz’ and the season would pick back up again in the

When Did Wrestling Stop Being Fun?

When did we forget wrestling is supposed to be fun? I know we’re not supposed to admit this as wrestling fans but I’m a huge mark for this business. It’s always been fun for me. Back in the early 90s when I became a huge wrestling fan we…

Miz and Mrs. : Road Trip Mania

It’s WrestleMania weekend, which for any WWE superstars is crazy in and of itself. However, for Miz and Maryse this year WrestleMania brings even more challenges than it has before. Maryse has just had their first baby, Monroe, and on top